My Goodbye Note | Teen Ink

My Goodbye Note

January 22, 2015
By Russiachicka BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
Russiachicka BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
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  Well I guess this is my note. I’m stuck in a spaceship light years away from my wife and kids. The oxygen is slowly running out and soon I won’t be able to breath. All the years I spent training and studying, it all means nothing compared to this black hole of space. I’m only 34 and I have still seen more of outerspace then any man in history. Well me and the 4 other astronauts sent on this mission. They are all dead now. I scoff at the idea that a mere meteorite caused this much destruction. I’m writing this in a little black notebook . I think it belonged to one of the females on this mission. I hope someone will find this, maybe even tell my family what happened. Even so now that you know my fate you must ask yourself “how did he get here” and now i’m going to tell you how.

        My name is Xander, or the captain as my crew knew me. I’m a male. I guess you could tell by my name or whatever. I’m about 6 foot 2, last time i checked my height. I think that was maybe 2 years ago. I trained with an elite group of astronauts. The first people to travel to another galaxy. Now that was quite an honorable title. I have always been quite fit and muscular. The training also kept me in shape and strong. I am, or rather was married to Ashley Novak . I don't think I can bring myself to talk about my life in the past tense. I have a 2 sons and a daughter. My daughter has my dark brown hair or at least she did when I last saw her. My kids got more of my traits then Ashleys.  I’m happy to know that at least back home that I have a daughter with my dark hair and both my sons have my sharp cheekbones and bright green eyes. I hope they all have my passion for outer space and science. I hope they remember me and how much I loved them.  I hope they grow strong and tall. I hope this doesn't devastate them for the rest of their lives. I really hope the boys don’t get my voice. That would just be torture to Ashley. I remember she used to compare my voice to the crunch of leaves, or the cool summer wind, or even the spark of fire. She was immensely poetic and just said those things because she loved how deep my voice was. I’m gonna miss her. I’m gonna miss everyone. From my annoying boss to my parents. I haven't even thought about my parents. They gave me everything I needed to succeed in my dreams. I mean it wasn't much but it was enough to help me to this point. I guess no one would think it would end this way. My whole entire childhood I had been obsessed with planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, and all of space itself. Im sure all my teachers got pissed off at how all my projects revolved around space. My room was a mess of glow in the dark star stickers and homemade planets. I was always focused on my school work and was sort of the black sheep of my friends for being a apparent “nerd”. Even though I could beat them all at any sport and was twice the size of them. My childhood was fine. Nothing too special until I had graduated college and started my training. I remember my first visit to mars was absolutely breath taking. It was just training for what soon would come, but it still took my breath away. They eased us into getting used to the darkness and irregular sleeping cycles but I rather liked it. I was always a night owl anyways. I was honored to be offered the position of the Captain. I still remember the glow on my wifes face when she heard about the offer. Then it hit the sudden realization that I would be gone for 3-5 years. It was a once in a life time offer so of course I had to take it. Even if it meant having to be gone so long. The worst part was knowing i would be missing so much and that life would have to move on without me. Honestly that still scares me as I write this knowing that this might be my last breath. I want to be remembered. Especially by my family. Even more I would like to be at home with my family. I wish I wouldn't have taken that offer. I wouldn't be dying and so far away from home. I would do just about anything for that to happen. I would do anything to be home again. I guess the other astronauts would do the same. I guess they were more my friends then fellow astronauts. We related to each others pain, loneliness, and hope. We were each others companions. Including me there were two females and three males. The females were named Alexandra and Brittany. They were both all the sunshine we needed. Then there was Mike. He wasnt exactly the brightest in the candle box, but he played a mean game of cards and could steer the ship through anything. Except I guess the meteorite that crashed into us and jumped the ship into a panic. I don’t blame him though. None of this is his fault and it never will be.  There was also Ezra who was the engineer in charge of maintaining the ship. I never quite had a liking towards him. He always seemed cranky and didn’t talk much. But when you got him to tell stories it was like reading a book . One of the many things that we were not allowed to bring on the ship. Of course Alexandra had stuck a novel on board and then claimed she didn’t know where it came from. We must have each read that novel about 25 times. It was sort of dull but it was the only type of entertainment we had. I think I could recite that book like the script of a play. On this ship we had two common enemies. Boredom and of course death. Boredom would come slither in and wait for hours maybe days maybe even weeks. Death had gotten its hands on my friends and was slowly reaching out and wrapping its fingers around me and there was no escaping it. At this point my only realistic wish is for death to take mercy on me and for death to come a little quicker and not to give me too much time. I still have oxygen in my lungs but it is getting thinner by the moment. I wouldn’t wish this kind of death upon even my worst enemy. Death is wrapping his fingers around me and is tightening. I replay my life from my earliest memory to just mere seconds before any of this happened. All I want to remember is my happiest moments. Like meeting the love of my life to my wedding to holding my first newborn child. The memories people back on earth were having just this second. No one was having this bad of luck on earth I hope at least. Sometimes it drives me crazy to know no one will hear my last words that I would speak . Maybe you may read my last words but never hear my voice.  
My time is here. The air is gone. My lungs struggle to find air. This is goodbye to the earth. I again say goodbye. This is goodbye to everything. Death has done me one good and is giving me one last moment. It’s hard to choose last words while I write feverishly. Well I guess these are my last words. Goodbye and I love you my family. May you find this and also peace. I will see you on the other side.

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