Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Zombie Apocalypse

June 1, 2015
By Zachary Waitt BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Zachary Waitt BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a world. Where people and their kids were outside playing, roads were  busy but now look at it there is nothing except for me and my family. These bloody demons come out at night to feed on the remains of humans and animals that were once here. Just last night there were people driving on the streets and I could see happy families sitting down for dinner laughing and having a good time.

One night I was walking on the street and heard something like someone yelling. So I looked back to see something like a zombie that I have seen on tv before. When I saw it I ran for my life to get home and warn my family that I saw some zombies on the street.
When I got home to tell my family that I saw something odd on the street they acted in a way like I was joking.
“Please trust me we have to go I do not want to die tonight”.
After I told them I went into my room to pack some clothes, food, water, and money just incase a need to get out of town to survive. When I was about to walk out of my room my brother,
Jack said “wait for me”
I said “So you believed me”
He said “I do now”.
After we were both were done packing we said our goodbye’s to the family. When we opened the door to leave a big nasty zombie was at our doorstep of the house.
Dad got straight up and grabbed his 22 gauge shotgun, loaded it and shot all the 5 zombies heads off because that is the only way to kill a zombie by its head.
When my dad shut the door and I said “ I told you so”. 5 minutes later my family and I sat down in the living room we talked about what we were going to do to get out of the city. I suggested that we could find a hotel out of the city. A second later everybody said ok that works.
That night we stopped at a store to get some food because we needed some more. When we got out of the car you could tell that there was nobody here by looking into the store and around it. All it was was dark I also saw some blood on the door. Before we went in I told everyone to grab a handgun. When we got to the entrance of the door we looked inside and bam I kicked open the door to get inside. When we got inside we all were cautious of anything that came at us.
Ten minutes later we were done finding what we needed. So we got back into our cars and left. When we were starting to leave I saw two zombies come running at us so I took my gun got out and shot those fools.
About half an hour later we arrived at a hotel where real people were and no zombies. At first we all thought it was over and we were safe, well at first we were safe but a few days later it changed.
  The next day we thought about going back to our house to see if there was anything left. So we packed our bags and left.
When we got to the house it was kind of beat up but still ok to live in. My brother and I went up the to door of the house and opened it to see a family inside. We pointed up our guns and said “don’t move, who are you and why are you here”.   The wife said we were getting chased by the zombies and we needed a place to stay so we came here.
Five minutes later my family and the other family were in the living room talking about who the family was. The mans name was Fred, the wifes name was Haley, the sons name was Jackson, and last the daughter's name was Madison. The wife told us that she and her husband were scientist that could make a cure for the zombies and stop all this madness if they had what they needed.
My dad stood up and told the family to follow him, my dad showed them the lab where he himself does his science experiments. When dad got down there the family were like wow ‘’is this where you do everything’’ my dad said ‘’yep’’. My dad showed the family a place where they can sit down.
My dad said ‘’let me tell you how all this happened’’. He said about a year ago me and my coworkers were working down here in the lab trying to make a cure for cancer patients when one day it back fired. We were trying to put the cure into a person that had cancer. When the cure got put into the patient it messed up the person's blood and made them turn into some zombie monster. That monster that we made on accident is now spreading the fluid in its body by biting another person and giving it to them.
Fred said ‘’Do you want to try to make a cure for the zombies out there’’.
My dad said “ I mean we could try, But we would have to from scratch’’. I got up and said “Ok then lets get started”. Before we got started I said “To test this cure we might want to catch a zombie or two to test on”. Then my dad said “ we will start tomorrow.
The next day I woke up pretty good thinking about if the cure will work, “But now it is not the time to think about that we have to catch one first” said my father.
We waited until night to put up the trap to catch a couple zombies for testing.
A couple hours later it was getting dark so we went outside and put this large cage next to our house with a dead body in it. We waited and waited until snap we heard the cage door shut. Me, my dad and brother went outside with our guns to check on the cage. When we saw it there was not just one or two there were three zombies in the cage feeding on the dead body. My dad took a tranquilizer gun and shot each one of the zombies.
A few minutes later the three zombies were in the lab getting their blood tested to see what was inside it. When my dad saw what was in their blood he was shocked. He studied The blood for days until he found the perfect cure that will change their blood back to normal.
When I went down stairs to the lab the next morning I saw that one zombie was changing back to human form. I ran to my dad and asked what he did to do such a thing.
He said “I just mixed a couple chemicals together and tested it and “look at that it worked”.
Now I am trying to make a ton of it to cure the whole city” as my dad said.
I asked “how are you going to do that”.
He said “ I am going to put the liquid in little tubes with needles on the end and that will be the amo for our guns”.
I said “cool”
I asked my dad “do you need any help making all the liquid for the amo of our guns” he said “ sure just get some gloves”.
The next day we were done making all the little tubes and were waiting to go out at night. So I just got my favorite gun the AK-47 loaded it and got my vest on just in case one charged me. If you did not know I was in the military for 2 years and that is why I have a bulletproof  vest and my own red camo AK-47.
That night we got all the tubes full of liquid, put them into every gun and got into the car to look around for zombies. When we turned into this alley way we saw a group of zombies. I said “ shoot”. We got everyone of the zombies in the alley.
A little bit later we got home with smiles on our faces. We finally got all the zombies and they were turning back to humans.
That same night we celebrated on turning zombies back to humans.
I said “cheers to my dad's cure”. “Cheers” as everyone said
When everybody was asleep I thought to myself and said “life is good”

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