everyday Use Sci-fi | Teen Ink

everyday Use Sci-fi

December 10, 2014
By Arleth Martinez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Arleth Martinez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eve was waiting for her sister. She would have been nervous until her sister leaves; She stands hoplessly in the room embarrassed of her burned circuit boards, and memory. She views her sister in awe and envy.” No” was a word her circuits never told her. In real life, I am a big circuit board robot with hard, tube-like hands. I would always turn my head away from whoever I was talking to. I was never confident. Leah on the other board could look any robot in the sensing system. Hesitation was not how she was programmed.  It had been maybe 2 or 3 light years since the other NASA had been electrocuted to crisps. Leah hated the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) . I wanted to ask why she didn’t just dance around the crisps. I also sensed that she also hated Eve. That was before we “got” money, Dexter’s laboratory and me to send her to Kant the programmer. Leah wanted nice parts. She was determined to ignore any disasters in her efforts. I never had a good programmer that educated me. When he started by coding in 2nd grade education he died shortly after.  Don’t ask me how. In 9087 robots with poor makers ask few questions and communicated less. Eve knows she was not programmed well (as Socrates once said, “wisest is he who knows he does not know.”)
She will spend the rest of her life with Mark. I have turned my back on my new nasa. It is 5 stories just like the other one, but it's roof is flexi-glass. They don't make brick or stone roofs anymore. This nasa is in government ground as the other one was. She once wrote to that no matter where Nasa "choose" to move to, she will come to see us. But she will never bring her fellow companions or what she calls "friends". Leah then asked me, " Mother when did Eve ever have friends?" She had a few. Robots who never found anything stimulating, and aliens who never found anything interesting. Impressed with her they worshiped her. A light year later she came with her boyfriend, R-tudietu
“Well,” I say “Eve.”
“No mother,” she says. “ Not ‘Eve,’ C-3PO!”
“What happened to ‘Eve’?” I asked wanting to know why she changed her name.
“She’s destroyed,” C-3PO “I couldn’t stand being named after the people who depress me.”
“You know you were named after your aunt Evah," I replied.
"But who was she named after?" Asked C-3PO
"My circuits tell me after Grandma Evah," I said,
"And who was she named after?" asked C-3PO
“Her mother,” I said, and saw C-3PO getting annoyed.”Thats as far back as I can process.In fact though, I might be able to process it back to the Robo War,”(a war similar to the Civil Wars were Robots were discriminated by their processors).
“Exactly” said  R-tudietu, “there you are.”
“Umm,” I heard Leah say.
“There I wasn’t,” I said, “when ‘Evah’ cropped up our family, so why should i process it back that far?”
He stood there looking down on my as if inspecting my wires and circuits. 
“How do you pronounce this name?” I asked
“You don’t  have to call me that if you don’t please to,” said C-3PO.
“If that’s what you wish us to call you, we’ll call you by that.” I said
“I know it might sound awkward at first,” said C-3PO,
“I’ll get use to it,” I said.
Well, soon we got the names out of the way. R-tudietu had a name two times as weird. We still used the old things our Grand ancestors passed down.
“I knew there was something I always wanted to ask you if i could have.” said C-3PO
She looked at the pot. “This pot is what I need. Didn’t uncle Bud make this out of old circuit boards?”
“Yes,” I said.
C-3PO came out with an old computer that had been used by and made by Grandma Evah whose information and things were still on the computer.
“Mom,” said C-3PO, “Can I have this old computer?”
“Why don’t you take one or two of the new ones?” I asked. “They are made from professional programmers. They will last longer.”
“No.” said C-3PO “ I want the original computer with all her back information.”
“I promised to give Leah the computer when she marries.” I said
“Leah can’t appreciate this computer and where it came from.” C-3PO responded. “She will probably use it.”
“I hope she will use it. Nobody has used it in light years, it’s been collecting dust.”
“They’re priceless!” screeched C-3PO
“She can make more she knows how to,” I said.
“You just don’t understand.” She replied.
I then did something I never did before. I grabbed the computer from Miss C-3PO hands and gave them to Leah.
“You just don’t understand.” exclaimed C-3PO
“Understand what?” I asked
“Your heritage.” she responded as she drove away with  R-tudietu. Leah smiled. An actual smile, I thought robots did not have emotions. It was time to go inside.



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