Revenge | Teen Ink


October 9, 2015
By BraxtonForeman BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
BraxtonForeman BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's 6:30 AM and I am out walking the streets of Manhattan. I always take walks like this because I can never sleep past six. My wife and daughter are still sleeping at this time. The smell of food and gas is always in the air at this time. My name is Sam, Sam Carter. I am different from everyone else in this world. No one knows my power, not even my family.
I just get home and I see my daughter in her bed. It's 8:00 which mean its time to wake her up for school. I wake her up and like always she is not getting up. Finally, she gets up and goes to the shower. My wife doesn't have to get up until about 8:45 for work. I go to the bedroom and lay in the bed with her until it is time for me to wake her up for her job. I got laid off of my job a month ago. We haven’t had so much money lately and my wife has been working overtime a lot lately.
I finally have to wake my wife up. She goes to the kitchen, which isn’t very big because our small house. I say goodbye to my daughter sophia as she walks out the door. She is in the fourth grade and she is also very smart. My wife is a teacher at the local high school. She teaches twelfth grade. She usually has a lot of work to do after she gets home from work so we don’t get that much alone time. My wife walk out the door and I kiss her and say goodbye. I usually just hang out at home or get stuff done around the house while they are gone, or I'll just try to find a job.
We live right next to the high school and the elementary school where my daughter goes.  My wife and my daughter both walk home together after school and work. I've been trying to tell my wife about my power but she doesn’t believe me. I have the power of lightning, when I was younger I got kidnapped by some scientist and he gave me this liquid before he got arrested. I still have nightmares of why he did that, and what I could do to him with my powers.
It was about 2:00PM and my daughter and wife were about to get out of school. So that's usually when I start to fix up the house so they come home to a clean house. I've always been traumatized about something happening to my daughter like it happened to me. But I try not to let it bother me too much. After I get done with the cleaning I just sit down and watch TV. Sometime I look at the paper for close job openings, because we only have one car. Walking in the streets of manhattan at night is more than dangerous.
As my wife and daughter walked in I greeted them as usual. I told them I had to go to the store so I got in the car and drove off. We needed pizza for supper tonight and we also needed laundry detergent. The store is pretty far away so it takes a long time to get there and back. I walked in the store and went for the frozen pizzas. I heard my phone ring and it was a number that I didn't know. It was the Manhattan Police Department.
They told me that there had been a break in inside of my house. They said my wife and daughter had been killed in the action. I dropped everything in my hand, and fell to my knees. They told me that he had gotten away and that he hasn't been found. I knew right then and there what I was going to do next. I was going to find him and use my powers. I was going to kill him in every way possible. There will be no stopping me. I have so much anger built into me right now and I am going to unleash it all on him.
I will wait until tomorrow to do anything to try to find him. I need to sleep because I will be looking for him night and day. I wake up at the crack of dawn and get ready to go on my search. The sun is just going over the horizon when I walk outside. I looked at the paper and it said that he is located in a warehouse. There is only five big warehouses that I know that are abandoned.
The first warehouse I look at is pretty close to my house so it only took a couple minutes to get there. The only things that I know how to do with my lightning is bolts and shocks. One lightning bolt of mine will make him look like he is flying. And the shock will almost disintegrate his brain. If I get my hands on him I am going to put as much shock in him as possible. As I walk in the door of the warehouse I think of why i'm doing this, because of my daughter and wife.
I have to go upstairs because the warehouse is two floors. I walk up and there is no one to be seen except for a couple of street rats. I go to the other one that I know of but it is pretty far away so it takes a while. The next warehouse has seven floors. As I arrive at the warehouse, I walk in the door and it falls off. It took over twenty minutes to run to the warehouse, but I will do anything to find this guy. I get to about the fourth floor and I hear some talking, so I stop and try to listen to what they are talking about but I can't make out of what they're saying.
So I keep going and I get to the sixth floor and I see three guys just standing there talking, and one of them is the guy i'm looking for. I try to creep up behind the other two people with him, because they have guns but he doesn’t. I creep right behind one and shock there brain then I hurry and do the other. It's just me and him there, just standing. He asks me who I am and I say
“The dad and husband of the people you killed yesterday.”
I can’t hold in my anger so I lash out on him and start throwing my bolts at him. I hit him every time and he gets thrown against the wall and his skin is burning hot. I get one last punch in the face to finish him off. I think to myself, my job is done, but it still doesn’t make my wife and daughter to be here with me right now.


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