The Chip | Teen Ink

The Chip

December 11, 2015
By boulder248 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
boulder248 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year is 2065, there’s new and advanced technology in the U.S. There are zero-gravity cars, robotic parts that replace missing parts of the human body. The military has new technology that helps humans fight in combat like thermal vision through their eyes, robots that can fight in the combat with them. There was a couple that had a baby. The baby's name was Will. The parents did not know that the military came and put a chip in Will’s head. The chip was put in his head and no one could see it in his head, not even with x-rays. He was programmed to be a super soldier with super abilities once it’s activated (no one knows when it will be activated, not even the ones who put the chip in his head) he will find new abilities that he has.
The parents took their kid Will home. He acted really weird because he didn’t cry and already knew how to talk and walk. The parents took Will to the doctor and they tested him and they were surprised that he did things that no baby can do after days of being born. They checked him with x-rays and they didn’t find anything different or found the chip either. They told the parents they couldn't find anything. They went back home with Will confused and not knowing what to do.
4 years later… Will went to preschool and he wasn’t really talkative but he could count, he could write, and he could draw. The teachers were really surprised that Will already knew those things. They asked his parents “how does he know all of those things already?” and they told them that they didn’t knew how Will was so smart. They told them that “when he was a couple days old he was already walking and talking”.  The teachers were shocked and then Will and his parents went home.
7 years later...Will went to his first day of middle school. He was still shy but he was still shy. There was a couple of kids who bullied him and no one did anything about it. No one else gave him a chance to be his friend. He came home sad and didn’t want to go back. His parents asked “what’s wrong?” and he said “no one likes me”. Then they said “sure they do”. After going to middle school for a couple of months Will became more isolated from people and got even more sad. His parents decided to take him to therapy. Will told the therapist his problem about being bullied and that no one wants to be his friend. The therapist told him to get into clubs and he will find friends there. Will tried to play basketball and no one talked to him or passed the ball to him. No one wanted to play with him. Will went back to therapy and he said “he tried playing basketball but no one wanted to talk to him or pass the ball to him”. The therapist said “I’m going to teach you how to defend yourself and learn how to feel okay about being alone”.  Then Will said “okay”, Will always defended himself against bullies and was felt okay to be alone all of his middle school years.
After going through middle school with no friends, Will moved on to high school. No one liked him and people tried to bully him but he still defended himself anyways. One day he was sitting in class while falling asleep because he couldn't fall asleep all night. All of the sudden he heard a loud noise. Then he had thermal vision and he could see people with guns that he couldn't see without thermal vision. For a second he wasn’t controlling his body and the chip was controlling him because it detected danger and all of the sudden he grabbed one enemy and took his gun and shot him and the other enemies and unmasked them because they were wearing an invisible camouflage. The chip made him say “clear” and his squad became visible when they deactivated their camouflage. He had technology implanted in his head and his super abilities activate once he detects danger. He had a squad as well, even though he didn’t that. His squad’s name is Vulture and they are looking for a guy who has attacked the U.S. and U.S’s allies multiple times. They all activated their camouflage and departed to a secret area and figure out where is Ace.
  The squad is made up of 5 people, James, Hunter, Will, Alpha, and Jade. All they know that Ace is currently in France, Paris. They asked the president of France if they could use their cameras to find Ace. He said “yes”, then they looked and looked and haven’t found anything and it's been 4 months now. All of a sudden someone calls the police and says that they saw Ace. The police passed the call to the squad. They recorded it just in case something happens. The man said he saw him pass by with bullet proof car driving in Paris. He said they were on Boulevard Ornano street. The squad rushed to their bullet proof vehicles and rushed to that street. They looked around and didn’t see anything. But Will got a sense of danger. His vision changed a little bit, he saw guns that are in a bag that is in a car. Will said “crash the car quickly!”. James crashed the car quickly and the car flipped over and over and over. The squad got out of the car and pointed their guns at the car and yelled “get out of the car now!” two men got out of the car and started shooting at them. They took cover and started shooting. The squad activated their camouflages and they moved to a spot where the enemies weren't shooting and they shot the enemies. They ran up to them and scanned them with a piece of technology that tells them who it is, none of them were Ace.
Will still sensed danger, then he saw a truck drive by and saw guns in it again. This time Will ran to the bullet proof car and chased after that truck. Will tried to hit the truck but he couldn't get the truck to crash. And then the truck hit Will and he crashed. Will lost conscious for a little bit and passed out. He woke up and saw a man. That man was Ace, he knocked WIll out and took him to a secret place.
Will woke up tied up in a chair, he tried to rip the rope off of his hands and legs but the rope was too strong to be ripped. Will heard a voice, the voice said “welcome Will”. Will said “how do you know my name”. He said “I’m your father”, Will said “no! it's impossible!”. Ace said “When you were born, I put a chip into your head to make you strong and be part of the military but i couldn't take care of you. So I let people take care of you while i was gone and make you think they were your parents so you wouldn't be sad. But I moved out of the military and moved on to better things”. Will said “by better things you mean killing people? Killing people isn’t a good thing”. Ace said “yes it’s a good thing”. Will noticed that he had been brainwashed. All of the sudden there was a loud explosion because the Vulture squad found and came to the secret place and blew up the wall with a rocket launcher and shot Will’s dad. Will burst into tears because he knew that his dad was dead.

The author's comments:

The story is about a futuristic time and technology gets really advanced.

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