On a Dark and Stormy Night | Teen Ink

On a Dark and Stormy Night

December 25, 2015
By KayD4656 BRONZE, Theodore, Alabama
KayD4656 BRONZE, Theodore, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a dark and stormy night, my mother met my father at the club just inside the city limits. She was an orphan, who only knew of the place she was raised, and he was a runaway, fueled by pain and anger. It wasn't the best match, but soon they would realize that they truly needed each other more than they knew at the time. Everybody has a secret, some more dangerous than others. Little did they know, their secrets would come to haunt me, and tear our family apart, piece by piece.

A year later, also on a dark and stormy night, I was born under the name Rio Amelie Evilina. I had breathing problems,and at the time,the doctors didn't notice that I was struggling to breath. My parents were so happy. They forgot about their problems, the secrets that they were trying to keep hidden, disappeared.

When I was three, my father went missing. Until recently ,I never knew what happened to him. That's when my mom went into panic mode. She grabbed me and everything she thought she needed, and stuffed it into a backpack. She started running, as if she was afraid. She was able to survive by sneaking into farms of all kinds, and taking what she could. If it got cold, she used extra money she had to rent a hotel for the night. After that, she took off again. This lasted for a year before it happened.

It was pouring that night, so my mother and I were hiding in the shadows of a small, run down gas station. Lights started flashing everywhere, explosions burst all around us. People were screaming, trying to find a place to hide. My mother started crying. She grabbed me, wrapped me up in a small blanket, and put a file in my arms.

”Please know that I love you.” My mother said through her tears. All of a sudden, The world exploded into a bright light, and my mother covered my body with hers as everything faded to black.

I wouldn't have known what happened that night, if it wasn't for the file I had. If was burned in some spots, but I can still read it. The file contains a lot of documents describing what happened and why it happened, and let me tell you something, it wasn't pretty. Who would've thought so much could've happened on a dark and stormy night.

My name is Rio Evilina, and it has been nine years since the world was destroyed by aliens, otherwise known as, my family.

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