Rose New Discovery | Teen Ink

Rose New Discovery

October 25, 2015
By Mazina BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mazina BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since Rose was a child, she could always see things that others couldn’t. She could see how somebody was feeling, a vague image of what was happening around her, she could also learn things really quick. I bet you’re wondering how this is strange, but it’s strange because she is blind. Sadly for Rose everything was going to change today.

    The bell sounds, signalling to Rose it’s time to go to her next class. She grabs her backpack and heads out to Chemistry, she turns the corner to get bumped back. Rose turned to look at the rude person. Rose couldn’t tell what people looked like but she could see the silhouette and by what color their core was would tell her how they felt. She immediately stood in shock, he had no core. All she kept thinking about is who that person was, and why he wasn't like everybody else with a core.

    She didn’t think much of it, he probably just had a bad day. But when she gets to her seat in class, her friend Sammy yanks her arm. “Ow! Thanks for the arm bruise!” Rose mentions. Rose notices how Sammy’s core turned a deep blue. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was trying to tell you there’s a new boy in school.” Sammy mentions. Rose looks puzzled at her, “Tell me again why I care.” Rose responds. “He is blind like you, and I could have sworn I saw him bump into you.” Sammy explains. Rose nods her to tell her friend she understands, but she can’t help to think about this new boy all during her classes.

    As the day goes by, Rose couldn’t wait to leave school. After Rose bumped into that new boy and hearing about him, she couldn’t help but feel like something bad was about to happen. When school was finally over, Rose rushed out the building. Rose gets out the front door but is shocked by somebody grabbing her arm, she looks at the person’s core but there wasn’t one. This was the new boy she kept thinking about, what does he want from her Rose thought.

    “Who are you?” She asked. He guides her away from school to a very tight closed space. “I’m Jace.” He answers. She was confused,why was Jace so different from everybody else. At the same time, she felt that she could trust Jace and that she was safe around him. “What do you want?” She asked. He points at her stomach, “You don’t see it do you?” He wonders. Rose knew exactly what he was talking about; his core. She shook her head no. “I’m just like you, I can’t see your core either. I don’t have a lot of time to explain, but I need to tell you that I’m just like you.” He explained.

    Suddenly a crack in the pavement appeared and started to stretch out like a virus. “What do you mean like me? What am I?” Rose freaked out. Jace grabbed her face, “I need you to control your emotions. I promise you I’ll explain everything later, but I have to go now.” He explained. She breathed in and out; with every breath the crack shrunk more and more. Jace hugs her and Rose couldn’t help the feeling that she could trust him.
    Later that day, Rose was home and couldn’t help thinking about what happened earlier. Did she cause that crack in the pavement? Rose felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see a fiery core bursting with anger. “Rose, what’s wrong? I know you’re not telling me something! I demand to know as your father!” Her father demanded. “I met this strange boy Jace and he just told me some things. Nothing to worry about.” Rose smiled to her Dad. “His name was Jace?” Her father asked. Rose nodded her head yes, and saw her father’s core implode with bursts of fire.“I wish I had more time with you but I guess not.” Her father sighed. Rose was in so much shock she didn’t notice the knife coming towards her and it ripped through her arm. She was very confused, she didn’t have time to ponder what was going on. Right after she was cut, the darkness welcomed her in. When she woke up, she saw a lot of silhouette’s around her without a core. “Where am I?” She wondered. “You’re home.” Jace answers.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because I wanted to see something different in stories. Lately stories end with a ending you saw coming or a story you have heard a million times before. I hope people will read my story and have an open mind, for example I didn't describe the characters look. I want the readers to interpret what they think they look like. I kept the story pretty ambigious, so I want the readers to read this and go into their whole world of where they think Rose is, why the father attacked her, etc.

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