Slash | Teen Ink


May 18, 2015
By wa.rd BRONZE, West Dundee, Illinois
wa.rd BRONZE, West Dundee, Illinois
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The striped cat bunched his muscles and leaped. He landed square on the deer’s back and killed it with a swift bite to the back of the neck. Feeling satisfied, he began eating. He scented something over the smell of deer. Not very strong, but strong enough to where he could smell it over the deer. Cat scent. Not just any cat. Mountain lion. He smelled it strongest near an elder bush. He went over to investigate as a large mountain lion, a tom, jumped out and nudged him backwards. “What do you want?” the striped cat demanded. The mountain lion replied evenly, “You have three days to leave these forests, or I will drive you out.” The reply shocked the striped cat. “I think I can handle one mountain lion, thanks.” The striped cat retorted. The mountain lion didn’t flinch. “Oh, but I am not alone. I’ve been watching you, Slash. My name is Sharp by the way, and if you don’t leave within three days, I’ll be the last cat you ever see.” Sharp said. Out from behind the bush came three more mountain lions, each one looking angry and determined. One of the cats said, “One tiger, against four mountain lions. This will be easier than I thought, Snag.” Snag replied, “Yes it will, Bone. This little tiger doesn’t stand a chance.” Sharp and his cats left. Slash was left to think about his threats. I’m not going down without a fight, Slash thought, I will find more cats to recruit and help me fight against these tyrants. But recruiting wouldn’t be easy. He was the only cat in Kingwood, and he would have to travel to the other woods to recruit. The woods were Thornwood, Creekwood, Ironwood, Kingwood, and Stonewood. Thornwood was home to the panthers which loved stalking prey through thick brambles. Creekwood was home to the jaguars who would have competitions to see who could jump across the creeks or catch the most fish. Ironwood was home to the lions who would sharpen their claws on the hard tree trunks. Stonewood was home the cheetahs who would race through the forest at fast speeds. All of the tigers in Kingwood left after the last drought, which killed most of the prey. Slash stayed with hopes that the prey would return. Luckily, it did. He was the only tiger in Kingwood which meant that he had all the prey in the lush jungle to himself.

Slash conceded that he would go to Creekwood first, because jaguars were the most reasonable of the cats and he had an old friend that lived there. Slash trotted through the jungle until he reached the creek. It was the wet season and the creek was higher and flowed faster than normal, which was good for the jaguars who fished in it. The musky scent of jaguar filled his nose all of the sudden. Out from behind the brambles, a jaguar leaped out and raked his spine with his claws. Slash heaved his attacker upwards and pinned him down. “Slash?” the jaguar said surprised. With a flood of relief, Slash recognized his friend Scratch. Scratch had helped him learn how to fish during the drought, which kept Slash alive until the wet season. “Thank goodness it’s you.” Slash said. Scratch looked happy to see his old friend, but also looked confused. “Why are you here? Is there a problem in Kingwood?” Scratch asked. Slash replied, “No. Well, actually there is. A pride of mountain lions has come down from the mountains and is threatening to take over Kingwood. If that happens, they will bring the rest of their pride down from the mountains and drive all the cats in the Great Woods out.”  Slash replied. Scratch had a look of amusement in his eyes, “And you want me to help you drive these mountain lions out. How many are there? I’m sure you and I could take them alone.” Slash admired the jaguar’s enthusiasm, but remembered how many there were. “There are five of them.” Slash replied evenly. The look of enthusiasm left Scratch’s eyes. “But I think you and I can gather a cat from each wood to help us drive them out.” Slash added, hoping to cheer the jaguar up. “You are a stubborn tiger, Slash. Alright, I’ll help you. I have a friend in Thornwood that has been holding a grudge against mountain lions ever since she moved to the Great Woods.” Scratch agreed. Slash knew that Scratch was a loyal friend and a great fighter who would give his life for his comrades. He was lucky to have run into him in Creekwood.
Slash and Scratch traveled until the met the wall of brambles running along the border between Creekwood and Thornwood. How were they going to get through this without losing half their fur with it? He looked at Scratch and saw him tensing his haunches and bunching his muscles. With one massive leap, Scratch cleared the brambles. Slash looked at him astonishingly. “Come on! It’s not that far.” Scratch coaxed. Instead of jumping and landing in the brambles, Slash hauled his way through the brambles and looked back, seeing tufts of his fur on the thorns. Scratch snorted with amusement and said, “Or you could do that.” They walked through the thorny woods until they heard rustling in some brambles to their right. Four panthers stepped out. They all looked well-muscled and ready to fight. One of the younger looking panthers crouched down ready to lunge at them. “Just say the word Talon, and I’ll line my nest with their pelts.” The panther said. “Keep your fur on Night, we don’t even know why they’re here.” Talon replied. “Is that you, Scratch?” One of the panthers meowed. Scratch nodded slowly. “It’s me, Rock!” Rock mewed. Scratch replied happily, “I didn’t recognize you! The wet season must’ve brought tons of prey to you.” One of the panthers still looked uneasy. “Talon, Night, Fern, this is my friend, Scratch, he helped me find my way to Thornwood and the other panthers.” All of the panthers looked suspicious, but Talon stepped forward and said, “Well Scratch, any friend of Rock is a friend of mine.” The other panthers murmured agreement. Rock looked happy but confused as well. “I thought all of the tigers left Kingwood after the drought. Oh wait! You must be the one who stayed behind! Gash, right?” Rock exclaimed. “Slash,” Slash corrected, “Scratch is this the friend you were talking about?” Scratch nodded. “Rock we need to talk to you in private.” Scratch mewed. Rock shrugged and followed them behind a screen of brambles. “What is it?” Rock asked evenly. Scratch and Slash exchanged a glance. Slash spoke first, “I was informed by Scratch that you don’t like mountain lions, correct?” Rock nodded slowly. Slash continued, “Well there is a pride of them threatening to take over Kingwood, and if they succeed, will bring the rest of their pride down form the mountains and drive out everyone in the Great Woods.” Rock growled, “Who is their leader?” Slash replied, “Sharp. He is joined by Bone, Snag, and Storm.” Rock looked at him through narrowed eyes. “I will fight.” She said bluntly. “Rock, tell him your story.” Scratch pleaded. “Long ago when I was only a few seasons old, I was traveling to find the fabled Great Woods. I heard that there were other panthers there and wanted to be with my own kind. I traveled for moons looking for the Great Woods, until I was passing through the mountains and encountered Sharp and Bone. They attacked me and nearly killed me. I have hated mountain lions since then.” Rock explained. Slash softened his tone, “Thank you for sharing with us. Now let’s get back to Kingwood. We will travel to Stonewood and Ironwood tomorrow.”
As they arrived back in Kingwood, Slash directed them to his den. He helped them collect moss to make their nests, then helped them weave vines to make a shelter. Rock and Scratch thanked Slash for the nests and went to their dens. Slash padded over to his den under a rock with lichen hanging down from the rock. The lichen swished as he passed into his den and he laid down. He felt sleep wash over him and darkness passed over him.
He woke up the next morning to a prod in his side. Scratch was hovering above him. “Time to go to Stonewood.” Scratch meowed. Slash grunted and stood up. Rock was standing next to the makeshift prey pile. It had a bass, two mice, a rabbit, and a pheasant. Scratch took the bass. He was used to eating fish from the creek. Rock took the rabbit and the mice. She may have taken three pieces of prey, but they were small, and he could have the pheasant and be full. Slash plucked out the pheasant and began eating with quick, clean bites. He finished eating and stood up. Rock was finishing her rabbit and Scratch was licking scales off his paws. As Rock finished, they set off towards Stonewood. The ground grew barren and rocky beneath them as they passed into Stonewood. Slash heard a loud yowl behind him to see Rock wrestling with a cheetah in the dirt. Scratch lunged and grabbed the cheetah by the scruff and dragged it off of Rock. The cheetah tensed to make a second attack, but loosened up once it realized it was outnumbered. “What kind of patrol is this,” The cheetah asked, “A tiger, a jaguar, and a panther?” The voice sounded like a she-cat. Slash spoke first, “We come seeking help. A pride of mountain lions are threatening Kingwood, and we need reinforcements.” The cheetah’s tone didn’t soften. “Why should I care about Kingwood’s problems?” she asked. “Because if they succeed, they will bring the rest of their pride down from the mountains, and drive everyone in the Great Woods out,” Slash replied, “And the rest of the cats will have to find a new home.” The cheetah looked concerned now. “Ok, I guess I’ll help. My name is Berry by the way. Sorry for attacking you.” Berry added to Rock. “My name is Slash,” Slash meowed, “And this is Scratch and Rock.” Scratch dipped his head and Rock gave a curt nod. “Right, let’s go to Ironwood. I know a lion who will help us.” Berry mewed.
Luckily, the border was very close to where they were, so they didn’t have to travel far. The large ironwood trees towered above them. “Do you think the trees are a hard as they’re believed to be?” Scratch ventured. Before anyone could reply, Scratch lunged at one the trees and clawed it with his forepaws. “Ow! I tore a claw.” Scratch yowled. Berry stifled a mrrow of laughter. They padded on until the strong scent of lion overtook them. A large lion lunged out, a tom, and bowled Rock over. Before anyone could react, three more lions burst out. Two were attacking Scratch while Berry grappled with one. Slash leaped and dragged one of the lions off of Scratch. The lion heaved upward and knocked Slash off balance. Slash struggled to regain his balance, but the lion knocked him over and pinned him down. Slash battered the lion’s belly with his hind claws and scrabbled out of the lion’s grip. Slash scored his claws down the lion’s flank. The lion reared up on his back legs for a massive blow, but Slash sent him reeling with a kick form his back legs into an ironwood tree. Before the lion could get up, Slash pinned it down and held it down. He looked around to see Scratch driving a lion backwards with stinging blows. The lion Berry was fighting had retreated and she went to go help Rock with her foe. “Stop!” a loud yowl rang around the battle scene. A huge lion stepped out and padded towards the cats. Muscles rippled beneath his pelt and his claws were unsheathed. “Frost?” Berry asked, “Is that you?” Frost signaled with his tail for the lions to retreat. “Berry? I haven’t seen you in forever! What brings you to Ironwood?” Frost asked.  Berry flashed an uneasy glance at Slash. Slash nodded with approval that she could tell Frost about the mountain lions. Berry quickly explained the mountain lion situation in Kingwood to Frost. “I’m sorry to hear that. I will help you in the fight against the mountain lions.” Frost finally conceded. A faint rustling came from an elder bush. “Okay you two, you can stop hiding now.” Frost sighed. Two young lions stepped out. Both were as big as Frost, but Slash couldn’t see the muscles rippling beneath their pelts. “Go back to the camp. You’re already in enough trouble for putting fire ants in Boulder’s nest.” Frost commanded. One of the lions muttered something under his breath, but then both sulked away. “Right, how long before they attacked?” Frost asked. “Tomorrow night. We should get back to Kingwood and rest before the attack.” Slash answered. The group of cats padded towards the border to Kingwood. Slash saw all the potential these young cats had. What if I’m leading these cats to their deaths? Slash asked himself. The answer would only come tomorrow night.
Once they got back to Kingwood, Slash helped Frost and Berry make their nests. Scratch returned with a goose and a salmon. Rock was dragging a wild boar in behind her. Frost and Berry used the feathers from the goose to line their nests. After they finished making their nests, Frost and Berry went out hunting. Scratch began eating the salmon and Slash picked out the goose and started eating. Scratch’s salmon was awfully small, so Rock shared the boar with him. Berry padded in with two rabbits and Frost was carrying a starling and a thrush. Once all the cats finished their meals Slash went into his den to sleep. Before he could close his eyes, Scratch walked in his den. “Hey Scratch,” Slash meowed, “Do you need something?” Scratch looked uneasy. “I was wondering where we would meet the mountain lions tomorrow. Where will we fight?” Scratch asked. Slash hadn’t thought about that. Sharp didn’t say anything about where he would give them his answer. “They didn’t say where they would meet us to hear our answer. I guess we will just wait here until they show up.” Slash decided. Scratch still looked as if he had something to say. “You’re doing the right thing Slash. I also would not have let the mountain lions push me around so easily. I’d be honored to follow you into battle.” Scratch meowed. Scratch dipped his head respectfully and walked out of his den. Slash let sleep drift over him.
Slash woke up the next morning to hear commotion in the clearing. “I caught that rabbit and I should’ve been the one who ate it!” Berry’s angry screech rang around the camp. “But there were plenty of other pieces of perfectly good prey you could’ve eaten! Stop whining about one rabbit!” Rock retorted. Berry yowled and flung herself at Rock. Rock buckled beneath her weight and fell down. She battered Berry’s belly with her hind paws. Frost woke up and immediately dove into the battle. He grabbed Berry’s scruff and dragged her off of Rock. Rock scrabbled back to her paws and was in position for another lunge, but Slash bowled her over and pinned her down. “This is over! Stop fighting right now!” Frost meowed as Berry tried to heave herself upward. Scratch woke up to see the two holding the angry cats down. Rock caught Slash off guard and struggled loose of his grip. Scratch crashed into Rock with full force and was attempting to hold her down. Slash scrambled to his aid to help pin Rock down. Scratch and Slash let Rock go after a few moments. Frost did the same with Berry. “Berry, you shouldn’t have made such a fuss over one rabbit. There were plenty of other pieces of prey you could’ve eaten.” Slash began. Rock snorted smugly. “Rock, would it have killed you to just ask Berry if you could have the rabbit? That would’ve saved a lot of drama.” Slash said with an edge to his voice. Berry huffed contemptuously. Rock shook the dirt off her pelt and sulked into her den. Scratch sighed. “We don’t have room for arguments on the day we are supposed to fight Sharp and his followers.” Scratch spat. “True. We need to devise a plan of defense.” Slash mewed. The cats padded out into the jungle and waited until twilight until the mountain lions came. 
“Ready to surrender?” a voice asked. Sharp stepped out of the shadows followed by Bone, Snag, and Storm. Their eyes glinted with malice. “We will fight to defend our territory. Kingwood is not yours to take.” Slash announced. His tone was firm, but he was very nervous deep down inside. “What are you going to do little tiger? Mewl and scare us away?” Bone jeered. Slash shook his head. “I have friends.” Slash replied. Scratch, Rock, Berry, and Frost stepped out. “We will defend this territory with our lives,” Scratch growled, “There’s no room in Kingwood for mountain lions.” “Hey, I remember you!” Bone meowed to Rock, “You were that little panther that passed through our territory.” Rock nodded. “Yes, and you drove me out. I’m not going to let you do the same to my friends.” Rock growled.  “Big words for such a small cat.” Snag sneered.  “Are you going to back up that mouth of yours?” Berry retorted. “This is your last chance,” Sharp meowed, “Are you going to fight?” Slash looked at his allies. Scratch nodded. Frost huffed. Berry unsheathed her claws. Rock growled. With a yowl, Slash dove across the clearing knocking Sharp off his feet. The clearing erupted with the sound of battle. Scratch was grappling with Bone. Rock was fighting alongside Berry with Snag. Frost was pummeling Storm and throwing him around like a piece of prey. Slash raked his claws down Sharp’s flank. He went for a blow to his face, but Sharp was quick and turned and dodged him. Sharp hit Slash’s face with two stinging blows. Sharp dove for Slash’s hind legs and swept him off his feet. Slash ripped his hind claws down Sharp’s belly. Staggering, Sharp let go of Slash and Sharp lunged at him with outstretched claws. While he was in the air, Slash threw his front claws at Sharp’s throat. The warm gush of blood hit slash’s claws. Sharp fell to the ground and snarled in defiance. He collapsed and his breathing became quick and shallow. His eyes rolled back in his head and his body went limp. Sharp was dead. Frost had grabbed Storm by his scruff and was dragging him across the clearing. Snag sent Berry reeling with a kick from his back legs. Rock lunged at him. Snag fell to one side and raked his claws down Rock’s belly. She collapsed and went limp. Berry yowled with grief and lunged at Snag. Snag tried to dodge her, but Berry was too fast. She bowled him over and bit down hard on his throat. Snag looked down at his wound and went limp. Scratch was standing over Bone’s lifeless body. Frost had Storm pinned down. The young mountain lion was no match for the experienced lion. Frost ripped his belly open and killed him. “We won.” Slash mewed. “Not without loss.” Berry meowed. She glanced over at Rock’s body. The battle was won.

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