The Other Voice | Teen Ink

The Other Voice

October 9, 2015
By Phoebia BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Phoebia BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What if we found an identical Terra? The same people, same animals, same technology... No, imagine that it was better. The new Terra would be beautiful in every way. People would be flawless with purple, green, even red eyes, as if they were in an advanced society. What if they don't need to use verbal sound waves to communicate?
This 'what if' is now a 'remember when.'
No longer do we have to imagine. We've seen what that Terra was like, but the Coalition didn't approve. They eradicated all evidence of 'Mirror Terra' from our brains. Yet there was one detail they overlooked during The Eradication. One of their Searchers made a relation with a Mirror Terran... I was born on the earth we know, but my father remains on an unattainable world.
You see, the Coalition could have done away with me when I was born, but death is not attractive. So instead, they had me grow up in a silent facility, to never be seen. I am classified as a female 'Mirror Child' at the age of 18 units. I have been in The Morgue since I was 2 units. I could have passed for Mono Terran if it hadn't been for my appearance. I have auburn hair creased with cherry wood that is ombré to crimson, ending in a bleached sand color. My recorded height is 6"3' and my body proportion consists of slender legs, decently full hips to match my breasts, and slender arms. If it weren't-
Don't forget your eyes.
Oh yes, the real reason for my isolation, are my unregulated eyes. One eye is the color of a blue ream of silk, whereas the other eye is the color of a deciduous tree in the hot mid times; the hot mid times were once known as 'summer.' Well-
Sea, don’t leave me out of this…
‘Oh Storm, could I ever forget someone as important as you?!?’  Everyone, meet the storm inside my head...
Yeah, let's stick with that. I am Storm, the hero of this awful world!
Except for the fact that I’m stuck in the head of this sad Terran; if I could walk around, this planet would quickly be cured of the Coalition.
‘Yeah, okay.’
She seems to enjoy being with me, though I hate every thought she puts in my mind. I’d prefer to live without another voice in my head, but she never disappears… Storm is what you'd call a typical hero: brave, outspoken, ready to fix humanity. I on the other hand, have other plans for our friends, the Coalition!
One does not have to be a villain to want justice, but only a villain can obtain it in a way that is free of obstacles, remorse, and guilt.
The line between ‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ is slim, the only thing stopping some from crossing is their fear of killing. Some step over on their own will, whereas I was pushed. A hero needs a villain. What could be better than being your mind’s adversary?
I reach for my glass of water, when my eyes go all weird, again. There sits my glass, but doubled. In one eye I see the glass where I had left it; in the other eye I see the glass sitting 2 feet to the left.
As I go to move it to appease my eyes, a doctor runs in and knocks over the glass.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so clumsy. Let me-” Tuning him out, I pick up the now empty cup. I absently turn it over in my hands, still paying the stuttering doctor no heed.
“Pardon me, but are you Sea?”  My ears perk up at this new voice. Silently, I look away from the wall to see a female dressed in a short sleeved, white dress over top a thin, long sleeved, cream colored jumper. Her hair is a metallic silver color hanging in fat curls down to her waist; her eyes are the color of oak wood, but the expression in them are about as dead as-
Sea, she could help us. Don’t insult her.
‘Storm, I was not insulting her. It’s called observing.’
“Excuse me,” Two neatly manicured fingers snap in front of my face, forcing me to pay attention to the lady. “Does she do this often?”
“Afraid so, she’ll just check right out of reality, ma’am.”  The clumsy male doctor informs the female.
“Sea, I’ve come to you so-”
Sea, pay attention!
My hands itch to do something, so I grab the Thought Regulator (located at the base of my neck, directly over my brain stem) and tear it from my skin. The edges of my vision blacken, but my mind clears.
“Ma’am,” Standing up, I shove the bloody regulator into this lady’s beautiful hands and walk past the mortified doctors. “Do excuse me, I haven’t spoken in about 3 whole units, and I don’t want to waste my short time on you.”
I make finger guns, fire them, then break into a dead run. Doors, windows, and doctors blur together as I run. Reaching my destination, I whip around and lock myself in the dark room.
“Knock, knock.”
“Sea, fancy meeting you back here...” The lights flicker on to reveal a man sitting in the middle of the cold, marble floor of a circular room made of mirrors.
“Case,” I breathe and smile. “Hello, old friend.”
He motions for me to sit, which I do, but he frowns at me.
“Why’d you come?”
“Information, Case, I’ve come for information.” A muffled alarm blares in the facility past the door.
Sea, don’t do this again…
“What kind of information?” Case looks past me to the door; he knows why I’m here…
I look at one mirror to see Storm shaking her head; Storm doesn’t like who I am without my Thought Regulator.
“Case,” I hastily whispered, unconsciously trying to hide my words from Storm. “I need to get out of this Core Area. Go to F Core or E Core, anywhere but here. Please, friend?”
He sighs heavily. “Sea, you know how risky this is-” The alarm screams and the lights snap off.
“Too late now, I guess.” I hiss.
Grabbing Case’s head-
SEA! A tugging sensation overwhelms my brain, but I push it away. SEA- PUT HIM DOWN!
I snap his neck in one fluid movement and let his limp form fall to the ground.
That’s just like you- Storm’s voice is drenched in venom. Killing anything and anyone close to you; that’s really sad, you know?
‘Yet I can’t kill you.’  I throw open the door and tear through the hallways, knocking over people in my way.
  I watch as she runs and I listen to her thoughts. This poor girl is trapped in a world she’s made, no possible escape.
Silently, I follow this deranged human, though she only spots me in mirrors.
‘Sea, don’t go through with this… Without your Thought Regulator, you’re going to ruin all my attempts at keeping you neutral.’
She laughs; the sound emitted is more terrifying than the scream of a maniac.
Dear, sweet, Storm- Her voice whispers in my head.  Do shut up.
I follow her as she tries to run from the only thing keeping her sane- herself.
Let me take you back a few years, provide a bit of insight into her background.
Sea was raised in this facility (delightfully named ‘The Morgue’) from the time she was 2 units to now. She was seemingly normal, until her Mirror DNA fought her Human DNA, resulting in our minds being linked. Her brain had to reboot for some time while we linked; during this reboot though, something snapped. Sea’s behavior became erratic, she turned violent, vulgar, and she spoke of rebellion and dangerous ideas… The once seemingly innocent, harmless little girl, turned into a terrifying creature of nasty habit; the doctors had to induce a coma just to be able to breathe for a while. 
One problem in that plan though, with two individual minds inhabiting the body, the coma would last a short time before both minds consumed it; nothing could stop the darkness from preying on the poor child or anyone near her. Her desire for blood turned to a lust. Her fingers itched to do something; her thoughts made me develop insomnia, for I could not sleep while hearing those horrid ideas… The first time Sea killed (she was only 6 units), a doctor tried to give her a sandwich laced with sedative; obviously, this did not bode well in the end for the doctor. From there, the murderous acts and deeds just increased; there was no diminishing the hatred, fear, darkness driving this girl.
When The Coalition created a ‘Thought Regulator,’ they had one person specifically in mind.
The goal of the Thought Regulator is to filter- no- limit the thoughts of the host; they attach it to the base of the neck, right above the brainstem, letting it gain control of the brain. Once in place and linked to the brain, the Thought Regulator shuts off all verbal usage and places a firewall into the brain. Hence the reason Sea only spoke to me…
Though, Sea being an extremely bright and intelligent Terran, she fidgeted, tinkered, figured out how to disable and remove the regulator. The first time that happened, she got half way out of A Core, before they crippled her brain power (sending electric charges through the still attached regulator).
I didn’t choose to be linked to Sea, nor her to I, but I hope the Fates thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I mean, I’m as enthusiastic about comical irony as much as the next guy, but this is too far; mentally connecting a hero and villain, someone must be laughing about this…
  You’re clouding my thoughts.
‘I’m so sorry for just existing!’
You better be.
‘Whatever…’ I quit zoning out and race after Sea.
Alarms scream as the facility locks down.
‘Sea-’ I warn breathlessly. ‘Stop this. You were a better person with the Thought-’
Oh don’t even start with me, Storm. Sea’s quiet voice hisses in my ears. It’s your fault I’m crazy; you have no right to treat me like I’m in the wrong…
‘You are in the wrong!’
I frantically burst into a run, there’s no way I’m letting her out of my sight.
Leave me alone!
'Not a chance.'
I know exactly where she's going and what she's planning, but I can't really do anything to stop her...
If I could get this bothersome voice out of my head, I could actually focus!
I run through hallways and doors until I burst into a meeting room full of uptight, suited, officials. Each one is important to the Coalition, or at least, they will have been.
"Ladies and gentlemen," I smile and walk towards the one closest to me. "You all know who I am, and vise versa! You also know why I'm here, so let's get down to business..."
Please Sea... You don't have to-
I scream, but quickly recompose myself. "Back to us."
"S-Sea, please just-"
I grab the nearest Coalition member (the talker) and hold his jaw in one hand, his head in the other.
Everyone stares at me so I laugh. Laughing like a maniac, I pull the man's head to me and push his jaw away, feeling the jaw slide out of place, I drop the guy.
As I slowly make my way around the room, I start talking again.
"Now," I point at my first victim. "I didn't kill him, but I might! Give me what you-"
"Sea, stop!"
A voice whispers eerily. I turn my head to see-
"What's going on?"
"What is she seeing?"
"Who's there?"
"Why us? Why toda-"
"SHUT UP!!" I bellow making the room fall into deep silence. "Storm, don't do this?" I smile as I search the room. "We could make a compromise?" I walk around the room. Aggravation bubbles inside me as I don't see her... Where is she, where is she, WHERE IS SHE?!?!?
Something crashes, the lights flick off, and silence ensues.
"Please allow me to explain."
"Shh... No need for that."
I see something move on the wall; a mirror sits before me, with my adversary crouching looking at something on the floor. Frantically I kick at the mirror, as my foot makes contact, Storm dives through.
I dive through the mirror just as it shatters, getting cut, but I quickly hide under a table.
"Hello?" Sea smiles with a deranged gleam in her eyes. "I didn't know we could talk face to face..."
'Quit it, Sea...'
A hand wraps around my neck, jerking my out from under the table.
The smile on Sea's face is that of a hungry animal, prey spotted and captured. Her grip on my throat tightens ever so slightly, crushing my windpipe. Numbness tingles in my shoulders, darkness blankets my eyes.
"S-Sea," I choke. "L-let me go..."
"Aw! So cute!"
The lights snap on, burning my eyes; my neck is released, air floods my lungs, and I crumple to the ground, choking and coughing. As my eyes adjust, I see a man staring at me, but his eyes were completely dead.
Screaming, I crawl backwards, bumping into a limp, lifeless woman.
Sick laughter fills my ears as tears skirt my eyes.
"Why Sea, why?" I watch her finish off the other officials; she turns to me, blood freckling her skin, her smile still terrifyingly wide.
"Why, you ask?" She crouches in front of me, fear grabs hold of my brain. "You make me smile, Storm!"
"Y-you scare me, Sea." I stutter as my limbs start loosing feeling.
Her murderous laugh echos in the quiet room. "Only one can exist, Storm. Good or evil, chaos or harmony... It's possible to have both at once, just impractical. Why have order when you can have obscurity?"
Blackness slowly tunnels my vision.
"What would you rather be, Storm? An intentional murderer or a delusional, oblivious killer?"
As the darkness consumes my eyes, I hear her whisper.
"I kinda like the latter..."
Wh-where am I? Why can't I see?
Reality hits me like a semi; lights shine like a thousand suns, colors blend together like wet paint, sounds overwhelm my ears.
"Miss," A face appears over me, her expression warm. "Miss, we're so happy to have found you!"
Found me? Where's Sea? WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!
"Could-could you tell me what's going on?" The words stumble over my numb lips, sounding like gibberish to my ears.
"Miss, do you know where you are?"
I shake my head slowly, but agonizing pain flares in my brain causing me to double over. Discomfort seeps through my veins, leaving prickles of agony in their wake.
"You were illegally used for a life simulator when you were a baby. We've finally found you after a decade of searching!"
The woman's hair is a silvery blonde braided into a high bun, her eyes are an oak color... It's that woman from the room!
"I-I," Stuttering like an idiot, I try to talk to her. "I've seen you be-before..."
The smile slips from her lips, confusion replaces delight.
"I don't understand," Her voice sounds quite full of dismay. "We've never met... Have we?" I watch as she frantically searched her mind, hoping for something to provide information.
"No. You were- you were there..." The gibberish leaves my mouth, but she seems to have understood.
"I was in the program?" A soft, warm pink glows on her cheeks as a bashful smile appears. She giggles, but hides it behind a manicured hand. "What an honor! I can't believe-"
Lights float like orbs, colors swim as if underwater, noises dampen.
A clenching in my throat cause me to gasp for breath, my chest tenses forcing me to cough. Tears started soaking my hospital gown before I knew I was crying. Through the cloudiness, the numbing caused by pure anguish, my brain is surprisingly clear. An emptiness, loneliness, quietness I've never known has replaced what used to be chaotic nonsense of two minds.
The void of emptiness was overwhelming for me, it was a foreign feeling... I walk around in a daze. My life... My world... All a simulation...
'Sea? Are you there?'
The voice that was once an ever present annoyance, is now a non existent echo. All these people are smiling like nothing's wrong... Yet I've just found out that my whole life was a lie.
The rest of the day goes on like a blur. Sounds muted, colors blended, and movements were slow as if moving through syrup.
Despite having been immobile since birth, there is no dystrophy in my arms or legs. The kind nurse assures me that this occurrence is rather odd, abnormal really.
They got me a nice little side room to stay the night at the hospital, which is where I will remain until they've found me a place to live.
As I prepare for bed, I catch something out of the corner of my eye. A movement, a flash of light, it was something quick/fast.
Hesitantly, I walk to the window and draw the blinds. A dark hallway, full of doors leading to the unknown, runs past my room. Nothing is there so I turn back to my bed.
A single figure stands, watching as Storm prepares her bed. Clothed in shadows, the figure approaches the window, and runs a single finger over the glass.
Storm stops abruptly and turns towards the window. A streak of blood runs along the path that the figure's finger had traced. Storm touches the glass gently; fear dulls the unique eyes of our hero.
She eventually goes to bed, though the figure remains.
The truths are lies, the lies half-truths... What will you believe, dear sweet Storm?
Storm jolts awake and stares, paralyzed by fear, in the direction of the glass.
Her reflection stares back, completely at peace.
I missed you.
"I was told-they said it was all a simulation..."
The lights flickered in the hallway beyond the window; chills make Storm shiver. She walks to the window, looking at her murderous reflection.
So she wakes up to hear that her life is a lie, but that's a lie?
Sea stands, watching Storm, murderous intentions lay in waiting within her. Her hair is cut jaggedly and blood coats her hands; nothing could have hidden the evil in Sea. Her smile is manically wide.
"Sea," Storm touches the cold glass. "Please just go..."
Ah, I would but- Sea cackles like a madman. There is no you without me. Come on, I know you felt empty/lonely when you awoke with me gone.
"Maybe, but you- I thought you had killed me..." Storm breathes onto the glass.
Dear- Sea whispers, leaning in close to the frigid glass pane. You only wish I had killed you.
And with that, she walked off. The lights flickered off as her presence dissipated; distant screams rang in Storm's ears as well as the blood chilling laugh.
Storm's worst enemy was back, but did it really matter?
"What's the point in fighting something that's not real?"
That 'what if' is now an awful, terrifying 'remember when.'
But we shouldn't fear the Coalition like everyone believes...
The real fear is ourselves. 

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