The Not So Ordinary Life of Olivia | Teen Ink

The Not So Ordinary Life of Olivia

May 14, 2015
By cjohn22 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
cjohn22 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is an ordinary Summer day for Olivia Townsman. She woke up, ate her breakfast, and is now on a walk with her dog, Pepper. The walk was going very well, until Olivia noticed that she forgot to bring a bag to pick up after Pepper. Pepper is going to the bathroom in the old mans yard and Olivia has no way to pick it up! After Pepper is done they frantically continue walking. They only get a few steps away from the old mans house before they hear him yell "Olivia wait!". Olivia walks up to the man and the man says, in the voice of God, "Olivia, it is God and I have chosen you to lead a special mission for me.". Olivia looks up to ask the old man how he knows this, but he is gone. Olivia and Pepper continue on towards home. When they arrive home there is the old man waiting on their front door step. Olivia looks up at the man, she is waiting for an explanation to what he said earlier but instead the man hands her a sheet of paper that says, "Olivia, I have a specific mission for you. You must go out and save my people. Their is a lack of volunteers at the local children's hospital, you must go and offer your service, or hundreds of children may die. Do not be afraid of not knowing what to do, for I will be with you every step of the way". Olivia looks up to the old man for some sort of explanation, but once again, he has vanished. Olivia's day continues and when her parents arrive home for work she begins asking them how to properly care of a sick or injured child. Her parents are surprised by this question, but think nothing of it. Olivia clears the table and goes to her room very nervous for what her future holds. Before going to bed Olivia prays to God and tells him that she is very unsure of this mission. She loves children and would love to help care for them but she is not sure if she is the most qualified person for this mission. Olivia is hoping for a response back from God, but she hears nothing so decides to call it a day and go to sleep. The next morning, Olivia and Pepper go out for their walk again and when they walk by the old mans house, there is a note that says,  "To Olivia" on the front. Olivia opens the note and it says, " I know you may be unsure of this mission, but I chose you because you are the perfect person for it. Your love for helping others and for children will help you accomplish the mission. I have complete faith in you. If you get confused or puzzled about what you can do to help one of the children read this note again or pray to me for advice. Believe in yourself Olivia.". This note brought confidence and reassurance to Olivia. She finished her walk with Pepper and when she arrived home she changed into some scrubs and went off to the hospital. When Olivia arrived at the hospital she looked up and saw he clouds slowly vanishing and the sun coming out, it was then that she realized that the old man was truly God.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 18 2015 at 9:17 am
guard-girl GOLD, Clover, South Carolina
10 articles 11 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
Proverbs 3:5-6

I like it! :) it's good and has potential for a full-blown novel. I hope you will continue the story!