The Dentist | Teen Ink

The Dentist

May 17, 2015
By samantha stalter BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
samantha stalter BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Dentist

The walls started to move in clockwise circles around the room. The ceiling meshes with the wall I am looked at. My body relaxes in the dentist chair and my eyes close. Every thought leaves my mind and I'm floating.
I awake to find myself in a different room, a white room. It smells of antiseptic and bitterness, if that can be a thing. I look down and notice the black t-shirt and jeans I wore are gone and exchanged for a white shirt and white pants. The chair looks the same as the one I was in but it is now white. I try and move my hands and feet but they are restrained. I fight against them but it’s no use. I crane my neck to the left to see a metal table with wheels that has equipment on it. I look to the right and see a sink with no faucet. There are jars in a line on the sink that look like they contain some kind of liquid but I don’t know what it is. I look back at the wall in front of me, it’s blank. The room has to have a door, right? Maybe it’s behind me. Where am I? I notice a clock in the upper right hand corner of the wall. I squint my eyes to see what time it is. I can’t tell because the numbers are gone and the hands are moving too fast. I blink and ten minutes have past.
I scream. Nothing, not even an echo occurs. I fight against the restraints and it is still useless. I hear footsteps, and stop moving. I look forward and hear a metal door open then close behind me. I close my eyes and hear metal clanking to my left. What are they going to do to me? I don’t want to find out what they want. The creature moves closer to my left and I hear the sound of a drill, buzzing to close to my head. My eyes are still shut tight until it touches me. Slimy fingers grab a hold of my upper arm and I scream trying to fight against the green beast. It has eyes that don’t fit its head and fangs poking out of its mouth. It towers over me and its tongue comes out like a snakes. It holds the drill in the other hand, moving closer and closer. My screams are no longer heard over the sound of the drill as it hits my skin. It hurts like hell and before I know it I'm out like a light.
I arise with a haze clouding my mind. My head hurts and so does my left arm. I look at my arm to see it is bandaged with white gauze, a stark contrast to my dark skin. I’m in a bed and just like the other room everything is white. I notice this room has a window. The window sits in the middle of a door. I swing my legs to the side of the bed and walk over to it. Looking out the window I see a room just like mine across the hallway. To the left I see a figure coming down this way. It looks similar to the one with the drill. This one however is dressed in blue and leaves a trail behind it. As they get closer I see it’s wearing a name tag but I can’t read it. They stop in front of my little room. It’s looking down at a chart before looking back up at me. I held their gaze before it was too much. I look away, and back up to the bed. The door opens then closes and they are standing in the room. They seem to have a glow emitting from them.
“Who are you?” I demand. No answer. They pull out something from their pocket that looks like a pen and start taking notes on the clipboard. “Where am I?” No answer, again. They look me up and down and write something else down. “What are you doing?”  Ignoring my question they poke the pen at my side. “Ow,” they huff. They lay the clipboard down on the bed to my right and then move to touch my arm. Before they can I yank away and stand. “Not going to happen unless you speak,”
“Not going to happen unless you let me look at your arm,” the creature speaks in a very annoyed tone, giving me a death glare. Its voice kind of reminds me of sand paper against metal.
“Fine,” I spit and walk back over to them. They motion for me to sit back down and I do. They gently take my left arm and unwrap the bandage. There is a hole in my arm the size of a nickel, with red puss oozing out. That’s attractive. I almost vomit on their shoes. It smells real bad too, like two week old garbage that sat out in the sun too long. The creature takes something out of their other pocket that looks like a first aid kit. I’m starting to wonder if its pockets are Mary Poppins purse. They start to clean the wound and I look away wondering why they put a hole in my arm. Also, thinking I may have tripped to hard down some stairs.
“Done,” they say in a monotone voice, “Ask your questions,”
“Okay, first where am I? Second, who are you? Third, what did they do to my arm? Forth, why is everything white? Are you guy’s aliens? Was I abducted?” The creature stopped me from continuing my inquiry by put its hand over my mouth.
“You are in the medical bay, my name is José, your arm had an excess growth that was not needed so we removed it, everything is white because our colors are too advanced for your eyes, we are not from your planet so yes we are aliens and yes you were abducted, any more questions?” José looked at me silently daring me to ask more.
“Why was I abducted?”
“Because—,” José stopped like he wasn’t sure he could say anything on the matter. “I must be going now, Ebony Carter,” and with that José left.
“But I had more questions,” I say and lay back on the bed. How did José know my name?  The room around me starts to swirls in counterclockwise motions. It reminds me of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. It’s a little over whelming so I close my eyes. When open them there is a girl siting with her leg crossed in the corner of my room staring at me. Where did she come from? I notice that her hair is a bright orange color like the fruit and her skin blends with her white clothes. “Um,” I sit up and look around the room to find nothing else unusual, “this is my room,” I look at her.
“I know,” her voice is sweet like molasses, “I’m just across the hall,”
“Cool,” I say trying to act nonchalant about the fact some strange girl is in my room. “I didn’t see you earlier,”
“I just got here,”
“Oh,” there was a pause. I gathered my thoughts and asked, “So do the walls move or is it just me?”
“I would be inclined to say it’s just you but I see them move too,” she uncrosses her legs and stretches them out in front of her.
“I thought I was the only one it’s good to know I'm not,” I smile at her. “Do you know where we are by chance?”
“I’m afraid I do not have that answer, however I do know that we need to get out of here,”
“Why?” I wonder why I should leave, it’s not like I'm being abused or anything. Well not yet anyway.
“I heard they killed a man yesterday because he wouldn’t keep quiet,”
“Where did you here that?” I straighten my back.
“One of the creatures was talking, and I overheard,” she says smugly.
“How do we get out?”
“There’s an exit down the hall and to the left,” she shows me with her hand.
“Then let’s go,”
“Not so fast pork chop, we have to wait,” she leans her head back on the wall and closes her eyes.
“How long?”
“Few more minutes, I got a friend who’s gonna disable there power and then we can leave.”
“Okay,” I stand and stretch my legs. The lights start to flicker before they finally cut out and the door to my room opens.
“Alright, let’s blow this popsicle stand,” she gets up and starts out the door. I follow and we run. We pass a lot of doors and corridors before we come to a T, “this way,” we turn left and continue. We run until we come to a black door with a massive wheel on it. “We have to open this up and then we’re free,” she grabs one side of the wheel and I'm right behind her and together we pull. It creeks as it starts to budge. Slowly we turn it and the door opens. I can hear someone yelling from behind, and shoes squeaking. “Quick get in,” she pushes me through the crack. She is about to follow when bright green hands grab her and pull her back in, she yells at me to run and I do. The creatures don’t chase after me they just close the door.
I keep running straight ahead. It’s too dark to see anything, but it feels familiar. I run in the dark and hit something and fall on my back. Good lard cheese all might lee that hurt. “Ugh,” I pass out.
This time when I wake up I'm at the dentist, and the doctor is standing in front of me. “Hey Ebony, everything went well we had to keep you under a little longer because your bottom left wisdom tooth was a little bigger and wanted to stay.  Don’t worry we got all four teeth out. Your mom is here,” he moves out of the way and my mom smiles at me, “you have some gauze in your mouth to help the bleeding, change it every thirty minutes. Don’t for get to take some pain meds when you get home. It’s going to hurt for a while.” The nurse brings in a wheel chair and helps me get in it. My feet wobble and I fall in the chair. I try and tell the nurse I like her orange hair but I just mumble. She laughs and wheels me out the door and we wait for my mom to drive the car up. My mom helps me in the car and I buckle my seat and we drive off.
“Doctor José did a wonderful job didn’t he?” I nod and fall back asleep.

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