The Blur | Teen Ink

The Blur

October 15, 2015
By keaganlarsh20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
keaganlarsh20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

28 August 2015
The Blur
I’m so exhausted only three more miles.  Why did I ever even think about joining cross country? I thought to myself. Its pouring rain I bet I am the only one that is still running. I look ahead and see a puddle of water ahead of me. It has to be at least two feet deep.  Thunder cracks in the sky. I put on foot and the puddle then hear a loud crack then next thing I know I am laying in a hospital bed. My dad is asleep in a chair to my left. A nurse walks in and drops all of her stuff and calls for a doctor. He walks in and says
“You’re awake!” 
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You have been in a coma for three Months.” The doctor answers.
“What!” I yell. My dad wakes up from me yelling at the doctor.
“Duke, you’re awake!”
“Why am I here?” I ask my dad. He told me that I was struck by lightning eight times during my cross country meet.
After a couple of hours of testing they figure out that I am perfectly fine except the scaring all over my back from when the lighting struck me eight times. My dad brought me some of my normal clothes and I tell him I need to walk it off. I step out the door and listen to what they talk about. They just start talking about my recovery and how it’s been hard since my mom passed. So I go outside and start walking the sidewalk of the hospital. I look around at the sight of tall buildings and cars and taxis driving all over Chicago. I hear the sound of train and car horns. I take a step into the road then there is a huge semi-truck beaming straight for me about five yards away from me. He honks his horn but it’s already too late. I know I am going to die after just coming back from the dead. I close my eyes and brace for impact. I stand there and wait but nothing happens. I look up and the truck looks like it is going in slow motion. I walk toward the truck and look at it. I look at the wheels they are slowly turning. I think to myself for a second. The truck is actually going in slow motion! How is this possible?
I start to run to the hospital but I notice everything is slowed down but I am still going normal speed. I think through my head and only think of the impossible… that I must have superpowers. I don’t tell anyone about my powers because I know from the movies that it gets people hurt.
With my money I have saved up I buy a police scanner so I know when something is going on. That same night I hear there is a robbery at my local bank. I grab sunglasses put them on and I am out the door in the blink of an eye.
I get to the bank and there are four people and they are all armed. My heart is pumping because I haven’t used my powers in public yet, but I know I am faster than all of them. I run through the door, and everything is in slow motion once again. I attack the first guy I see then one after the other I disarm them all and find a rope in the janitors closet and tie them to a support beam. I leave right away leaving only a blur behind me.
The next morning I wake up and go downstairs to eat breakfast and I see on the newspaper. The title says “Crime robbery foiled by a Blur?” I read the whole article and I talks about the people there seeing a blur coming in then out and stop the bad guys in less than twenty seconds.
Two nights later there is another bank robbery at the next town over. I get there and there are not any armed robbers but someone is there standing there like they are waiting for something. I run in and go to grab him but he pushes me away.
He looks over at me and says.
“You’re going to have to be faster than that.”
He runs out of the door and I chase after him. He is ahead of me but we are both running at high speeds we both have streaks coming off our backs where we run. He is much faster than me but I am about to grab him but then I trip on a curb and fall and by the time I look up, he is gone.
The next morning I wake up to loud bangs from downstairs. I prepare for the worst maybe a burglar and I slowly walk down the stairs to see what is going on. I peek around the corner and see my dad moving a bunch of boxes around the kitchen.
“Dad what are you doing?” I ask
“Going through some of my old stuff.” He responds “Check out my old high school track uniform.”
I take a look and it and it gives an idea.
“Thanks dad,” I say as I leave he has a puzzled look on his face. Every superhero has a super suit right so I must need one. I think to myself. I go to the local sports store and find a fabric I want that is comfortable and makes me fast at running. I draw up a picture of what I want my suit to look like and give it to the tailor and he says he will have it ready by tomorrow.
I get home and hear another bank robbery and I am on my way to it but in the middle of the street I see the man from the other night.
He looks at me and says
“Tomorrow night meet me at the abandon factory at midnight.” Before I have a chance to say anything back he takes off running. I let him go because I know he is faster than me and he already got a head start on me. The next day I stop at the tailor and pick up my suit and he says, “I think this may be the best suit I’ve ever made, what are you plan on doing with it?” He asks.
“To save the world,” I say back and wink at him and then I start for the door and he starts laughing. I get home and open up the package the suit is in. I pull out the suit and it looks amazing all dark grey with a big yellow X going across the body. It has lightning bolts going down the side of the legs.
Tonight is the night I face the man. The man from the bank. The man that has the same powers as me, how is that possible?
It is 11:59pm I put my suit on and run out the door I get there and there is nobody here. I look at my watch then it turns 12:00am and I look up and he is there standing fifteen yards away.
I look at him and say
“What do you want?”
He says “I want to know how you got your powers!”
“I was struck by lightning,” I respond.
“Interesting.” he says
But before I can respond he takes off running. I chase after him. We run all through the abandoned buildings, and then he runs towards the city. I cannot catch up to him yet. We reach the city then it’s one giant maze running through alleys dodging cars dodging people. Then all of the sudden he speeds up and runs up the side of a building. I know I can’t do that yet so I take the stairs and we get up to the roof and he is waiting for me. He starts sprinting at me then I start sprinting at him and then we fight. I know there has to be only one outcome for me if we fist fight and it’s not in my favor. So I know I am going to have to outsmart him. I take off going down the stairs and head straight for the police station.
I make it to the police station and we run through it and there are papers flying from us running past them. Then I stop and run into a cell.
Then he says
“Nice try I am not that dumb.”
“Really I ask?” Then as he is in the middle of talking again I run and tackle him into to a cell. I hurry and get up and shut the gate and right when I shut it he runs straight into trying to get out.
“Good job kid you got me this time.” he says.
“Thanks,” I respond. The police walk in and ask what is going on.
I say
“This man has been robbing banks all over the state and he has super speed be careful.”
“Yeah right that we believe that super speed stuff,” the officer replies.
I just take off and I am gone in a blink of an eye. I get home and my dad is supposed to be at work but he is sitting at the kitchen table and I am in full suit.
“I knew after the lighting strike you had to have got your powers.”
“What? how did you know about my powers, dad?”
“It runs in the family, son.”
“Wait so that means you have them too?” I reply.
“Yes your powers came so late I thought you would never get them but after the lighting I knew that that must have activated your powers.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I never said anything because if you never got your powers you would never trust me again.” 
“Your mom would be so proud. I never had the courage to use my powers in public, and you didn’t even hesitate that’s what makes a good man.”
“Dad do you think the legion of those superheroes heard about what happened?”
And at that very moment I heard we heard a knock at the door I walked up to it and opened it, I couldn’t believe it. It was them the legion.

The author's comments:

The reason I chose to write about a superhero is because i like superheroes.

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