Helpless | Teen Ink


November 12, 2015
By nicholas__1 BRONZE, Barrington, Rhode Island
nicholas__1 BRONZE, Barrington, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes opened. I saw a light; a bright light. I heard a humming and the occasional tone of an alarm. I felt the hard surface I was laying on. Strangely, I felt like I wasn’t in my own body. I felt like I was living a dream. I was numb mentally and physically.  I tried getting up but I couldn't. There were straps on my legs, arms and a table with surgeons equipment with a tray next to it.
“Help,” I yelled, but there was no answer. Only the shadow of something moving across the corner of my eye toward me.
As it leaned over me, I was finally able to see it. It’s head was large and misshapen. It looked as if it was made out of purple rubber, swaying as it walked. It’s eyes were too big for it’s head, and it’s nose was far to small. It had no hair on it’s head, including eyebrows and eyelashes. It’s body was large and fat. It was completely covered in a white uniform except for it’s head. I watched as it took out a syringe and injected me. The world slowly started to fade into black. 
I opened my eyes slowly, but whatever was there before was gone. I tried moving my arms but they were still tied down around my wrists. One wrist was looser than the other I noticed. I took the looser wrist and pulled and pulled as hard as I could trying to free my hand, but it wouldn’t come loose. I looked down at my restraints and noticed something peculiar.  One looked very weathered and had several holes in it. I thrashed and shook and twisted my wrist in every direction trying to get on of those holes to rip. I saw one hole, closer to the edge than all the others, start to tear. I kept going desperately trying to get to hand free when finally and suddenly it came out.

I put my head back down and lay there staring at the bright light over my head trying to catch my breath. But there was no time, I used my one free hand to free the other one, then one leg, then the other. I sat up and was able to clearly see the room I was being held in, and it was no apparent it was no room at all. It seemed to be a control room. On a large control panel against the wall in front of me there are buttons and levers of many different colors. Next to me it appeared an operating room was set up. Many tools were scattered about along with several monitors. The wall to my right was filled with an orchard of lights, some on, some not. And on the wall to my left was taken up mostly by a large door with hydraulics on the upper portion of it. I heard the humming of hydraulics, and that  door appeared to open. I quickly laid back down pretending to be asleep.
I heard it’s footsteps falling one after another as it walked up the ramp and into the room I was in. It frightened me, the steady sound of it’s footsteps approaching me. I didn’t want anything else to do with it, but in order to get back home, I needed to kill it. I listened to it as it shut the door, and pull out a chair, and sit down and start to press buttons a large console in the corner that I hadn’t noticed before.
I had a pounding headache and I was having trouble feeling anything. I had a general sensation of numbness throughout my body, however I could still feel where my body parts were on the metal table. But for some reason, my body felt out of place, out of size and unproportionate.
As I lay there I thought of my kids. I had a son who is 8 and a daughter that is 11. I hope they are safe I thought. But not seeing them in this room reassured me they were alright. I am the coach for my sons baseball team, and we had a practice scheduled for today. I worried about how I didn’t show up for practice without any warning. Has the practice already ended? I thought. I had no way of telling the time of day, or the day for that matter. It could have been years since I was taken here because frankly I had no memory of being taken or any days prior to this one in this room.
Actually, I didn’t even know when I got here. I assumed the last day I could remember was today, but in reality it could of been months or even weeks ago. I couldn’t even remember how I ended up here. What I did know however, was the I needed to get out.
I sat up and saw it pressing buttons on a large console in front of me. The way it’s long fingers moved from button to button disgusted me.  I couldn't take stop looking at it. I can take it down I thought. It may be bigger than me but I had the element of surprise. I slowly reached out with one hand and grabbed the heavy metal tray on the table text to me, and slowly brought it back towards my body all without making a sound. Then I sat up and prepared to take down this beast.
It was the same door it had walked in earlier. But now it was sitting at a desk in the middle of the room, pressing several buttons over and over and staring at a small screen in front of it.
I slowly slid off the table I was on, careful not to make any noise. I started creeping towards it as quietly as possible, but the monster must of heard me because it’s unproportionate head started to turn around. But before it had time to even see me I darted over and hit it as hard as I could on top of the head.
It appeared dazed, it’s head swayed and it’s eyes drooped. It slowly started to move to get up, but it was too late. I gave one last blow to the head, and it was still.
I stood over it’s massive body. I could now see it was much more disgusting than I originally thought. It’s eyes were very watery and droopy. It was wearing the same all white jumpsuit as I was. It’s head was bald and shiny. And possibly the worst part about it was that it’s skin was purple and scaly.
I stood up and looked around. I walked over the console to see what all the buttons controlled. It seemed to be split in half. One half buttons, one half levers. Impatiently, I pressed the biggest and greenest button on the board. I felt the room drop into a freefall as I fell to the floor. This has to be some kind of plane I thought. Using all my strength I was able to pull myself back up to the controls, and pressed the button once more. I felt the room slowly slow come to a stop.
Now I’m really confused, this wasn’t a room. It was a cockpit for some kind of plane. But why was that thing flying it. I thought of the possibility of this being an alien abduction, but then I quickly dismissed it because is impossible. But deep inside I knew, I was denying this increasingly likely scenario because I was to scared of the outcome to that would be.
I scanned all the buttons before me. And upon closer inspection there were very small arrows pointed on each one. Green had an arrow pointing down, which is where I wanted to go. I considered the different sizes. There were 10 in order from largest to smallest. Remembering how the big one made me go fast I clicked the smallest one praying it would go slow. Luckily it did.
After several minutes I came to a stop with a jolt. The plane transformed. The walls which once were plain white, were now a 360° window. I was in the middle of field, and the sun was out. It seems like a pretty nice day I thought. But the nice day did not calm my nerves. In fact, when I noticed that I was completely surrounded by military person I became very alarmed.
I panicked and started banging on the window and yelling. I didn’t want them to shoot me. But nobody reacted. The glass must be to thick. I reassured myself by thinking that this will be good, I'll be a hero. I killed a monster that was trying to attack us. Scientists from all over would come to study it. They’ll be able to explain what it was. I just need to find a way out of this.
I calmly looked around the room for a more practical way out. I saw the door walked over to it, and saw a button next to it. Easy enough I thought as I pressed it.
The door opened slowly with a loud hum. I stepped down the ramp that had appeared before me leading to the ground.  I felt the cool fresh air across my face. Everything was silent except for the steady sound of my footsteps and the chirping of the birds. I turned around around to see what I had just walked out of. It was a spaceship straight out of the cartoons. Your classic disc shaped UFO. It was sleek and futuristic, it had windows wrapped all the way around, tinted so you couldn't see inside. This explained all the law enforcement around me I thought.
“Drop to your knees, and place your hands behind your head,” a booming voice over a loudspeaker commanded me.
I did what I was told, but I was confused. They didn’t think I was at fault right? I was just caught up in the middle of this. As soon as they saw I was a perfectly normal human being they would let me go I reassure myself.
I opened my mouth to explain to them who I was. But nothing came out as I was physically unable to make a noise. My mouth opened, but I didn’t feel the vibrations throughout my neck letting me know I was making noise. I didn’t hear the sound of my pleas for help I expected to project around me. Instead all I heard was the sound of the loudspeakers voice resonating at me.
Two men dressed in camouflage carrying assault rifles approached me. They threw me down to the ground and put handcuffs on me. Several more people in camouflage ran out towards me and started talking to each other.
“This incident must remain contained,” one commanded. “We don’t want the public to panic.”
Why would they panic I thought. It couldn't be about me because I am just a normal guy caught up in the understanding.
“Yes sir,” another young man with a crew cut covered in camouflage said as he turned and ran back towards the others.
“Throw that in the back of a truck,” the apparent leader said gesturing towards me.
That? What do they think I am I thought. Why would they think I am anything but a human? They haven’t even spoken to me yet.
“Yes sir,” another one said as he picked me up.
He led me passed all the other officers, who still had their guns trained on me, to a large camouflage military truck. As we passed around the hood of it I got a glimpse of my reflection in the rear-view mirror. My face looked exactly the same ugly and disgusting way as the alien’s did. It did this to me. I tried to say something but I still couldn’t. My stomach sank to my feet. I was panicked. My mind was racing. I felt helpless, nobody had taken the time to see who I was. There was nothing I could do for myself. I was completely at the mercy of these strangers who were convinced I was something I wasn’t. I tried to turn around to give some sort of signal that would let the man know I wasn't this monster he thought I was. But he must of thought  I was trying to attack him because he turned me right back around and shoved me forward signaling to me that I was to keep walking.
He lifted up the flap in the back of the truck and threw me in onto the hard cold metal floor, that resembled the table I had woken up on. 

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