The Magical Wand | Teen Ink

The Magical Wand

December 10, 2015
By alyssagalluzzi2016 BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
alyssagalluzzi2016 BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Christmas Day, and the white gleaming snow dusted the top of my car. Our Christmas tree never looked any better and stood strong and tall. The rush of excitement to open presents filled my bones. The chills of getting everything you wanted from Santa Clause. I couldn’t wait for my mother to finish her coffee. “Alyssa you need to wait until your father and I are done with our coffee first before you open your presents” my mother scorned at me. I went in the kitchen and had the best breakfast of my life.
“Yum! Eggs and steak with a bagel on the side my favorite!” I yelled. I took a few bites of my meal and I finished pretty quickly. I was really hungry and I even had a few cookies from the night before. Christmas was my favorite time of year and it just feels magical. Not just because I am getting presents but because the meaning behind Christmas. Today was the day our savior gave up his life for our sins. It’s the time of year to be happy and holy. I finally got to open my presents after begging my mom on my knees. She probably figured if I got to open them, I would shut up already.
I started with the small presents and then worked my way up to the big ones. I like saving the best for last so I can be surprised. Opening the small gifts, I got stuff like lip gloss, nail polish, toothbrushes, candy, and more. I even got a slinky which I always enjoy watching it go down the stairs. Then, I started to open the bigger presents. It ranged from a video game to a new headset. Or even a new iPhone if I was lucky. Santa Clause only comes once a year so I have to get something expensive. Not like my clothes alone already weren’t expensive but I love getting electronics. Soon enough, all of the presents were gone under the tree and I was in my glory enjoying them all. I played with the slinky I got for a while and even some silly putty became fascinating. My parents went into the kitchen to clean up the breakfast plates.
“You think she liked her gifts Hun?” mother said. My dad just shook his head yes knowing I will love anything that is given to me. He knows I would take a pack of gum for Christmas and be happy. I am not really a greedy or picky person when it comes to receiving because Christmas isn’t really about receiving but it’s about giving. I appreciate everything my family has done for me over the years with Christmas shopping and Birthdays and such. As my parents were still in the kitchen talking, I went downstairs and I saw that there was one more present under the Christmas tree. I stumbled upon some sort of stick looking thing. “What the heck could this be?” I thought in my head. I opened up the gift faster than a cheetah sprinting towards its prey. It was a magical wand.
It came with instructions as well. A sheet of paper telling me step by step how to use it and what words to say when to hold it. There were many translations on how it can turn me into any animal I want. But a few questions were on my mind; how is this possible? Who put this here? Am I dreaming? I couldn’t really put my finger on what was happening. I took a deep breath and waved the wand around my head. Saying the magical words to turn me into a frog, I said them. “Bippity Boppity I will turn into a froggity” I said the magical words. As soon as I knew it, I was a frog.
“Ribbit, ribbit?” I said. Oh my god, I am a frog. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. It was really cool looking down at my skin and seeing the green scaly scales. I got up and tried to change myself back to human. It wouldn’t work.
My heart was racing faster than anything at this point. I was shaking on my lily pad wondering how I was going to turn into a person again. I was sweating out of my frog skin with loads of worry. A big heavy weight has just been put on my back. Do I go to my mom? I didn’t know what to do. If I went to my mom, she would either kill me or throw me out of the house because she is afraid of frogs. I waved the wand one more time and then “BAM!” I was myself again. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and figured out that I have magic power. “I’m going down to the courtyard to meet up with some friend’s mom!” I yelled in the kitchen door. I grabbed my coat and mitten and ran outside into the wonderful snowy blizzard. Walking down the street, I turned a corner to the courtyard. Bobby and Joey were there playing basketball. I hid behind the bushes so they wouldn’t see me. “Bippity Boppity turn Joey into a duckity” I said as I waved my magic wand. He turned into a duck and Bobby was shocked. They couldn’t see me at all so it was the best prank ever pulled. Joey was waddling all over the place in such terror not knowing what to do. So then, I turned him back into a human because I felt a little bad.
“What was that about?” Bobby asked. Joey still in shock, didn’t say a word. “Come on Joey, let’s get out of here something weird is going on” Bobby said grabbing Joeys arm. They got out of there fast leaving their basketball behind. Feeling a little guilty, I went up to Joey the next day and apologized. “Sorry Joey” I said solemnly. He looked at me confused.
“What are you sorry for Alyssa?” he asked me. I pulled him to the side and whispered in his ear, “I am the one who turned you into a duck.” He looked surprised and didn’t know what to say. “You can’t tell anyone though Joey” I told him. I think he got the picture and he walked away to go to class. He seemed like he wanted to know how I did it. A true magical wizard wouldn’t tell its secrets. Reluctant to tell him, I wanted him to know but he can’t. I couldn’t even trust my own mother with this stuff.
I went home that night feeling guilty and wanting to tell the world. Holding back was such a weakness of mine. I went to bed that night with a lot on my mind. I knew tomorrow would be a better day.
I woke up that morning and the wand was gone! It wasn’t where I put it last night. I looked everywhere for it in panic. I even made my bed to look for it and I never make my bed. Looking high, low, left and right, I couldn’t find it at all. “AHH!!” a scream came from downstairs.
I rushed down the stairs to see what that scream was. My mother was a soft little furry squirrel. “Oh boy, here we go again” I rolled my eyes.

The author's comments:

A prompt I saw on google and Disney World inspired me to write about magic. 

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