Talking to the Trees | Teen Ink

Talking to the Trees

November 24, 2015
By ghanck15057 BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
ghanck15057 BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason

Talking to the Trees
           I packed my bags, shoved them in the backseat of my truck and drove off. No destination, I just followed the road ahead of me. Within 3 hours of driving, dark shade began sheltering my car. Tall oak trees closed in all around me. Their spiny branches filled every inch of light. I turned into a rocky dirt road, leading me deeper and deeper into the woods. I stopped at what looked like the perfect spot. The aroma of nature filled my nose. I laid my blankets in my trunk and began to make a fire. The sun setting lower and lower. The sky turning orange and slowly to black. The trees painting pictures in the shadows, everything settling in for the night ahead. I brushed my dirty hands on my pants and settled next to the crackling fire. “Pst.” Startled I arose. “Look at the stars” said the voice of a young boy. I looked around me. “No look up” I looked up and saw what was the carving of a face...on a tree? The eyes seemed so real, a round button nose and a bright smile. I rubbed my eyes. “What in the world?” I whispered. “Did you see the stars?” Asked the tree with a wide smile. I looked up. They were so bright. I felt like I were on top of the world. As if I could almost reach up and grasp them. I slowly brought my head down to see the tree still smiling at me. He chuckled “Told you, didn’t I?” The tree said with twinkling eyes. “Are you the only one that can talk?” I asked. “Eh, I hear some in the distance but not nearby” The tree lowered his eyes.  “I’m going insane,” I thought to myself. I went into the trunk and huddled in the blankets. “What're you doing?” asked the tree. “I’m going to sleep” I responded putting the pillow over my head. “Wait no, but you’re the first human I talked to in ages!” The tree argued. “Shh!” I replied.
Waking up the next morning to the sun striking my face with brightness, and the birds singing lovely tunes in their nests. I got up and looked around. It was so peaceful out here, the smell of morning dew surrounded me. Then I remembered. I turned my head steadily to the tree… nothing. No face, no voice, just nothing. I got out of the bed I made and walked to the tree. I touched it “Hello?” No reply. I knocked on it, screamed at it. Nothing. I put my hands on my head. “Maybe I was just tired” I thought to myself. But something in me knew that this tree wasn’t just a tree. It was alive. I snatched my scarf from my luggage and tied it around the tree. “For you to remember me” I patted the tree and packed up my stuff. As I drove off I couldn’t stop thinking about last night. I could feel the trees beaming right back at me throughout the woods. The trees waved at me and I waved back. Good vibes filled the air, I turned on the stereo and watched the trees dance to the sweet melody.

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