Magic Gamer | Teen Ink

Magic Gamer

December 14, 2015
By ChristopherL BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
ChristopherL BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a silent spring afternoon for Trevor Davis. He had just moved out of his sister’s house, and finally found a place on his own that suited his luxurious, modern lifestyle. Although his new house had no neighbors, he had gotten used to the peace and quiet. Trevor had only finished packing about half of his boxes, so the house was still kind of empty. Meanwhile, he was sitting out on his lawn chair that he had stationed on his porch enjoying the soft drink that his sister had him hooked on. The smooth, fizzy feel on his tongue, he couldn’t have enough of it.

Long after Trevor finished his drink, he decided to take a walk. He felt that he needed a weight lifted off of his shoulders after a long day of unpacking boxes, so that’s what happened. He always liked video games, after all he was a male of course, so he went over to his tournament team’s weekly meeting. If you’re wondering how he made all of his money, this is how. He was a professional gamer. So the meeting went mostly as it always does, play games for a while, discuss strategies, all of that good stuff, at least, until a massive, rock-hurling monster burst through the doorway.

Trevor wanted to run, but he knew that he couldn’t escape with that, “thing”, attacking his teammates. He had tried desperately to dial 911, but for some reason, all of his electronics were pure static. But right as he looked up, time froze. Everything, including his teammates and the living boulder, was standing completely still. Then it happened. A bright, glowing, blue light shimmered in front of him like the projector he used to draw up strategies. He thought he might’ve been going crazy, but it seemed like the shape of a person. Suddenly, Trevor backed up in shock as the being began to speak,
“If you and your friends are going to live, you’ll listen closely,” Trevor slowly nodded, trying to recognize the extremely monotone voice.
“Ok, first you must leave here, with or without your friends, and run as far as you can, preferably to your sister’s house, you’ll be safe there. But as for the monster, you must deal with that on your own. I can only weaken him so much, it will be best if you do it on your own. Good luck, and I’ll hopefully see you again.”

That wasn’t very helpful at all, Trevor thought. He still had a large, rock-throwing monster to deal with. Was that person crazy? It will be best to do it on your own, my butt. Once time started working again, Trevor was absolutely done for. Or that’s what he thought. When time was restored, he found something at his feet. It was a glass filled with blue liquid, the same color as the strange person. It read, Two options, 1. Drink up and you will become a great warrior, capable of defeating this monster 2. Desert your friends, save yourself by diving out of the window, and throw this in the trash, for by then, it will have no uses for the likes of you. Make the Right Choice

The mysterious symbol, although it confused him, gave him a sense of courage. He drank the glass dry of every last, stinkin’ drop. He instantly looked down at himself noticing the armor and wand that he possessed in his grasp. He charged into battle, not even aware that his friends were watching him run in their defense. He ripped out the wand, realizing that he knew not a single spell. He looked down at the small staff and realized that the same odd symbol was engraved in the wood. He looked back at the rocky mongrel that he faced, and spoke one simple word.

The monster shrieked in pain, glowing a light blue as it slowly incinerated. Trevor backed up in a trance, not knowing what to do next. But before he could make any decisions, time froze once again. This time, the personification was shining a bright gold, and seemed to have more qualities of a human being. In fact, Trevor could’ve sworn that was his sister, Alex! As what seemed to be Alex began to speak, the voice became much more clear.

“Brother, you have done well, for you have defeated something that has eluded us for decades.” Trevor began to feel a sense of anger. He had been lied to by his own sister for his entire life!
“Who is us?” Alex seemed to express a feeling of sadness. Trevor immediately felt terrible.
“I mean, what are you talking about?” She somehow maintained her straight face, and began to explain.
“Trevor, you are the descendent of one of the greatest magicians of all time.”

“So you’re telling me that you are the leader of a magician organization that hunts down monsters all around the world, and that I’m the only key to your survival?” She was about to start speaking, but then her image began to flicker. She turned and looked to her side, where a small boy was talking to her in a foreign language, what type Trevor did not know.
“Trevor, go to my house, we’ll talk soon.” She turned around, and the image disappeared. Time unfroze and his friends turned towards him, partially in disbelief, and partially in fear.
Phillip, the smallest one of the team, started to talk.
“What the-” He stammered some of the scariest swear words you’d ever hear, so I’ll spare your innocent eyes. Once he had finished his profanity, Trevor told all of his friends to go home and forget about everything that had happened. Although reluctant, everyone left. Trevor had a lot on his mind at the moment.

After just moving out of his sister’s place, it felt odd to be back there once again. But this time, circumstances were much grimmer. He walked up to the house, and then entered without even knocking on the door. Not the best decision he’d made in his life. Instantly, he tried to dodge fireballs, boulders, and oddly enough, raw fish. He dove what he thought was a chair, and then fell through the floorboards. He landed so hard, that when his vision cleared, he thought he was hallucinating. Little kids and senior citizens alike were throwing different things like fireballs, these purple orbs that were explosive, and again more raw fish.

After passing out, Trevor woke up at Alex’s side, covered with a blanket and a weird quilt, which showed the odd symbol in the center.
“Good, you’re awake, I was beginning to think you died of a heart attack.” His sister was always good at lightening the mood.
“Where am I?” Trevor managed to say without passing out again.
“You, brother, are in Australia.” She opened a window, revealing the overlook of Sydney, opera house and all. Trevor couldn’t do anything but gawk in the amazing city below him.

After an amazing breakfast served to him by small children, Trevor was ready  for some answers. He was escorted to a room where Alex was waiting for him.
“Here’s what we want from you.” She showed him the screen of a tablet showing a massive monster, much larger than the behemoth that Trevor had defeated just the day before.
“This thing showed up right as you left, which is why I gave you that soda before you moved out,” She said with surprising calmness,
“It strengthened your magic presence, making you easier to be located by monsters.” Trevor couldn’t believe it. He was being used as bait!
“So your grand scheme was to leave your little brother out to dry, just so you can draw out a gargantuan fiend?” Alex seemed so taken aback by Trevor’s anger, she about dropped the tablet she had in her hands.
“I know, my methods weren’t well thought out, but we didn’t have any other choice, so will you help or not?” Trevor couldn’t stand the thought of him standing by as his sister stands alone against something like that.
“Fine, I’ll help, but you have to promise to not include me in any more of these ordeals for as long as I live.” Alex’s response was instant.
“Not a chance.” She got him there. She knew he was helping.

Alex led him into what seemed like a training room, and gave him a complete crash course for magic in under ten minutes. She taught him a few of the key spells that he “supposedly” needed to know. She dressed him in all black, apparently good for magic, and sent him to the outside. Before she had sent him off, she gave him a vial with a liquid inside of it, like the last one he had received, but instead of blue, the concoction was a bright gold, just as the hologram of Alex had been when Trevor had vanquished the other monster.

Once arriving at street level of Sydney, Trevor began to listen for noises, look for rubble, anything. But he found absolutely nothing. That is, until he looked up. The large brute looked more like a volcano rather than a boulder, and was about six times the size of the last one. When it took a step, it left magma as some sort of burning footprint. Trevor was probably the most scared he had ever been in his life, and forgot pretty much all of the spells he had learnt. His last resort, the golden vial. He drank it all, and for what seemed like an hour, but what was actually a minute, nothing happened. But then he began to feel an odd sensation, and although it left a bad taste in his mouth, he felt as if he had just grown twenty feet in height, and gained probably about a thousand pounds of pure muscle mass. Well ,that was because he had.

Trevor now matched the size and strength of the behemoth, and instead of holding a wand, he was wielding a large sword the size of a light pole. He fought like he had been training for twenty years, and fought well. But every time the monster seemed to be at death’s door, it just kept on coming back for more. He began to feel his small 5’10” figure trying to come back, but he had to maintain this avatar, or his sister and all of her friends could be killed. He made one final push at the monster, his muscles burning like fire, and his body heating up rapidly. He dodged one of the monster’s strikes, and found it’s weak spot. Right in the middle of the armpit. He drove his sword into the monster, and twisted, making sure it stayed stuck. The monster wailed in pain, frustration, and anger. It shot fireballs everywhere, and slowly collapsed to the ground. But it was not finished just yet. It spewed three of the monsters that Trevor had faced back at the warehouse out of it's mouth.

Trevor had a stronger avatar this time, but he had used up all of his energy. He began to swing his sword at the monsters, but it felt like he was trying to pick up a car.What were those spells? Trevor had to think of something, or he was doomed. The monsters, realizing that Trevor wasn't paying attention, advanced. They threw boulders the size of tables, roaring as if they had already won. Trevor, desperate to survive, grabbed a bent stop sign and started swinging. Just in the nick of time, he was able to block the boulders before they could cause any more damage. He flung the stop sign at one of the monsters, hoping he could buy some time. Luckily, the stop sign cut through the monster like it was warm butter. One down, two to go. The monsters, however startled, continued their barrage. As they began to hurl more boulders, the second one dropped its rock on its head, crushing it and leaving behind a burnt spot on the street. Trevor looked up, and smiled. His sister, giving him a thumbs up, was forcing the boulders down to the Earth. But she must have gotten distracted by Trevor, because the last remaining monster sluggishly threw a boulder at Alex. Trevor watched in fear as the boulder lodged itself in the window she was peeking out of. If that rock had been thrown any harder, Trevor might have had to plan his sister’s funeral. Now extremely agitated from its failed attempts, the monster launched itself at Trevor, waving its arms, trying to hit its mark. Trevor dodged to the size and finally remembered a spell. Trahi, Trevor thought, and then the entire street was leveled by a massive explosion. The monster somehow managed not to be incinerated, but it collapsed, and crumbled to pieces. Trevor, now in normal size, collapsed with it.

Trevor woke up in his bedroom, started to get up, when a familiar voice spoke up.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Alex’s warning came too late, and Trevor winced in pain.
“You should stay in bed for a few hours, that spell is really taxing of anyone who uses it.” Trevor nodded in agreement.
“So, that’s it then?” Alex’s expression was reassuring as she replied.
“For now, yes. You are going to rest up, live your life, and if I, uh, ever need you again, I’ll expect you to say no.”Trevor grinned as she began to leave. They both looked at each other for just a moment, and they parted ways.

The End

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