Lost. | Teen Ink


November 3, 2015
By jayapanicker200 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
jayapanicker200 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have been so close for so long, that it didn’t even feel weird to hug him like I just did. My body immediately calmed when I was wrapped in his arms and I could finally open my I’ve always felt a little lost in our society. I see myself as a bright person, but the way our society functions is just too much for me to understand, and I’m the only one who sees that. For seventeen years I pushed the thought to the very back of my mind where I wouldn’t be able to see it, but for some reason it always lingered and this became all I could think about since I was a little girl. I was fascinated about learning about our society and the rules and how we would live our daily life. Although, at the same time I felt there was something wrong. Like this is not how we were meant to live. I did a very good job of keeping that to myself, until two years ago.

As I opened my eyes, the smell of warm fluffy pancakes immediately filled my nose. I knew the food port had dropped off our family’s breakfast.
“Blair, your breakfast is here!”  Mother called from the lower level of our house.
“Coming!” I yelled back excitedly. I quickly brushed my long blonde hair and raced down the stairs to greet my family. My little brother, Isaac, was already at the breakfast table devouring his pancakes while my father and mother sat on both sides of him. I grabbed my food pod and pressed a button to open the lid. The sweet smell of pancakes made my stomach rumble and I quickly started scarfing down my breakfast. Although, something seemed different. I suddenly stopped chewing and looked down at my food. It looked normal. I looked to my parents, puzzled, but they looked just as confused as me.
“What’s wrong Blair?” my father asked.
“These pancakes taste different. They’ve never tasted like this before.” I mumbled. My father just chuckled and ignored my concern. Even though they tasted extremely odd, I kept eating my pancakes until it was time to take my shower.
As I stepped out of the shower I sat down in front of my mirror to brush out my hair.
“Ow!” I squeaked.
My brush had caught onto something behind my ear. I traced my fingers to where I felt the pain and in fact there was something there. I tried to pull it out from behind my ear, but it wouldn’t budge. I turned my head sideways to see what was stuck to my head and I was horrified.
Behind my ear, attached to my head was a silver, metal circle. It had a black center and was microscopic. I gasped in shock as when I tried to touch it a jolt of pain flew up my spine into my brain. How did this get here? What is this? How long has this been here? So many questions swirled around in my head and I started to feel dizzy from trying to mess with it.
I spun around in my chair to see Isaac standing at my door giving me the look, the look that said he thought I was crazy.
“What’s up with you?” he said with an annoyed tone.
“U-um nothing I’m fine. What do you want Isaac?” I snapped back, my face flushed. I was nervous he would be able to see right through me and tell I was anxious about the microchip I found.
“Come downstairs. Someone is here to see you.” Isaac said casually. I could tell he was a little nervous, maybe about who was here. But who could be here to see me?
Maybe it was Ethan, who has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He always stopped by my house during recreation time so we could go to the Game Center or go see a movie. Our parents were very good friends, so Ethan and I had no problem getting along as kids. He also had one of the brightest personalities I had ever seen. Hopefully he was here so he could take my mind of this microchip literally stuck in my head.
I swiftly but quietly walked down the stairs to greet Ethan and his bright blue eyes at the door. My heart stopped and I felt my stomach sank. With every step I took, fear enclosed me. Standing at the door was definitely not Ethan, but an Enforcer. They only showed up at your house when something was very wrong. My head span even more as I realized they were here to see me. The Enforcers are right below the head of the government, power wise. They enforce rules and laws. This was my second time seeing one. The first time was at a society gathering.
Someone had tried to break the barrier walls and had almost been successful. It caused quite a scare in the community, so the Enforcers and Mr. Zen, the head of the government, had to bring the society together to explain what happened.
The barrier walls surround our whole society, Society 6. They protect us from whatever is out there, if there even is anything. I being the curious person I am once asked my teacher in grade school if there were any other societies out there, and if so, why can’t we talk to them. My teacher looked up from her book, her face as pale as a ghost.
“Blair, what are you talking about?” she muttered anxiously. I shrugged my shoulders, I mean, it was just a question. At the time I didn’t even realize what was going on outside of our barriers or why it was such a big deal that we don’t mention any other society other than our own, Society 6. She ended up ignoring my question, but later on I was pulled out of the classroom to be talked to.
“Blair, there are only two societies. The only ones that exist are our society, Society 6 and one other, Society 7. You may not communicate with Society 7, nor will you ever have the opportunity to. No more questions regarding this will ever be asked in my classroom, do you understand?” she said sternly. I gulped and nodded. I just couldn’t understand why everything outside the society was so dangerous. SO many whys ran through my head but none of my questions were really answered.
I pushed that thought aside as I stared at the Enforcer waiting for me at the front door. Mother and Father have gone to work, so Isaac and I are alone. I awkwardly smiled to try to break the tension but the Enforcer was definitely not amused. Why couldn’t it have been Ethan waiting for me?
“Ms. Richmond, could you step outside with me for a moment. I’m sure your brother will be fine. As you know we have cameras monitoring the main room of your home.” He said in a cool voice. His voice was so deep and stern, it was almost completely frightening.
I hesitated, but obeyed and followed the Enforcer down the stairs in front of our house and onto the sidewalk.
“Blair I’m going to be asking you some questions. You are required to answer truthfully, or extreme consequences will occur.” He explained.
He had this look in his eye that made me cringe. I was so glad he couldn’t see what was going on in my head right then because I probably would have been executed just for showing signs of anxiety, meaning I did something wrong. I tried to stay calm on the outside but on the inside my thoughts were racing at one hundred miles per hour. The Enforcer slowly started to walk down the sidewalk. This constant fear was making my body tremble to the point that I could not physically move. I stood frozen until the Enforcer gestured for me to walk with him. I tucked my hair behind my ear and carefully walked alongside him.
“Blair, have you been noticing anything different going on in your life? Have you felt different? Things like your thoughts and emotions? Have you found anything to be odd?”
I thought the first question would be simple, but it felt like a slap on the face. I swear in that moment my heart stopped. Did he know that I found the microchip in my head? That my pancakes tasted like they were poisoned? Could he tell my anxiety levels were soaring? I paused slightly before saying,
“No, not really. Everything’s been fine. Why? Is everything alright? Am I in some kind of trouble?”
I wish I didn’t keep asking questions, but it was worse enough that I just lied to an Enforcer, when he even told me if I chose to not tell the truth I would definitely pay the price. I felt a sense of rebellion but also guilt and fear. What would happen if they found out I lied? A thought also came to my mind that the government could have something to do with the microchip. I realized I should have just told the Enforcer about the microchip, and regret filled my head. I shuddered thinking about the things that could happen to me. Immediately I was eager to tell Ethan, since I tell him everything. Unfortunately, I was stuck with this Enforcer, who could probably see right through me. I was so anxious to get back to Ethan. The Enforcer gave me a blank stare like he knew that I was lying and he was waiting for the truthful answer.
“Um no, you’re in no trouble. Don’t worry about this, but I do want you to be extremely cautious,” he said loudly, emphasizing the word extremely. I smiled nervously and turned abruptly and started racing to my house, my heart beating so loud I couldn’t hear my own thoughts.
When our house was finally in my sights I almost screamed out loud when I saw Ethan with his blue eyes and bright smile standing by my front door. As soon as I was close enough to him I embraced him in a huge bear hug, which was just what I needed. Ethan and mouth to speak words.
“Are you okay?” he asked concerned. Since he knows me so well, he could tell that something was definitely up. I know that I was waiting to tell him everything, but now that I had the chance I felt as though I couldn’t speak.
“Ethan I found a microchip in my head today and as I keep thinking about it, I’m pretty sure the government put it there.” The words spilled out of my mouth and I was nervous to see how Ethan would react. To my surprise, he just stood there looking at me with a blank stare.
“Ethan? Anyone home?” I waved my hand in front of his face trying to get a reaction out of him, ay reaction at all.
“Blair, what are you even talking about? Why would only you have that microchip? Is that why I saw you talking to an Enforcer? Why would the government do that?” Ethan overwhelmed me with all these questions. I explained everything to him how I had just found it now and how I did not know anything else.
“What are you going to do about it?” Ethan asked curiously, his blue eyes were slightly gray with fear.
“I’ve just decided I’m going to the government headquarters tomorrow, and you’re coming with me.

The sun crept in from my window and filled my dull room with rays of light all over. I couldn’t sleep at all last night, so I was grateful that it was finally morning. Although, today was the day I was going to go to government headquarters with Ethan, to find out the truth about this stupid microchip. It was also seven in the morning, so everyone would be awake, and I was supposed to be on my way to school. I swiftly put on a change of clean activity clothes and braided my long hair out of my face. I made sure not to be loud while I was tiptoeing down the stairs. That plan failed as I missed a step and tumbled down the steel staircase.
“Blair! Are you okay?” Isaac tried to look concerned but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
“Where are Mom and Dad?” I whispered, trying not to make any more noise. Isaac pointed to the kitchen.
“Isaac, I’m going to the government building today, but I don’t have time to explain why. I don’t know what I’m getting myself into so if for any reason I don’t come back, I love you and tell Mom and Dad I love them too.” Isaac was so confused, but judging by the time, I gave him a hug and walked out the door to meet Ethan, who was waiting for me in front of my house. Ethan and I tried not to look suspicious, just like two regular teenagers on our way to school.
I was being completely truthful with him; I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into, and I wasn’t sure at all if I was going to be coming back.
In that moment I thought, Blair what are you even doing? Going to government headquarters un-announced? Are they going to kill you? Is this some kind of secret? You need to turn around right now. I’m sure Ethan will understand I mean you don’t even know if the government really has anything to do with the microchip. Run.
I tried to tell myself I should just turn around and go home but my body kept on walking with Ethan to the train port that goes to government headquarters.
“What’s on your mind?” Ethan says gently.
“Do you think this is a mistake? We don’t even know if the government put that microchip in my head. I don’t even know how long it has been there. I could get in a lot of trouble for bringing attention to something like this when I told the Enforcer that nothing was out of the ordinary,” I replied nervously. Ethan and I were about to jump into the unknown together.
Finally we were at headquarters and I felt my stomach drop as I saw two Enforcers standing at the metal gate that leads inside the building. I felt intimidated by this gigantic gray building holding all the society’s secrets inside. I gulped and walked confidently to the entrance. The Enforcer gave me a cold look while he eyed me up and down.
“Blair Richmond,” he said looking me right in the eyes, his gaze stern and mean. Did he know I was coming?
“Uh, we need to see Mr. Zen,” Ethan broke the silence.
The Enforcer glared at Ethan then pressed a red button on his wristband. Soon, the metal doors whirred and slid open. I glanced at Ethan briefly. He gave me a reassuring look and grabbed my hand as we walked inside. 
As we walked around the building searching for Mr. Zen’s office, Enforcers were walking by giving me and Ethan death glares. This raised my anxiety and I was practically shaking to the point where Ethan has holding me up to help me walk.
Finally, after about fifteen minutes, we found it.
“This is it. This is Mr. Zen’s office.” Ethan said as he squeezed my hand.
I stepped forward and pushed the black circular button praying things would go well. The last thing I needed was to wrongly accuse the government for putting a microchip in my head and possibly poisoning my pancakes. Now that I really thought about it, it seemed pointless and stupid. But I just had to know what was going on. Suddenly both mine and Ethan’s faces popped up on a screen next to the button.
“Welcome” an electronic voice chimed and soon the doors to Mr. Zen’s office were wide open waiting for us to walk through.
My heart was racing faster than I could ever fathom. I walked slowly into the room, being as quiet as possible. I didn’t want to be even more of a problem to the government. At first I was confused because no one was in the room. I could hear the mechanical whirring of the government’s machines in the silence. I could even hear the faint sound of Ethan’s breathing.
“Blair Richmond. It is so nice to finally meet you formally.”
The sudden sound startled me, and I scanned the room to find where the voice was coming from. As I was looking behind me a tall figure appeared from the shadows. Mr. Zen. His charcoal eyes, slick black hair, and cartoonish smile made my stomach uneasy. He sat slowly onto his leather chair and motioned for me to come towards him.
“Now, why did you need to talk to me?” he said leaning closer to me. This was my chance now to explain myself and find out what was going on.
“Y-yesterday, I found something in my head. It’s a microchip. Also in the morning my pancakes tasted slightly different, like something was put into them. I know it sounds silly, but I think it could be poison. Ever since I found this microchip, my whole life feels out of place, and I don’t know who put it there, or how long it has been there. I’m not accusing anyone of anything but I want to know who did it and why.” At the start of my explanation my voice was so shaky and I felt as if I wanted to turn around and run right out of that room. By the end, I felt a sense of confidence and relief that I had told Mr. Zen, except for the fact that he could even be the one who put it in there.
The thought of the government doing this to me made me shudder, as their goal was to keep their citizens happy, healthy, and useful to Society 6. I looked over to Ethan after I said my part and he gave me a small smile. I then looked to Mr. Zen whose eyes were wide.
“Blair how did you find that microchip? How did you know?” he asked in a low voice, he seemed nervous. His facial expression made me believe the government did in fact have something to do with these past couple of days.
“I don’t know. Why did I find it?” I shot him an accusing look. Now I truly believed this was the government’s fault. Mr. Zen sighed dramatically.
“Well, now you know Blair. I’m going to tell you a secret of the Society 6. This is the biggest secret of all. The secret that could destroy the Society just like it destroyed all societies other than our own and Society 7. When the Societies were created in the very beginning, it was believed that the best idea was to have the government have control over the people. The way they think, what they do, how they act, what they wear, and things like that. We put these small microchips in your body to ensure that the government would be able to direct all activities of the members of the Society. A microchip was put into the heads of all people of the Society when they were born, so we could guide their lives. This was the best option and the best thing to do for our Society. The people were never supposed to find out about this. Like I said, this is the Society’s biggest secret. Now that you’ve found it, you’re life seems different, doesn’t it? You noticed the nutrient simulation we put into all of your meals, which is the reason your pancakes tasted odd. You started to realize what the government is secretly doing. We direct your life.”
I sat there in shock, not knowing what to feel or how to react. Suddenly, I knew exactly how to react. Anger boiled inside of me.
“Mind control?! What you just described is mind control! You’ve been doing this since I was born?! You basically control my life? So everything I think everything I do, basically who I am all because of the government!” I kept going on and on, all this anger was just pouring out. Mostly I was astonished. How did the government pull this off? Why am I just now finding out about this after seventeen years?
“It’s not as bad as it sounds honestly, Blair. It’s for the good of the Society. Unfortunately since you found out about this you will not be allowed to leave this building.” He said with a sly smile. Suddenly two strong hands were grabbing my arms, and another person was taping my mouth shut. The government was keeping me hostage. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what was happening, and then everything went black.
My eyes fluttered open and my eyes dart around to see where I am. I slowly sat up to see I was in a concrete square room. There was only one light, right in the middle of the ceiling, but it was definitely not enough. My heart was racing, as I was trying to remember what had previously happened. Then it came to me. The government was controlling my mind. I am being held hostage by my own government. I will never be able to see my family again. I will never be able to see Ethan again. This would be my life, and now I feel lost inside my own body.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 10 2015 at 8:52 am
guard-girl GOLD, Clover, South Carolina
10 articles 11 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Wow i loved the plot twist here :) any chance a sequel is in progress??