What Have I Become? | Teen Ink

What Have I Become?

May 4, 2015
By DannieGrace BRONZE, Christiansburg, Ohio
DannieGrace BRONZE, Christiansburg, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke in a pool of sweat. There was a vapid throbbing in my head and I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I slowly left my bed in search of my glasses. After putting them on, I could finally see clearly. My eyes skimmed over my bedroom. I saw my repertoire of music of all kinds lining my shelves. My mirror, hanging on a wall in the corner, nearly made me jump out of my skin. I walked over to it and placed my hand on the glass. It wasn’t my reflection that startled me, it was my lack of a reflection. I was so close to the reflective surface, but I wasn’t there. Am I dead? I thought grimly. No. No, I can’t be! I’m standing right here! Flesh and bone!
As I tried remembering what happened last night, nothing came to mind. I couldn’t remember what happened the night before. I opened the curtains covering my window and looked outside. The sky was dark and cloudy, rain on its way. I looked down and saw beautiful red camellia blossoms and Catawba worms writhing on the ground. All of the sudden, a ray of sunlight shone through the glass and onto my hand. My flesh seared and sizzled at the touch of light. I quickly closed the curtain and bit my lip to keep myself from yelling in pain. Without realizing it, my lip started bleeding.
My blood tasted like iron. It was so metallic, but it was delicious. I swallowed  and listened to my rumbling stomach. I left my domicile in search of food. I was alone in my family’s homestead. My brother and sister were not here. Our parents were most likely at work. I found a diminutive steak in my refrigerator. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do. Putting the raw steak on a skillet, my stomach started getting louder. The red liquid seeping from the piece of meat as it grilled made my mouth water. It was barely hot before I took it out of the skillet and placed it on a plate. I tried getting silverware, but the precious metal burned the tips of my fingers at the touch. Confused, I shrugged and went to the table where my steak was waiting for me. Picking it up with my slender fingers, I bit into the warm, red meat.
My incisors elongated and extended from my gums. My eyes widened in horror as I tried to piece things together in my mind. My thoughts were racing through my brain. I’m burned by sunlight and silver. I can’t see my own reflection. The taste of blood is deliciously intoxicating. I have fangs. What have I become!? My hand reached toward my neck. I felt around my jugular vein and discovered two small holes spaced about an inch apart. I thought of going to the local apothecary to see if anyone there could help me or if there was anything they could give me to help with the pain. I couldn’t go. They’d only think I’m insane. But, wait… What if…? No. No way. I gasped as monosyllabic words wrapped themselves around my head. I didn’t want this to be true. I just wanted someone to confirm my growing suspicions.
Suddenly, I felt auspicious as I saw the front door swing open from the kitchen. My younger sister, Violet, walked through the front door. Her jet black hair fell to her shoulder blades while falling out from underneath of her hood and her dark navy-colored eyes almost seemed black. She entered the house with a smile, but it faded as soon as she stared into my eyes. Upon further inspection of me, her smile returned, only wider than it was. “You’re finally awake,” she said. “And not only are you awake, but you’re like me now! Look at you! Well, I guess you can‘t… but you‘re really pale and your eyes are red!” I stayed silent as my wide eyes stared at her with confusion, my mouth hanging open. “Oh, Danica, don’t tell me you haven’t figured it out yet!” I slowly shook my head as my eyebrows drew closer. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Dannie, I thought you were smarter than this!”
I’d had enough of her games. I needed to know the truth. “Stop fooling around, Vie. What am I!? And what did you mean when you said ‘you’re like me now’?” I questioned, pure malevolence lacing my voice like poison.
She stared at me, shocked by my anger. “You’re so silly, Dannie. Don’t you get it? We’re vampires!” She grinned. My curiosities and fears were confirmed. How was this even possible? “Finally, I have someone to help me with my makeup other than James. He’s horrible at doing my eyeliner.” I stiffened at the mention of our older brother.
“Wait, is he a… v-vampire?’ I asked, curiously.
“Of course he is! He’s the one that turned me, and I turned you!” She answered, her tone was condescending as she nodded subsequently.
The dull pain in my head grew sharper as I collapsed to the floor. Memories of last night flooded my head. Violet rubbed my back as I gripped my raven hair in my hands. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I thought about the events before I woke up.
It was ten o’clock at night and Violet and I were stumbling home from an outrageous party. Violet got us home safely. She wasn’t nearly as out of it as I was. She hadn‘t had anything to drink, as opposed to myself. I could’ve sworn there was something in that fruit punch…
She unlocked the front door of our house, making sure our parents were asleep and James was in his room.. She walked me to my bedroom and tucked me into my bed. I could only slightly hear her stomach growling. She put a hand on her abdomen as her skin paled. Her cheeks were hollow and colorless. She looked at me and her eyes expressed what her barely discernible words were: ”I’m sorry for what I’m about to do, Danica. I love you, sis.” I felt something sharp in my neck, like two large needles piercing my throat. It was then that I passed out.
My rapid breathing calmed and I opened my eyes again. Violet was squatting beside me on the kitchen floor, looking at me with sympathy and concern. “This is what I did when I turned. James wasn’t really great at comforting me. Not that I’m any better, though.”
I looked up at her. “How is this possible? I thought vampires didn’t exist. This is all so surreal!” I said softly, my dictum not going by my sister.
“You’ll get accustomed to it sooner or later. It’s really fun, being a creature of the night. James’ opinion is probably really different from mine, but he’s always been the more serious vamp between the two of us. Although drinking blood is kind of gross, it tastes super good. You just have to be careful not to drink too much. The best and most secretive source of blood is…” She blathered on about being a vampire. She stressed the important parts and stated her declarations judiciously. I was taciturn as I stared off at nothing in particular.
I thought about everything that’s happened today. I  looked at the grandfather clock in the corner of the kitchen. It had been three hours since I woke up, yet I felt tired. Considering this, I turned to my sister as I wondered about what being a vampire entailed. “Can we turn into bats?” I asked, a smirk forming at my lips. Violet glared at me and shook her head slowly. My head lowered in disappointment. “Can we at least sleep? I’m in desperate need of a nap.”
She grinned. “Nope!”

The author's comments:

I wrote this fictional narrative as a project for my language arts class. My teacher said that he loved it and encouraged me to post it on this website, so that's what I did.

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