The Aliens | Teen Ink

The Aliens

March 27, 2015
By Anonymous

The Aliens are here! I never thought that this day would come, but alien space ships swarmed the skies sending down aliens to attack us. In just a couple of minutes it turned into an all out war, but the aliens came up on top. I was arguing with my mom because she wouldn’t let me watch another episode of  Lost, and then it happened. I saw the alien very clear that day, it could walk like a normal human being, but its face was hideous. It’s skin was like a brownish black color, and its face looked like an old man in pain. Slime dripped from its body as it started approaching our house. The body was all bony, and its legs were so gross. My mom hugged onto me as hard as she could, and I hugged back. We ran for the back door as my sister and dad followed, but the slimy monster jumped over the house and into our backyard only to intercept us. The alien grabbed my parents and another alien grabbed me, and I blacked out.  In just three hours after their arrival, DC was bombed, and the US government toppled over. In 8 hours, they brought down all of North and South America. But after 27 hours… they became the supreme rulers of what was Earth.
This all happened over 6 years ago. After the Aliens’ victory, they declared all humans as slaves to the alien people. After I woke up I was enslaved to the Hogglederry family. They live in the house that I used to live in 6 years ago. At first I cried every night because of my painful miserable life, that I had to live. But then I started to suck it up and I did what I had to do. My sister is a slave in the same house as I am, and we live in the attic that my family never used. It is crammed and dark, and we huddled together for warmth at night. The aliens gave us clothing that we used for the last 6 years. They gave our clothes a size that was way bigger than our usual size, because we would be wearing the same clothes for the rest of our lives. If we worked hard enough the family would reward us with a few hours to ourselves. I would be extremely grateful for these few hours, because it allowed me to think about life and remember what hope and happiness once meant. We only bathed about once a month, and the food was just plain awful. We ate frozen peas with a slice of bread every day. But sometimes they would toast the bread if they were in a good mood. If they were in a bad mood they wouldn't feed us at all. And the water tasted really funny. My parents worked as slaves at a different house about 3 blocks away for the  and we only get to see each other during the weekends for about 2 hours each day. The last time I saw a friend was at an the Derox festival held every year for aliens to celebrate the successful invasion of our planet. I was walking behind the family I am slaved to, and I saw my friend Brian behind another family, and I felt so happy that day that I actually got to see my friend. But it was also saddening because I wasn’t able to talk to him, or communicate with him in any way or form. We only looked at each other and walked away.
Today the Derox festival is being held once again, and I gave baby Hogglederry a bath before going to the festival. We all left the house, and we went inside the ship that the Hogglederry’s owned. We flew over to Tidam park where they healed the 6th Derox festival. They made us humans serve the aliens food, water, and any needs that they desire. I had to bring drinks to the aliens. I walked up to the alien, but then I tripped and the water spilled all over the alien. This was the greatest mistake I made in my entire life. The alien jumped on top of me and took his big green slimey fist and punched me until the only thing on my face was blood. I cried out so loud that the aliens on stage stopped singing. The alien got off from on top of me, and he came back with a bat. I was so scared. I was ready to embrace the pain, when suddenly blood spurted all over me.
I looked up and saw a bullet in the heart of the alien that was about to kill me. I got up immediately to see the entire festival go into flames. I saw humans with guns shooting down the aliens. It was them again, the rebels. These rebels are a group of people that somehow escaped the attack 6 years ago. They attack every now and then to try and send a message to the aliens. The only difference with this attack, was it was an all out battle. They never send down humans. They usually do the killing from the spaceships. I watched some of the aliens fall over hoping to see my own family die off, so that I can leave this awful life. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw amy friend Brian standing there.
I was shocked. We only saw each other once, and the last time we talked was 6 years ago at school the day before the aliens attacked. He shouted, “come on.” I ran dodging bullets and aliens to an alien ship parked a few blocks away. I sprinted across the wasted field when suddenly a big bony arm hit me on the head and I fell backwards.
At first my vision was blurry, but when I regained my vision I could clearly see the alien that hit me. It was the head of the Hogglederry family. “Where do you think your going slave,” the alien shouted with a deep raspy voice. “This is going to get you 40 whippings.” That was it, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I let out a big yell, and shouted at him, “I am not your slave! I am a human being, and I do not serve you!”
I punched his gut, and gave him a roundhouse kick to his head. I hit him right in the temple and it felt good. The alien fell over then got back up only to tackle me to the ground and punch me on my face. I could see Brian occupied with another alien, so I realized I had to kill him me self. When he gave his fourth punch I moved my head to the right, and grabbed his head and smashed it on the ground. Then I took his arm and wrapped it around his back. I slowly pushed his arm to side, so he could hear his own arm break in front of him. He yelped in agony. I let go off his arm, and I grabbed his head with both my hands. I quickly twisted it as far as I could to the left, and immediately let go. He fell over. I had just snapped his neck. I then truly felt free.
I looked over and saw Brian pinned to the ground by an alien. I quickly yanked out Hogglederry’s spine and I ran over to the alien. I came behind him, and shot the spine through his neck. Blood spilled all over Brian, and the alien fell over. “Thanks, Brian said.” I simply smiled. I pulled Brian up, and with whatever energy we had left, we sprinted over to Brian’s ship.  “Get in,” he shouted. I obeyed, and I got inside the ship. He got into the driver’s seat, and he flew us away. Brian faced some trouble in the sky. He was turning the vehicle so many times, if I had enough energy and food in my stomach I would throw up. He shot down about 3 other alien ships.  Below I could see aliens being blown up, and I was witnessing the victory of humanity. I then passed out.
I woke up to see Brian looking at me. “You were out for about an hour, I patched you up, you should be okay,” he comforted. “Okay so let me explain what’s going on,” he started. “I am part of the rebellious group against the aliens.” “I was assigned to go undercover, and find out when it was the best time to strike,” he told us. “Right now all around the world we have coordinated attacks to get people out, and we picked a certain place where the aliens can never find us,” he explained. “This place has tons of space, and it is suitable for all of us to start over again; we all have a new life,” he said. Finally we could be free. “What about my parents, and my sister,” I asked. “Don’t worry, they are probably in a ship right now,” he told me. “You might not see them for a couple of days, but I can guarantee that you will be reunited with them,” he told me. All of this came to me as a shock. I never expected that I would ever be returned to my normal life again. Everything that happened shaped me to become a more accepting person, and somebody, who is stronger and can withstand anything. We never have to be slaves again, and we can live happily together and lead a new life. I know that it is going to be hard to start over again. But this is all for the best.

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