First Day | Teen Ink

First Day

October 9, 2015
By Brownieman BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Brownieman BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twelve years after dictator Bork Huebchev  took over the U.S., Jim Brown was in his home strategizing for the rebels next attack. He could remember the day he had been placed in his new position of power.
It had been two years since Huebchev assassinated Barrack Obama, and former military leaders (including Jim) had gathered in a secret bunker near Prudhoe Bay in Alaska to decide what to do about the new, cruel leader in their beloved country. After many hours of discussion, they decided to contact loyal soldiers and begin recruiting for their new rebel military.
Now the only thing to do was to decide who would lead this military, so they voted. In the end it became a tie between the former leader of the Marines, and the leader of the Navy Seals. They could not leave it a tie so they voted again with the only options being Jim (the Navy Seal leader) and Jay Jakson (the Marines leader). The votes came back in 6-5 with Jim winning the position of General of the rebel army. Jim immediately made Jay , who was not only a great leader, but also his best friend, second in command. He sent several people out to various places in the country to scout and recruit.
That’s how he got here, wanted across the country, in his secret basement, trying to keep his family safe, and devising a way to get closer to Huebchev’s new capital in Charleston, South Carolina with as few friendly casualties as possible.
As he was trying to decide which route was quickest and least dangerous to get from Alberta, Canada (where the main rebel army was) to New York City, a Huebchev stronghold, he heard a sudden, loud banging sound upstairs.
That can’t be the kids playing, he thought. He jumped up, grabbed his sig sauer p226, made sure it was loaded, and ran upstairs to see what made that sound. He was horrified to see 5 of Bork Huebchev’s elite soldiers standing over the dead bodies of his family. At that sight he snapped. He started shooting at the murderers, dropped all five of them, and emptied the gun on one of them as tears of rage started to flow. He sprinted out the back door, instincts taking over, to his float plane and escaped before anyone could call the cops and get him arrested.
As he was in the air flying towards his friend, and fellow rebel leader’s, house in Skagway Alaska ,Jim mourned over the loss of his family. All he could wonder was how Huebchev had found him, and why his guards hadn’t gotten the enemies or alerted him to their presence.
Jay greeted him and offered him a drink as soon as he landed. “So, what’s going on that you came down on such short notice,” Jay asked.
“Someone tipped off Huebchev and he sent 5 of his elites to my house to kill me and the family. I was downstairs strategizing when they got there, I heard something hit the floor hard, went upstairs with my gun, and found my family dead and the elites leaving because they couldn’t find the secret entrance to the basement so they thought I wasn’t there. I shot them and bailed before the police could get there.”
Jay just looked at him speechless and got him another drink.
After a long silence Jay asked, “What are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know, the only thing I can think of right now is sleep. I have been awake for the past twenty hours.”
Jay took him downstairs to a spare room. Jim lay awake and stared at the ceiling for several hours. He had seen many good friends die in battle against Huebchev’s military, but this was taking it way over the line. It was right there, in that little spare bedroom in his friend’s basement, that Jim decided he would find Huebchev, and he would kill him.
Jim finally fell asleep after three more hours of mourning and slept until almost four that evening. He went upstairs and found a note from Jay;
I heard on the scanner that police were headed this way, I left around three to divert them. When you wake up call me, if I don’t answer I am probably in a firefight, I’ve been captured, I’m in hiding at the island, or I am dead. If it is revenge on Huebchev you seek, he is at his summer home in the Bahamas.
Good luck,
Jim immediately called Jay who answered after three rings. “Where are you as of now?” he asked Jay.
“I’m on the island. Listen, if I am right, there are a lot of Huebchev’s people headed your direction. GET OUT OF THERE!”
“All right I am on my way.”
Jim could already hear the sirens. He quickly got his gun and ammo, loaded it all in his backpack, and sprinted out to his plane. He could see the lights as he fired up the engine. He taxied out to an open stretch of water and gunned the throttle. The Ford Mustangs were pulling up to the drive and their drivers were getting out weapons at the ready as he got the plane in the air.
About a half hour later he arrived at a small island roughly 150 miles off the coast of Juneau. He landed the plane on a small runway at the west end of the island, pulled off the runway to hide the plane, climbed out, and walked to the cabin at the other side of the island.
When he went through the door Jay was kneeling behind the table gun ready.
“Whoa now!” JIm exclaimed when he saw the .357 lever action rifle aimed at him.
“Sorry, can’t ever be too careful when you have someone like Huebchev after you.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Jim replied as he got a bottle from the fridge.
“So, what are we going to do about that whole problem?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but I do know that somehow, I will avenge my family.”
With that the two men sat down at the table to strategize. They would fly into Vancouver, where they had a larger plane registered under the name John Deere. From there they would fly directly to Miami International Airport. Then they would set explosives in the plane and drive to the coast where a boat would be waiting to take them to the island where Huebchev’s summer home was at. After that they would infiltrate the home, subdue or kill any guards, and get Huebchev.
Half an hour into the flight, they encountered an F-18. They were not sure if it was one of the rebels’ planes or if it was Huebchev’s, so they kept flying and tried to ignore it.
The F-18 radioed them, “This is Iceman of the Socialist U.S. Air Force come in.”
“This is Brownieman, how are you Iceman.” Jim replied as he made sure his gun was loaded in case he had to land.
“I’m doing good, you wouldn’t happen to know of a man named Jim Brown would you?”
“Never heard the name other than on the news, I’m flying from Anchorage to Seattle so I have been in the air all day.Isn’t he that rebel leader guy?”
“Yes he is, he is very waned. So you haven’t seen on the news that he evaded police early this morning in Skagway and left in a learjet just like yours?”
“No, I haven’t. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful, but I am just going to Seattle to visit family.”
“Ok, keep your eyes and ears open, there is a two million dollar reward for information leading to the capture of Jim Brown.”
"Got it, Brownieman out.”
Jim shut off his mic, “That was too close for comfort.”
“Yes that was.” Jay replied, “Let’s hope we don’t have to deal with anymore of that.”
It was another hour until they got to Vancouver. When they landed the rigged the plane with C4 in Jim's private hangar. They set the explosives to go off in one hour so they knew that they would be able to get in the air with the other plane before it went off. After they were done with that, they did a preflight check, and then they taxied to the small runway. They cleared their takeoff with the control tower, got the plane to full speed, and they were off. Just seconds after they got in the air the hangar exploded and alarms went off all over the airport.
Jim got the plane on course and set it to autopilot so he could get some sleep. He set an alarm so he would be up fifteen minutes before initial descent, and he went to his small quarters to sleep.
About twenty minutes into his nap, Jay rushed back to wake Jim.
“Hey! Get up to the c***pit, there is a friendly F-35 squad leader that wants to talk to you.”
“Alright, I’m coming.” Jim went to the c***pit and put on his headset,”This is Brownieman, you still out there?”
“This is Ghostrider, I hear you.”
“So then, was there a reason you sent my copilot to get me, or did you just want to say you spoke to the rebel leader?”
“There is a very good reason, sir. I’m not sure if you can see it on your radar, but we have a bunch of Huebchev’s air force coming to try and intercept you.”
Jim looked at the radar and saw 8 little blips on the screen. “Yes I see them.” Jim replied knowing it wouldn’t be the F-35 since they are stealth fighters.
“Well, we asked your copilot for identification so we knew whether or not to shoot him down, lucky us he said who you were. Since we know who you are, would it be rude to ask what you are doing?”
“Just get to the point Ghostrider.”
“Well, even though we don’t know where you are going, since you are our commander in chief, and those enemy fighters are so close, we wondered if you would accept an escort.”
“So, let me get this straight. You just took up all that time that I could have still been sleeping, and that those enemy planes were getting closer, to tell me you wanted to give me an escort?”
“Surely you should’ve known that with those fighters so close I would accept if you would have just told me who you were, and that those little blips on the radar (which are now less than 50 miles out) were enemy fighters.”
“Sorry, sir. So does that mean you want that escort?”
“YES IDIOT! Now what are you waiting for? Get in formation!”
“Yes, sir!”
With that Jim took off his headset and took control of the plane as 7 F-35’s took formation around him. He could now see the little dots that he knew to be either F-16’s or F-18’s in Bork Huebchev’s air force on the horizon.
The enemy planes grew in his sight as they came closer and closer. Jay started to panic, “What do we do if we lose the escort? What happens if they go down? Jim I don’t wanna die! There has to be a way we can av-”
“Shut up Jay! There is nothing we can do about this now except pray and hope that our pilots hold out. If we go down, we are going down fighting. I put in a hidden gun pod. If you go back where passengers would be seated, five rows back in the middle aisle there is a small handle on the floor. Grab that handle, twist to the right and lift up. From there descend the ladder and go back to the front of the plane. The gun pod will be there, doesn’t handle any different than a gun pod in a normal bomber.”
“Ok, what are you gonna do?”
“I have guns that I can control from here.”
Jay went down to the gunpod and got ready while Jim prayed, “God, I have lost my family, my country, and many good friends to the man that owns the planes coming towards me. If I have to die before this whole thing is over, I ask one thing; please let me avenge everything and everyone I have lost to Bork Huebchev.”
Jim got the guns ready and opened fire on the incoming F-16’s. Jim could maneuver his plane well, but the pilots in the F-16’s could maneuver theirs better. His only hope was that his guys in the F-35’s could take them out. Ten minutes into the dogfight, Jim had lost 4 of his 7 F-35’s, Huebchev had only lost 2 of his 8 F-16’s. Jim’s escort had fallen apart, and Jim couldn’t get rid of 6 fighter jets with a small passenger jet that he had modified to put 20mm guns and a gun pod in.
The little plane took a sidewinder missile to the left wing. There was no longer a left wing. It was going down fast. Jim saw a stretch of flat land and put the landing gear down in hopes of a crash landing instead of just a crash. Jay came back up to the c***pit, “What are you doing?”
“Trying to land it stupid. Sit down and put your seatbelt on, it’s gonna be rough.”
Just as Jay buckled his seatbelt, the plane hit the ground. It skidded for 200 yards, tearing the right wing and the tail off. Jim realized he had closed his eyes and he opened them.He analyzed the damage as he realized that he had a sharp pain in his side. Though the plane was torn to pieces, he and Jay came away relatively unscathed, besides for his possible broken rib.
Jim grabbed his P226 and Jay’s glock 19 so they could find someplace to get supplies. After three hours of hiking the stumbled upon a highway. They turned south and followed the road (which turned out to be U.S. 30) until they found a small town called Warsaw, Indiana.
They both had a LOT of cash so they could buy food easily, but they also needed ammunition. That was a hard thing to get since it requires an I.D. to buy and they were both wanted across the country. After they bought food they found a small gun store and went in.  The owner was a nice guy, but he wasn’t one to break the law. As soon as he realized who they were he ran for the phone. Jim caught him and knocked him unconscious. They took the keys to his car and every box of ammunition for their guns that he had in stock. They also took two silenced AR-15’s and all the ammo he had for them. Before the left they wrote a note and left 2,000,000 dollars cash in a bag on the counter. They went outside and found that he had a chevy 2500 pickup truck with a crew cab. They loaded the guns and got in the truck. They figured out that they were in Northern Indiana and had about a 10 hour drive if they went straight through. They decided that they should take turns driving and sleeping, and Jay got the first turn driving.
Jay woke him up about 5 hours into the drive to switch out. It was a long, uneventful drive, but they managed to make it to Miami in one piece. They called the guy that was supposed to drive the boat to the island where Huebchev’s home was, but due to them being late he was unavailable at the time. They decided that they would “borrow” a boat to get to the island since their guy was busy. They got to the docks and found a small speedboat that they could easily hotwire. They ditched the truck and got into the boat so they could set out to Huebchev’s island.
Jim knew that the island would be heavily guarded, but he never imagined anything like this. There were patrol boats thirty miles off the coast. Jim and Jay had to avoid them the best they could and keep going, trying not to look suspicious. That is a very hard job for someone who is wanted across the country, especially if he is with another person that is wanted across the country.
They finally managed to make it to the island after about an hour. They loaded their guns and went over the plan. They would work their way through the island to a side door on the east side of the island. Jay would pick the lock and they would go in directly to Huebchev’s bedroom. Hopefully he would be in there, but if he wasn’t they would sweep the house to find him.
They started up the trail to the house. With every footstep the men thought that they would be caught, but surprisingly, they managed to make it all the way to the door without encountering any guards. Jim watched for any guards as Jay picked the lock.
“This is weird. All those patrol boats out there, and no guards here.” Jim whispered “Are they switching patrols, is Huebchev really that careless, or is Huebchev gone?”
“I don’t know but I’m not so sure I like it.”
Huebchev wasn’t in his room, so they began sweeping the house. They stuck together so they wouldn’t get isolated against any guards that they encountered. They swept the entire ground floor without any troubles.
Next was the basement. They moved slowly and quietly down the stairs. There were two doors, this is where they encountered their first guards. There were ten guards standing outside one of the doors talking amongst themselves. The rebels opened fire on them. Ten shots, ten guards down without time to react. Jim motioned to move forward to the door they were guarding.
“One, two, three!” Jim whispered and they kicked the door down. There he was along with two of his closest advisors, Bork Huebchev. Jay shot the two advisors while Jim pulled his P226. He slowly walked across the room towards Huebchev as he said, “You have taken so much from me. My family, many of my closest friends, the country that I love. Now it’s time to take the country back.” He aimed the handgun and pulled the trigger.
“JIM! It’s time to get ready for school!” Jim’s mother was yelling from downstairs, “You’re gonna be late on your first day!” Jim quickly got dressed and brushed his teeth, skipping breakfast he got in the car to leave for his first day in the sixth grade.
When he got to school he was pleased to find that his best friend Jay was in his class along with a new boy he didn’t recognize. As everyone found a seat, Mr. Johnston asked the new boy to come to the front of the room.
“Class, this boy and his family moved from Russia over the summer. I expect you to treat him kindly.” Mr. Johnston turned to the new boy, “Would you like to introduce yourself?”
Jim almost choked on his water when the boy said, “My name is Bork Huebchev.”

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