Dick Grayson | Teen Ink

Dick Grayson

October 9, 2015
By Swaggy-N BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Swaggy-N BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Dick Grayson.  It is year 2028 and I am on my way to the big apple (New York City) to get the new suit for my body. I need this suit because I use to be in the military, and in one of our missions there was an explosion.  I was in the middle of that blast. I am lucky to be alive right now.  But the bad thing is that I lost my left arm and both of my legs.  But before I was in the military, I was trained in the martial arts. I am now a super hero. But people don’t know that.  I was an orphan because my parents were killed by an assassin. That’s why I became a superhero in the first place because I want to find the person who killed my parents.
My superhero name is Flying Ninja because I’m a black belt in martial arts.  But since I don't have any legs or my left arm I'm not so sure about that. Have you ever seen the movie Robocop? Well it was about fifteen years ago when it came. Anyway I am getting a suit like that. I also have a sidekick. His name is Rick. But his superhero name is Robin. We have been fighting crime since 2020, so for about 8 years now.  We are brothers and he also wants revenge on Night Strike.
I had just arrived to OSCORP (that is the place where I’m getting my suit). When I  arrived Rick was already there.
“Thanks you Rick for coming.” I said to him.
“No problem I am your brother anyway so, I think I should have came.” We both chuckled.
“Please get on the table Mr.Grayson.” The doctor commanded. I did what he said and got on the table. They brought the suit in and I was amazed at what I saw.
They started to connect it to my left leg first. The gave me shots to numb the pain because they have to connect in to my nerves system so I can move. After they connected the left leg they had to run a diagnostic to see if it was running properly.
“How does that feel?” the doctor asked.
“It feels a little different.” I replied.
“That’s how it’s suppose to be.” said the doctor.
“Oh, then it’s fine.” I said. They started to put the other body parts on. They did my right leg next, then my left arm.
“Can you stand up?”  the doctor asked.
“I can try.” I get up off the table and stand. “It’s been a long time since I did this.” It felt a little weird standing up for the first time since the explosion.
"Now walk to that plant and back," said the doctor as he pointed to the small potted plant by the window. I started to move my right leg out in front of me, then put it on the ground. Then moved my left leg to the front and put it down on the ground. I wobbled at first, but I think I was starting to get the hang of it.
                "Now try to jump." said the doctor. I got both feet under me and started to bend down. I bent down all the way and took a huge leap up, it was about seven feet in the air! "I put some adjustments on your suit. You can now jump higher, punch harder, and run faster."
                  "Wow, thank you doctor."
                 Rick and I walked out of the OSCORP building and got in our stingray.
"Hey let's head back to our HQ." Rick stated. Our headquarters are at the top of Lady Liberty in her crown. We got to the edge of the city and saw the Statue of Liberty. There was a boat there waiting for us. We got on to the boat and started to drive to the statue.
When we got there we had to say our name to make sure that it is us and not an intruder. “Please state your name.” said the computer.
“Dick Grayson.”
“Hello Mr. Grayson” said the computer and the door opened. We walked in and got to the elevator and started to head to the top floor. The elevator dinged when we got to the top. We got out and walked to the console.
“How’s the new suit?” asked Rick.
“It’s amazing!” I said with excitement
“Sweet, what are some cool things it can do?”
“It can run fast, jump high, punch harder, and it also has a missile launcher.”
“Wow, can’t wait to see it in action!”
“Me too! Ok now let's get down to business.” I said getting into my chair by the console. “Rick try to find everything you know about Night Strike.”
“Yes sir.” he said zipping to the computer. He started typing and said, “Last time he was spotted was in New york City, in the Statue of Liberty.” We both looked at each other puzzled.
“How can he be in the Statue of Liberty? That’s where we are right now.” We heard the shattering of glass. “What was that?” We both jumped up from our chairs and went over to check it out.
“What do you think it was?” Rick asked walking towards the noise. Right before I tried to answer Knight Strike jumped out and punched me in the face.
“Well well well, here we are.” said Knight Strike. I get up, spitting out the blood that was in my mouth.
“I’m going to make you pay for what you did to my parents!” I scream at him.
“I bet you will, or will try at least.” He said with a smirk. 
I run at him and try to throw a punch but he gets out of the way before I reach him 
“Is that all you got?” He said getting out his sword.
“I don’t know let's find out.” I said throwing a punch. I made a direct hit to his chest, he flew through the air and hit the pile of crates.
“That wasn’t too bad.” He said getting out of the crates.
Rick starts to run after him, he tried to throw a punch but Knight Strike was there with his sword.
“NO!” I sprint to Rick who was lying on the ground with a severed arm. “Rick! Oh my gosh are you ok? it’s ok you’re not going to die, I’m here.” But in my head I knew he wasn’t going to make it from this. The cut was all the way through his arm and was barely hanging on.
“It’s ok. You’re just going to finish him off by yourself. “ Rick was started to turn pale, but before I was about to say something I was kicked in the gut.
After I gained all the air back that he kicked out of me, I stood up and looked over at Rick. His body looked lifeless. I knew he was gone. I turned my attention back to Knight Strike. When I did he was already running at me. “Now it’s my turn to make a move.” I said to myself.
When was about five feet away and he threw a punch. I grabbed his fist and crushed it in my hand. I could feel the bones breaking underneath my fingers. He started to scream out in pain. “This is for what you did to Rick.” And I broke his arm.
“AAAHHHHHH!” He screamed.
“This is what you get for killing my parents!” I get behind him and snap his neck. He dropped dead to the floor.
I had to destroy all the evidence so I had to plant C4. After I charged all of them I left the statue. Right after I left I hit the trigger. The Statue of Liberty exploded.  

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