The Portal In the Sea | Teen Ink

The Portal In the Sea

March 26, 2015
By Hassham Malik BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Hassham Malik BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Portal In the Sea

As I sit at the the beautiful beach at Miami waiting from my friends. I admire the view of the dangerous Atlantic Ocean. Our plan was to take a boat to the exact middle of the Bermuda Triangle and go scuba diving. My friends show up, we go to rent-a-boat and while we are paying the cashier asks us where we’re going. We say that were just gonna be boating along the shore, but it was a lie. So as we enter the Bermuda Triangle we have no signal on our phones and the GPS isn’t working. So we guess the middle and anchor our boat, all three of us wear our gear and dive. We keep on going down until it started to get dark. We went so deep we started to feel the water pressure slightly. Then we see some light coming out of some plant. We get closer and we see it’s actually a portal. I go in first and my friends follow. We got teleported to some real strange land where people have very weird accents, and weirdest of all they can fly! We go up to this person and ask where we are he says were in Mablewater Town. We asked how we can get out of the place. The guy was all like what do you mean you stay here for the rest of your lives. Then we ran back to the portal, it was closing I grabbed it and let all my friends in and I went in last barely making it. We went up to shore and our boat was nowhere in sight. We were as shocked as a man who's about to die. Then my friend remembered that he had grabbed a flying potion from Marblewater Town so we each took a sip got to the shore of Miami. We lie exhausted people come up to us and ask us what's wrong. We told them the whole story in no time a bunch of reporters were surrounding us and we had made the front page of the newspapers. We were all heros for surviving the Bermuda Triangle.

The author's comments:

I was given a project for Language Arts in school where I had to make a set peice and publish it. So I wrote about fantasy because it was the first thing I thaught of. 

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