The Psychic | Teen Ink

The Psychic

October 15, 2015
By poopoo27 BRONZE, WARSAW, In, Indiana
poopoo27 BRONZE, WARSAW, In, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where am I? Everything was dark and the air was so cold. I didn’t know where I was. Pop. Then I was floating in the universe. Then I was slowly floating towards Earth. And I saw someone, my dad. I tried to scream to him to say hi but I couldn’t. I couldn’t speak. So I just watched.
My dad was working on his invention but in the middle of a field. His invention was to try to get to alternate dimensions. He told me it would be done soon. Suddenly a flash of bright light screamed into the sky and into the clouds. I looked over to my dad expecting to see a great big smile on his face but, instead, he had a look of terror on his face. I looked up to the sky and what I saw shocked me. It was a UFO.
My dad was shaking furiously. His eyes were big with fear. Suddenly, a light shot straight over my dad. Then he slowly started floating up to the UFO. As the world started to flutter away the last thing I heard was my dad’s muffled screams; then I woke up.
It was all a dream. I got out from my bed and ran down my stairs.
“Hey dad,”I said.
“Hey Zane,”said my father.
“Dad, when will your invention be done”?
My father replied, “You know I said I’m keeping that secret
I went to the kitchen and got my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. I went to go get a spoon and heard our front door open. “Anyone there?” I said. No one replied so I just ate my cereal.
Szhinggg. What was that? The sound I heard had come from the outside. So I jumped out of my seat and sprinted out the door. When I looked up into the sky I saw something impossible. A UFO. I said to myself that looks exactly like the one in my dream. I ran out to the spot where the light was and I stopped dead in my tracks. My dad was there with his invention. He started to scream. I thought to myself, how is this happening? Then just like in my dream he started slowly floating up towards the UFO.  I didn’t know what to do, because I was frozen with fear and disbelief. Then the light stopped, and my dad was in the UFO. And it was floating away.
“No!" I screamed.
What’s going on?  How could this have happened in my dream and now it just happened?
“Zane!" cried out a familiar voice.
“Mom!" I yelled out with tears in my eyes.
“What was that thing?" she said.
“It was a UFO and it took dad,” I replied
My mom just looked at me speechless. Together we walked back to the house with teary eyes in a sort of zombie walk. I looked up towards the house and saw my sister Chloe looking at us. I knew we were going to have to make up something about dad being gone and the UFO.
“What was that thing”? my sister screamed.
My mom looked at me and said, “It was just an airplane, Chloe”.
“Where is daddy”? she said.
“He is on a business trip”, my mom replied.
“Ok”, Chloe said.
My mom looked at me and said “We must never tell Chloe what has happened to your dad”.
“Ok”, I said.
I trudged inside the house and ran to my bed. How could my dream have come true? Did my dream see the future? Am I dreaming right now?
I decided not to tell my mom about how the dream had come true. I looked at my alarm clock and it was already two in the afternoon. It felt like just a minute ago that I had just woken up. I felt exhausted emotionally and physically. So I closed my eyes and dreamt.
This time the dream was different. I didn’t start out in the universe like I had the first time, I was just there. I was in Antarctica. It was beautiful with, all the penguins and ice. There were clans of them as far as the eye could see. Then something happened. Bang. I looked and saw that all of the ice had cracked and penguins were slipping through it. Then they started to run but they weren’t fast enough and they all fell through. In the ice you could see a mix of polar bears and penguins struggling for dear life. They were trying to swim away but the ice was crushing them. Then all at once the big iceberg fell right on top of all of the penguins and polar bears. It took one minute for the whole iceberg to sink. When I looked to where the iceberg used to be there was nothing there just water. I looked around but I saw nothing, no life anywhere. Then my body floated towards a beach. It was the beach a mile from our house, “Palm Beach”. There were many people there. I looked out at the beach and saw massive waves coming towards the beach, a tsunami. People were running for their lives, but they had no chance. The massive wave swallowed everyone and the whole city. It was global warming.
I woke up sweating and panting. I looked around the room and saw my mom staring straight at me. I decided I should tell her about my dreams.
“Mom”, I said.
“Yes, are you alright”?
“Mom, I think there is something wrong with me. I dreamed about what happened to my dad and it happened.”
“I just had another dream about all the icebergs sinking and animals dying”.
“What if this dream becomes real too”?
My mom looked at me with a blank look on her face.
“Tell me about your dream, Zane”, she said.
So I told her everything about my first dream and about dad. Then I told her about global warming and my second dream. The whole while I was telling the story she looked at me like I was an idiot.
“Zane”, she started. But before she could finish there was a humongous bang.
My mom and I ran outside. We knew it wasn’t coming from our backyard so we ran in the direction of the beach. It took us a couple of minutes but when we arrived at the beach, the tsunami had started. I watched as the tsunami swallowed all of the people up. There were no signs of life on the beach.
“Zane, if this was caused by the icebergs melting then I think we should see a doctor”.
We ran back to the house and flew straight through the door. We turned on the TV and they already had the story on the news.
“We have breaking news”, said the newsman.
“There has been a sudden tsunami at Palm Beach. The wave has been reported to have swept thousands of people away. The scientists and weatherman at our newsgroup have said that this may have been caused by global warming”.
My mom turned off the TV.
“Zane, we are going to see a psychiatrist”.
We hurried into the car and zoomed out of the driveway.
“Mom do you think my dreams are about the future”?
“I fear it could be much more than that Zane”.
We arrived at Dr. Brown’s doctor office and ran inside.
We arrived at the front desk and my mom said, “We need to see Dr. Brown immediately”.
Just then Dr. Brown appeared in the door, “Is something wrong”?
“We need to talk to you doctor,” said my mom.
“Ok I have an open slot right now, come right in”.
We walked through the small hallway and into the cramped room. I had been here before, only once because my dad was friends with him.
“So what’s the matter with good old Zane”? said Dr. Brown
Before I could say anything my mom started, “Zane has had some wild and crazy dreams”.
“And, and” my mom stuttered looking like she was about to cry.
“And I think they might be coming true”.
We all sat there for a moment in silence, trying not to make eye contact.
“Mrs. McNut, can you step out of the room for a second”? said Dr. Brown.
My mom walked out in silence, not even looking back at me.
“So tell me Zane these dreams that you have had, they have come true”?
“Yes” I said back.
I proceeded by telling him my dreams. I told him every last detail. I told him how it seemed like I could see the future. And when I was done he looked at me funny, almost like he was trying to read my thoughts.
“Zane, now tell me have you been thinking about what you have been dreaming about before you have dreamt it? In other words have you been thinking about aliens and global warming before you have gone to sleep”?
“Yes I have,” I replied back.
“Zane, I don’t think your dreams can see the future”.
I breathed out a sigh of relief.
“But I think it might be much worse. Zane I think your dreams make the future. Whatever you think before you dream makes the future”. And Dr. Brown whispered in my ear something that made my whole body shiver.
I walked out of Dr. Brown’s room with shock. How could this be possible, why is it possible? I walked out the doors and saw my mom in the car. I moved in and my mom immediately asked me, “What’s happening Zane”? I explained everything Dr. Brown had told me except the last thing he said to me.
When we arrived at home the sun was slowly setting. I knew that I would have to fall asleep soon and have a dream that would hurt people, possibly kill. I walked into the house and straight into my room. I took off my clothes and jumped in bed. The thoughts I were having weren’t the prettiest so I avoided closing my eyes for a while. I finally had a good thought in my mind, so I closed my eyes, and hoped I would be able to hold on to that good thought.
I was in the Middle East, the place I thought about before sleeping. I was hoping what I thought would be my dream. That didn’t look like it was going to happen. It was the terrorist group, Isis. I knew how they had wanted to take over the world for some time now and, I wanted my dream to have them all die. It looked like the complete opposite was happening. There were thousands of men gathering around this gigantic missile and, it was held by an even bigger airplane. I recognized the big missile as a nuke. They were going to nuke someone! I watched as one of the men climbed into the plane. The men surrounding him all quickly got out of the way. The airplane launched into the air. My body went right along with it. After a couple of minutes I was flying above a continent. Then after a couple of seconds I realized his target and I said to myself, he is nuking America! As we approached closer I realized his exact target, the White House. He launched the nuke down towards the white house and it exploded.
I woke up and stared at my clock, it was only 11:46 at night. I ran towards the TV because I knew it would be on the news soon. It took only a couple of minutes for it to be on the news. I turned off the TV and went back to my room and thought. I have to do the thing Dr. Brown told me. But I shouldn’t, I can fix this without doing what he said. If I have another bad dream I will do it, I have to. Not long after I fell asleep.
I was in an airplane but, it didn’t look like an airplane. The whole place was more high-tech. My body floated around and I saw them. I knew what I was really in. I was in a UFO, and there were aliens everywhere. All of them were armed with futuristic guns. The next thing I knew one of them was standing up in front of the crowd and speaking.
“In approximately twenty minutes our whole army will be at the place called Earth,” said the alien.
“Just to clarify we were told by the king that we kill anything that moves that isn’t an alien”.
“Now you all know that I used to be a human so I know the landscape very well”.
Wait a minute I said to myself. This alien looks familiar and, he said he used to be a human. Then it hit me, that’s my dad, my dad is an alien now! I couldn’t believe it.
Then all the aliens started to chant in some sort of alien language. I looked at my dad and noticed how he was much different than the other aliens. He was much bigger and stronger looking. If you can picture a bull and a body builder all into one, you have my dad. He was also black and white while the other aliens were more greenish. They must have mutated him I thought to myself.
“We are approaching Earth my friends,” said my dad.
I looked through the bus sized window and saw Earth. The UFO’s were approaching fast. In about one minute they were there. The aliens jumped out of the spaceship and, the shooting started.
I woke up and looked at my clock. It read 7:23. I jumped out of my bed and ran into my mom’s room.
“Mom, mom, mom wake up,” I said.
“What’s the matter Zane,” she said.
“We need to go, now”.
My mom scrambled out of bed and threw on some clothes. I told her we needed to grab Chloe because she would die if we left her home this time. We all ran into the car and my mom started driving.
“Where exactly are we going Zane,” my mom said.
“To Dr. Brown’s office and hurry”.
My mom drove like a mad man, we were half way there when we saw the first alien. We all screamed, the alien was extremely scary with its green body and tentacles all over his face. My mom hit the gas hard and smothered it. We kept on driving. I looked back and there were dozens of aliens shooting at buildings and people. I felt sorry for everyone, I knew this was all my fault, but soon all this would never happen. We arrived at Dr. Brown’s office. We all sprinted into the office. I immediately saw Dr. Brown. He had a gun in one arm and a Taser in the other.
“Zane this is bad, real bad,” said Dr. Brown.
“You know what you have to do.”
I looked at my mom and sister and gave them long wet hugs.
“Zane I don’t mean to rush you but the aliens are coming close.”
I quickly started to run.
“Zane, it’s on the top shelf.”
I quickly was in the room. I grabbed the toy bear off the top shelf and climbed onto the examination table. The lights were off and the table was comfortable. I thought about what Dr. Brown had said to me a couple of days ago. With the thought well in my mind I dozed off to a deep sleep.
I was there, exactly where I needed to be, in my bedroom. I had gone back in time to the first day I had the dream. I looked at myself asleep, so peaceful. With the bear in my hand I took something out. I looked into the object shining in the moonlight through the window. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but I had too. The world was at stake and I had to do it. I took one last look at my sleeping body and raised the object. As I thrust the object down I could still hear the last thing Dr. Brown said to me in my head. Zane I can’t believe I’m saying this but you need to do what I am about to tell you. It will save lives and your dad. All you need to do is go back in time to the first day you had the dreams. And you have to kill yourself. I’m sorry but it’s the only thing you can do to the save the world. Do it for your family Zane, for your family. And with that lost thought in my head I thrust the object down into my body.




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