Link's Adventure 3 | Teen Ink

Link's Adventure 3

October 15, 2015
By Charris BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Charris BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Link was running for his life. He could hear the horse galloping behind him. Lightning struck and Ganondorf started to stuff. Link looks behind him and sees a bacoblin release an arrow. Bam! The arrow pierced his leg. Link started to walk and then he collops. He flips over and sees Ganondorf charge up his dark magic. Zeet. It was a hit. Link lie died on the ground.
Link jumped out of his bed screaming. He just had a horrible dream. His fairy, Terra, flew over to him. “What happened?” Terra asked.
“I just had a horrid dream. I was running from a guy on a horse. He was wearing all black, red hair; he had a big nose, a huge dark blade that had some sort of dark fire coming from off of it.”
“I think I have seen a guy like him before,” Terra explained.
Link at this time is just a little eight year old boy. He wears a green tunic and cap. Underneath he wears white tights and he wears brown boots but he will get more suits later. He is soon to set out on his journey for he is the hero of time and space.
Terra is his fairy as I said before. She is a blue ball with wings, she talks to Link, can be a translator, and basically a phone. She can help Link talk to his friends even when they aren’t on the planet.
  Link and Terra head out of his house and into land of Hyrule. They are in the Koriki Forest which is more of a swamp cause there is a river located in the middle of the town. Link lives with the Korikis and the Zoras.
The Korikis are the forest people. They of course live in the forest and they never grow up. They don’t ever die of age they are always kids and love to play. They wear green tunic and have differ between girl and boy. This is Link’s kind, or so he thinks.
  The Zoras are a water human/animal. They live in Zoras Domain and in the forest. They are blueish looking and don’t really wear cloths because they have nothing to show.
Link saw Saria, his best friend. He jumped off his porch and ran towards her. When he got there Saria looked over and smiled.
“Hey Link,” she said
“Hey. How was your night?” Link asked
“Good. How about you?”
  Link didn’t want to tell her about his dream so he lied and said “Good. Have you seen Mido? I need to talk to him.”
She answered with, “Yeah he just headed into the Lost Woods.”
  “Thanks. See you later!”
Link ran off heading towards the Lost Woods. He got to the entrance and was ready to run in.
The Lost Woods aren’t called the Lost Woods for no reason; so many people from Hyrule have tried to venture them and became a stoflosse which is what happens to people when people get lost. It’s full of trees and passage ways leading to diiferent places or just right back to the beginning. It is very confusing to navigate through and you are pretty lucky if you find a way through. At the end of the Lost Woods is the Sacred Forest Meadow. It’s not only is a sacred place it is the only way into the Forest Temple.
The Forest Temple contains one of the five Medallions that Link will be soon gathering. No one can get in unless they have a hook shot witch can only be found in the Death Mountain, home of the Gorans.
Link knew his way through the Lost Woods. He actually was the first person out of the people in this time to ever make it to the Sacred Forest Meadow. He ran through and half way there found Mido hanging by the path to Death Mountain. The path that used to be open was now blocked off by a mysterious looking black magic wall. Terra came out of Link’s cap and tried to get close to it.
“AH! That is not like anything I’ve seen before and man it hurts.”
“Who could have done this?” Mido asked.
“I don’t know,” Terra said. “Would you, Link?”
“No I don’t know anyone that could do this but we have to get rid of it.”
Link looked at Mido and saw the wall was also blocking the in was from above which he saw but he would need a hook shot to do so.
“Look is blocking the rest of the way.” Link said to Mido.
Link was wondering where Mido’s fairy was. He looked around but could not catch a glimpse of it. He didn’t know if it was a male or female so yeah.
“This is bad. How are we supposed to get bombs for the shop and new fairies for people?” Mido asked.
“I don’t know. This is awful but we need to fix it.”
“Yeah we need to. The future of the Korikis depends on us to surpass this wall.”
Link and Mido ran back to the village and they were met with a surprise. Standing in the center of the village was a guy wearing all black clothes, had red hair, tall, and he had a big nose. Mido ran down there to see what was happening.
“That’s the guy in my dream,” Link told Terra.
“This is not good. We need to get something to fight him.”
“The only place would be the shop but we can’t steal from it. The store owner is down there by the guy.”
“I know where to go. Follow me.”
Link did not know where they were heading but he jotted along with Terra. They went down to the play yard and there Terra gave instructions for Link to follow.
“Move that huge rock. Now crawl into the hole.”
“Whoa! What is this place?” Link asked.
The place was a place Link had never seen or heard of has now become the most beautiful place he has ever seen.
“Head to the right. Now open that chest.”
“Ok. Here goes nothing.”
Link opened the chest and inside was a sword and shield. He lifted them out of the chest and admired them and then he pulled out the sword. He swung it around and felt the grip.
“Now let’s go get that guy!”
“Yeah!” Link said.
They ran out the hole and right into the middle of the town. They stopped in the back of the group and listened to what the guy was saying.
“My name is Ganondorf. I come from the desert. Now where is the forest medallion? Where did you put it? Tell me or else.” The man said.
Terra tells Link. “Now move up.”
Link does as Terra says and makes his to the front of the pack.
“Or else what?” Link asked.
“Who dares say a thing like that?” Tell me who.”
“I do,” Link said stepping out of the pack and into the circle around him.
“Ok then,” Ganondorf said.
He turned around and started to walk off but then he turns around and flings some sort of dark magic blob at Link. Link dodged it sheered out his sword. The Korikis stared at the sword.
“That’s, that’s the Koriki Sword,” one of them said.
Link charged at Ganondorf who at this time was laughing at him. Link swung his sword at him and… missed. Ganondorf had rolled under it. Ganondorf pulled out his sword it was just like the one in his dream. A huge blade with purple fire pulsing off of it.
“Did you think I didn’t have any defense on me? Now tell me were the medallion is.”
“Never!” Link yelled.
“Ok. You asked for it,”
Ganondorf striked Link’s shield. Link bounced back but he regained his balance and attacked him again. Ganondorf blocked it and countered. Bam! It was a hit. Link fell over he was hurt badly the sword had pierced his arm and cut some muscle. Ganondorf turned and laughed.
“Did you really think you could beat me?”
“Ahh!” Link screeched as he lie on the ground in pain.
“Foolish boy,” Ganondorf said as he walked off.
Every Koriki ran up to Link. Some of them picked him up and took him to the doctor. They placed him on the bed in the room and left. Link stayed there for days as the doctor tried to help him.

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