Unknown attack | Teen Ink

Unknown attack

March 2, 2015
By The_Giver BRONZE, Waltham, Massachusetts
The_Giver BRONZE, Waltham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's was a normal morning of a weekend in the spring. Every students were relaxed. Most of the students went out of the dorm. There were two students, Daniel and George who were in the dorm who have played video game for a whole night. They were still sleeping at that time. Suddenly a strong flash appeared above the campus with a huge vibration that even the people who were far away could feel the shock wave slightly. When the flash vanished, an unknown huge black object that look like an frisbee hovered in the sky ten meters above the lake on the campus. A huge area in the school was covered in darkness. At that time the students who were awoken all realized that danger was very close to them.

      The students started to run and shout. The police surrounded the school in a moment. The scientists of space acknowledged that the unknown object was a alien spaceship. Later, the military locked down this area and settled a checkpoint on the soccer field nearby the boundary of the school where was far away from the spaceship.students were informed to report to the check point at once.
     An hour after the area locked down, some small spaceships started to drop from the alien spaceship.The small spaceships hovered above the ground and they were moving randomly. There were a huge amount of them. The checkpoint closed immediately for safety. The military couldn't bomb this area, because some people were still missing in the school.
     George and Daniel were still sleeping, they didn't notice the vibration, shouting or the alarm. They awoke and started wondering around after a long period of time. When they looked out of the window, they were shocked.
     " What's going on? Am I dreaming?", George said.
     " May be I should ask this question, too" Daniel said.
     They had no ideas what going on. They called others by phone, but the signal was cut off by the alien space ship a few moment before. They went out to check out what happened.After they just stepped out off the dorm, they heard some voice behind them. They turned around and they saw the small spaceships was approaching them. They were scared, so they tried to run away from the small spaceship. But they started to chase them. Daniel and George tried to run as fast as possible, however the spaceships were much quicker than them. When the small spaceships nearly reached them,they were too afraid that they fought back instinctively.They grabbed down one of the small spaceships and threw it to the ground, because they were as small as iPad. It crashed and exploded into ashes.
     They could't believe that the alien's spaceships were so weak.
“I think we can crush alien's forces and save the school"George said.
After they blew up a few of the small spaceships, they got more experience. Then they decided trying to destroyed the huge alien carrier. They saw the air inlet on the huge spaceship that was absorbing air. They had an idea. And the idea is filling the air inlet by some objects. They got some trash from the nearby bins and threw the trash to the alien carrier. But nothing happened. George wanted to throw the whole garbage bag which contended all of the rest of the trash in the trash bin. He swung the garbage bag to accelerate it. Then he threw it toward the air inlet after he spun it to a high speed. Fortunately, the garbage bag stuck in the carrier's engine which caught fire after an explosion in its engine. The alien's ship slowly dropped into the school's lake and sank. A few moment later, a flash appeared and vanished at bottom of the lake. After that all of the small spaceships dropped on the ground and burnt into ashes.
Daniel and George cheered the victory of the battle of the school.
     Everything was ended now.
     On the second day, Daniel and George, who saved the campus, were on the top news.

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