Creative Writing Fiction | Teen Ink

Creative Writing Fiction

November 10, 2014
By GuitarLegend BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
GuitarLegend BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They were a family of 4, there was a Dad/Husband named Aaron who had a known intrest in survival, and a Wife/Mother who was named Emily . The Husband and Wife had one daughter and one son. The Husband had short brown hair with a polo shirt on and some jeans. The wife was wearing a green t shirt and had long blonde hair and was also wearing jeans. The son and daughter were your stereotypical teenagers ,the son named Jason wore Nikes and was wearing a thin fall jacket and shorts on while the daughter named Jennifer had white jeans, a yellow shirt, and a pair of summer boots.

    The familys Mother/Wife was a journalist so the family had moved around the world alot. One particular day though they were driving in a  white mover truck in the appalachian mountains  that had a huge cliff with jagged edges and no guard rails to the right of the road. Unfortunatley though a tire had blown... steering them straight off the cliff with sparks flying everywhere.As they were going down it was like being on a fast roller coaster going downhill in twists in loops making your somach feel tight and queesy... Except they knew it could end with a consequence .  “Mom! Dad! Jennifer!” Jason had yelled. Being the only one to get his door open he struggled and got out, and had looked in the back for something to pry the doors open and found a red crow bar. He ripped open the doors open from it’s long metal hinges with a loud squeal and managed to rescue his family. His Mom broke free from her water logged seat and hugged him in fear as she thought everyone was all gone. Aaron reached in his creased pockets for something and when he couldn’t find it he took a seat and stared at the dirt. “ What are we going to do now Dad?” Jason asked. “ My phone... my phone! Now we are stuck out here with no way out and we’ll probably starve... We’ll have to see what supplys we have” Aaron said gloomingly. “ Jason let’s go check out the back” commanded Aaron as he got up. “ Jennifer and Emily can you handle setting up camp for us we’ll be here for a while” Aaron said. “ Alright honey... c’mon Jennifer we gotta go set up the camp”. Ordered Emily.

“ Alright then... Jason go search the back of the trunk i’ll search the front of the trunk “ Aaron ordered. Jason was searching through the carnage and wreckage throwing things behind him and all of a sudden he found a silver 9mm gun with 10 golden bullets in it. “ Wow dad it’s our lucky day I found a pistol!” Jason exclaimed. “ Give that here” said Aaron as he stumbled over luggage. “You shouldn’t be carrying that and if we were lucky we wouldn’t need to use it in the first place” Aaron said. “Ok sorry I didn’t mean it like that” apologized Jason. “ It’s alright we can use it for hunting... “Where’s your Mom and Sister”? “Go and see” Urged Aaron. Jason stepped outside expected to find his Mom and Sister but instead he found a seven foot blue colored thing looming over him with yellow eyes piercing into Jason. A screech filled the silent air for a brief five seconds and the next he knew there was sharp pain on his shoulder then, while the thing was about to bite him. Jason let out a highpitched scream just as a gunshot whistled past him and the thing ran off.

“ Jason!” His mother said running. “ I’m fine mom it’s just a scratch”. “ What was that thing!” his dad yelled.“

Let’s get moving grab everything you have let’s go!”. Soon enough they found a dark cave with a small clearing infront of it and decided to stop there. “ It doesn’t matter what that thing is, if it comes and finds us... just run that’s it just run Said Aaron. Later on that night there was a fire going on and everyone was gathered around eating rabbit they had caught earlier. “ Dad do you think we’re ever gonna make it out of here?” Asked Jennifer. “ Of course we are we just need to think straight and figure out a way to escape”. They woke up the next morning not knowing what they had ahead of them. “ What are these “ Said Emily. There were 1 foot scratches on the tree. “ It knows where we are we have to move”. Said Aaron. Off in the distance the same screech cut through the air like a knife. “ Let’s go now pick up your stuff I have the pistol come on let’s go!” Aaron yelled. Everyone was struggling to get their stuff dropping some matches they had. The thing was jumping swiftly from tree to tree as it was screeching and suddenly with a hard landing The Thing was running towards Aaron. Jennifer and Jason ran off in the same direction while The Thing chased Aaron and Emily a different direction. After a few feet Jennifer and Jason heard a gunshot that sounded really far away.

“ Where are we”? Asked Jennifer. “ How would I know?” Replied Jason. “ We have nothing but a few blankets and a match now what? “ Said Jennifer”. “ I guess we pack up and start searching for Mom and Dad”. Said Jason. After hours of sore feet and walking they had come to the same river but just alittle down further away from the truck. They set up their camp and lit a fire so they could see. Since the rush of the river water was really loud they couldn’t hear much. “ What was that”? Jennifer asked worridly. “Probably just the wind or something” Suggested Aaron. The Thing had ran straight into their camp and started terrorizing them. Aaron and Jennifer ran thinking they wouldn’t make it when Aaron came out of nowhere and shot at the thing... Causing it to run away again. “ Can you hit the thing for once”.  Aaron yelled. “ Thank gosh you two are alright” Said their mom.  “Let’s sleep here for the night”. Aaron ordered.

The next day they all woke up but this time The Thing wasn’t to be seen or heard from. “ We can’t keep running forever you know that right”. Said Jason. “ Alright then how about we get to a clearing and see if we can start a fire maybe the smoke will attract the attention of any overpassing helis” Suggested Aaron. “ Now why didn’t you think of that in the first place” Said Emily. They found a clearing and started a fire. The smoke rose in the air except they heard the screech again. A helicopter passed over and Aaron was shooting to get it’s attention. The Thing was getting closer and closer and closer. By the time the heli noticed them and landed they could already feel The Things breath breathing down it’s neck. “ Hurry fly away!!” Screamed Emily. The Thing grabbed on to the heli almost tipping everyone out. Aaron stepped on it’s hand but it wouldn’t budge. He realized he had one bullet left which he put into the clip and pulled the trigger. It fell 50 ft to it’s death and was to be heard about in a newspaper later that weekend.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because i've always enjoyed survival type stories and I thought that I would take a mystical creature/monster and pitch a family against this monster while keeping a sense of realism and survival during the while. I hope that my readers will enjoy this story with anticipation and I hope they can see that what you may do for a living can affect you.

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