Russian | Teen Ink


October 9, 2015
By Oliviaselig BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Oliviaselig BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The door suddenly flew open and multi-colored flashing lights rushed into the big family room. Big, tall men flooded into the room wearing suits and sunglasses that were opaque. The little girls huddled into a dark corner with tears in their eyes. The parents (Glovik and Natalya) were planted in the middle of the room with their arms wrapped around each other. They peered back to the petrified, harmless, little girls. Natalya bravely stood up even though her long legs felt like jelly. She rushed over to the crying little girls as bullets flew by her head. She dived towards the girls but what landed next to the girls was their mother’s limp, dying body… Oxanna (the older of the two girls) held her mother’s head in her trembling hands. She stared into her mother’s eyes and she saw the most helpless look she’s ever seen from anyone in her whole life.
    “Take care of Veronicka, your little sister needs you..”
    “Mom you’re going to be fine! I’m not going to let you die..”
    “You’re going to have to let go sometime so let it be today.”
    Oxanna held her mother’s head in her shaky hands. Her mother’s eyes were locked with hers. Her mother’s eyes had a deadly shimmer to them. “Don’t let the people who did this to me live.” she said as her eyes were still locked with Oxanna’s. It seemed as if all the life drained out of her mother’s eyes and face.
    A tear fell from Oxanna’s baby blue eye and landed on her mother’s crooked smile.
    Oxanna turned towards her sister who was staring at her father while he was getting dragged away by the big, tall men. Veronika was frozen. She couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed.
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    “How’s your day been?” Oxanna asked her co-worker, Halvitch.
    “Pretty good. Do you have all your stuff packed for your trip?”
    “Just about.”
    Almost everyone who knew Oxanna knew what her intentions to go to America were. Some thought they were good and others didn’t think so. Oxanna was going to go visit the place where the men who killed her parents worked. The men might be dead but they probably had kids who worked there or lived close and would be easy to track down.
    Oxanna had horrible ideas of what she would do to the people who killed her parents
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        The roaring voice of the pilot came on the speakers, “The flight will be landing in fifteen minutes. Please buckle your seat belts.”
        About time! Seventeen hours was more than enough for her in the cramped, coach seats. The baggage claim was like a zoo. Luckily she tied a bright green ribbon on her handle of the boring,black, futuristic-looking suitcase that the department gave her.
When she got to the hotel she couldn’t believe what she saw. There was a huge red floating door and everything was glass. She had never seen anything like it before. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. Her hotel room was a suite (of course) and there was a big hot tub in the corner. But she was here for business, not for fun.
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    She woke up from the alarm in her watch. Her bosses hologram came out of her watch to leave her a list of things she needed to do. First she would go to the orphanage headquarters and bust all of the Russian children out. She would need to train and equip the inexperienced kids.
She departed her hotel at 3:00 a.m because it’s the darkest time of night. She cautiously walked to the orphanage, staying in the shadows of the tall buildings trying not to be seen. She could instantly tell that people were awake. This isn’t going to be easy but it will be fun. She reached in her pocket to get out her pen that’s actually a taser and a laser that can be lethal.
               She knocked on the door that looked like it was about to break if she even just touched it. A big man walked past a window. She observed him as he started walking towards the door. She quickly got out her taser that looked like lipstick and clutched it tightly in her hands.
              "What brings you here at this hour?"
                "My niece was sent here because her mother died. I found out about it and I caught the very next flight to America in hopes to take her back home." She's sobbing at this point; trying to convince him. He stared at her like she was a piece of art on display at a museum. "Well?! Are you going to go get her or just stand there?"
              "I'm going, jeez. Just please stop crying..."
She informed him that her niece was the blind girl. She knew she could trick the blind girl into believing it's her mother or something. She would then instruct the girl to go and tell all of her friends from Russia to come say hi to her.
"Here she is." said the man that was towering over the little blind girl.
“Hey pretty girl. It’s your Aunt,” she said as she was bent down to be the same size as the little girl. She looked at the man and asked if he could give them some privacy.
He walked away and plopped down on a couch. 
“Ok I want you to go and tell all your friends from Russia to come down and say hi to me. Can you do that?”
“Yeah!” she squealed as she stomped up the stairs. She slammed the door to their room and you could hear her yelling at all the other little girls to wake up. Moments later a stampede of little girls came racing down the stairs wearing their night gowns.
A sequence of little high pitched voices flooded the room with phrases like “Hey!”, “Eek are you going to be our new mommy?” and “Yay a friend!”
“I’ll be your new mommy if we make a plan to see each other again.”
“Okay how about we meet tomorrow night at two a.m at the corner of the block? You have to be really quiet though because your house master might hear you and make you live here forever."
The night that Oxanna has been waiting for was finally here.  This plan has been twenty years in the making.  Veronicka had been in the United States for the last ten years getting the training facility ready.  Tonight they will fill it with eager tiny soldiers. 
The facility is equipped with the most advanced gadgets known to man.  The Russian government had its most diabolical scientists turn everyday items into torturous weapons.  These American families would never expect their sweet little orphan could attack them with what appears to be an ordinary toy.
Veronicka and Oxanna have finally succeeded in their revenge.  All of these precious little orphans will be placed in homes that they selected.  Very important American government officials will graciously welcome these poor little orphans into their homes.  Do they remember why these children are orphans?  That's right the U.S. government killed their parents. 
Two months later there have been several unexplained deaths in Washington D.C.  The only thing connecting these deaths was recently adopted Russian children.  Looks like these poor children will need to find another American family to settle in with.  The revolt continues.
Oxanna has her own private revenge to seek.  She has tracked down two very unfortunate men.  They were not as unfortunate as her and her sister.  No, they were not deprived of their parents.  Their parents killed her mom and dad.  Did these men know that they were raised by murderers?  Were they proud of their "heroic" parents? 
Scum, slimy, arrogant best describes Jaxon Dunn.  He must be just like his father, Bryan.  Bryan Dunn is the man that murdered Oxanna's mild mannered father.   Should the son have to suffer for his father's sins?  Definitely yes and suffer he shall.
How does a beautiful woman lure an arrogant man to his death?   Oxanna has a very simple plan.  Romantic dinner at her place with a special homemade Russian dinner. His death won't be painless.  The special chemicals that flavor his food will cause him severe pain, vomiting and bleeding.  Watching a man's eyeballs bleed out of his skull gives her a little closure on witnessing her father's death.  Now to meet Matthew  Foster.
Matthew Foster son of the coldest most sadistic American spy of all time, Charles Foster.  Charles is spending his golden years in a Federal prison.  His sadistic ways finally caused the government to lock him away.  Surely his son is a man modeled after his dear old dad.
Oxanna has another date tonight.  Matthew is very excited to spend time with an exotic Russian beauty.  Meeting at a restaurant, Oxanna spots him immediately.  She.has studied his photos for years. While he was handsome in his photos in person he is breath taking. How can he be the son of a sadistic murderer?
Matthew has spotted her and makes his way to her.  He is in awe of her angelic beauty.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I never thought I'd see anyone as beautiful as you."
Oxanna never believed in love at first sight. So how could she be in love with the son of the man who murdered her mother? Matthew Foster is the total opposite of his father. He volunteers his time to help wounded and abandoned  animals and he has the biggest heart.   Oxanna and Matthew agree to see each other and she soon forgets her plan for  revenge and Matthew's death. Knowing that Matthew is the son of the man that killed her mother is overshadowed by her falling blindly in love.  At some point she believed that love was an existence of torture, yet she has fallen to her own beliefs. Matthew is deeply in love with Oxanna.  There is no doubt that they are meant to be together.  They wed in a small, romantic ceremony.   Oxanna has never been so happy.  She finally feels the hole in her heart has healed.
As they are on their honeymoon in California, Oxanna has a turn for the worst while she's sleeping. The vision of her mother's life fading away haunted her that night... She saw her mother's eyes and it made her go into the deepest rage ever. She jolted awake. Her nightmare finally came to an end and her husband's life was going to come to an end also.
Oxanna's body is flooded with peace and exhaustion.  She falls into the most deep and restful sleep.  She awakes to the familiar scene of her parents attack.  Oxanna and Vicktoria  are prepared this time.  Their training will not allow them to become orphaned this time.

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