We Are Legion Part One | Teen Ink

We Are Legion Part One

November 16, 2014
By ConnorWritesStuff BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
ConnorWritesStuff BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because you started out bad doesn't mean you have to end horrible.

I still can remember the day I broke my father’s sword. I was going out on a mission with the Greenwall Militia to kill a tribe of Frost Giants known as The Knatzu. The Knatzu had been terrorizing the city of Greenwall for weeks and Greenwall finally decided to send in the militia. At that time I was part of the military, but that was a big mistake. I can still remember the old house I lived in, it was a cozy little place with a lot of furniture and food, but the thing I remember most was the only weapon that I had, it was my father’s sword, I had that sword because I simply couldn’t afford any other swords. The blade was made out of steel with a strange, twisted pattern that I still don’t know the meaning of. The hilt was a wooden frame with a jewel at the bottom and crimson leather wrapped around it for grip. I remember I walked to my door after hearing a knocking on it, then opening it, it was Karanval, the captain of the team that did the messy work, like monster hunting… and my friend. I can still recall the smile he had on his face when he saw me. He told me about our mission and why we needed to do it, even though I already knew. He was a nice guy who knew what to say when you felt blue, he was also an amazing fighter, he may have even been able to fight a bull with his bear hands! He told me that we had to go immediately, then he told me I should take the armour he gave me, and my father’s sword. I quickly put on my armour and sheathed my father’s blade. Karanval proceeded to show me the way to the camp outside of the cave that The Knatzu stayed in. “OK WE REST FOR THE NIGHT, AND AT DAWN… WE ATTACK!” Karanval yells the minute we get to the camp. Some of the men growled in disappointment, but I didn’t care, I was fine with resting for the night, but now that I look back at that memory I see how that was a mistake. Later I fell asleep like a baby, and the whole camp slept peacefully for a little, until I was awoken by a small sound, the sound wasn’t loud enough to wake the whole camp, but just loud enough to wake the few light sleepers in the attack team. I ran to Karanval’s tent and opened the sheet to see him still sleeping. I remember kneeling down and shaking him awake. “What Talion?” Karanval sleepily said. I forgot to tell you, my name is Talion. “Me and some of our comrades heard a-” but I would never finish that sentence, for a loud bang exploded through the air. I ran out of the tent and looked around, The Knatzu were coming out of the cave and toward our camp, we were being ambushed. I sprinted full speed to my tent, when I finally got inside it I instantly reached for my sword.There was no time to sheath it I had to take it out to battle. The Knatzu were almost here Karanval and the other recruits were ready, but if The Knatzu were smart enough to find out that we were planning on attacking them, that would mean we underestimated them, and that was a fatal mistake. The Knatzu got at a dangerous distance and we attacked. Eerywhere I looked, men were getting thrown around and killed, we didn’t have a chance. I sprinted toward one of the giants and slashed my sword at his leg, the giant yelled in anger more than pain, and he hit me with his club. I flew in the air and landed with a hard thud on the grass, the same giant ran toward me with his club held high, ready to strike. I closed my eyes. That was the end, I knew it, but then something happened. The giant roared instead of finishing me off. I opened my eyes to see Karanval continuously hacking away at the giant’s foot with his waraxe. The giant finally got out of his pain trance and smashed his club into Karanval’s chest. Karanval went flying, and as he hit the ground, he gasped, then stopped breathing, Karanval was dead. A feeling of utter grief came over me. I never thought I would see this day come, The giant started to come for me again but this time I would make him pay. I got up and got my father’s sword ready for battle. This giant WOULD die I thought to myself. When the giant was only a few feet away I attacked. This time I didn’t attack immediately, I let him attack first, and as he brought his club down to strike me, I brought my sword up toward his hand. The giant roared in pain as he dropped his club. I then brought the sword up to his chest. The giant slumped to the ground as I pulled the sword out of his chest. I looked for my next prey, and heard a loud growl. A giant who had white hair and bluish skin like all the other giants was hitting people with his club left and right, but something was different about this giant, he had a helmet unlike all the other giants, he was the chief giant Mundumort, he had to be. If I could take out him, then The Knatzu would stop attacking Greenwall until they got a new chief. I started to run toward Mundumort, when I finally reached him I saw why they chose him a chief. He was bigger and stronger than all of the other giants, killing him would be hard. I jabbed my sword into his leg, it didn’t seem to do anything except getting him to notice me. He brought his club down and I dodged out of the way, bringing my sword up to his chest, once again it did nothing. Maybe, just maybe if I hit him in the head he would be damaged, I thought. When Mundumort swung another time I jumped and grabbed on to Mundumort’s shoulder, using the momentum from the jump I pulled myself up to stand. I got ready to strike, but hesitated for the helmet looked extremely sturdy, that was a risk I had to take, I struck my sword as hard as I could at the giant chief’s helmet, and my father’s sword shattered into two separate pieces. In that moment I could see my father scowling at me. My body swelled with ander as I slashed the useless sword shard at my father, the moment before it hit him he smiled and said “well done son.” The scene changed from my father’s body to the giant’s head, the helmet must have broke when I sliced my sword into it. The small, broken blade of my sword cut through the giant’s skull like a knife cuts through butter. Mundumort started to collapse to the ground, I jumped off and ran out of the way of his lifeless body. The Greenwall Militia had won, but I had not, this would be the last time anyone innocent would die, this would be the last time I worked in a team.

                                                         End of Part One

The author's comments:

Hey guys, this is the first part to a new fantasy article, thank you for all the support! And just a little sidenote, if all the parts do well, I will turn them into one, big book.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 4 2014 at 6:12 pm
ConnorWritesStuff BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because you started out bad doesn't mean you have to end horrible.

Thanks! Keep a look out for part two!

on Dec. 4 2014 at 9:45 am
Shadowrealmbeast BRONZE, Lime Springs, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dying is Bad for your Health"
-Blake Gillman (2014)

Exellent!! Love the story