The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

January 5, 2015
By Shannon Carroll BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
Shannon Carroll BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Michelle. On a hot summer day, Michelle took a walk in the woods,that day Michelle went further into the woods then she ever went before and came upon a tree. It wasn't a normal tree,  and Michelle could see that. The tree had blue glow around it, unlike the other trees in the woods. Michelle got curious so she touched the tree and as soon as she touched it , a piece of candy fell from one of the branches with a note attached to it.

The note read “Eat me.” so she did.
When Michelle swallowed the candy she started rising into the air and before she knew it, she was flying! “This is so cool!” said Michelle. When she got back onto the ground she touched the tree again but sadly, nothing fell down. Michelle walked back home and got into bed but she couldn't fall asleep, all she could think about was flying again.
Right when her  alarm went off the next morning she sprung out of her bed and ran into the woods where the tree was. She tried her hardest to fly, but couldn’t. “Oh tree, can i fly again?” said Michelle. One of the branches from the tree came down, level to her head and dropped another piece of candy. Michelle ate it very quickly, without reading the note. She soon began to feel sick to her stomach and dropped to the ground. “What did you do to me?”  said Michelle, trying to relieve herself of the pain. Michelle noticed the note on the ground and picked it up slowly; it read, “Some great things, happen once in a lifetime.”
“Oh no.” said Michelle, “I should have read the note.” And right after that, she fell over and died.

The author's comments:

i am an 8th grade student at Stilwell Jr High.

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