The Secret Girl | Teen Ink

The Secret Girl

November 2, 2014
By AlisonZY BRONZE, Cupertino, California
AlisonZY BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The Secret Girl              

I know this girl, she’s beautiful, kind, but mysterious.  She would always wear a sad look on her face.  I've always wanted to ask her why but I was too afraid to ask.  I didn't understand that girl until today.  The girl with the long blonde hair, so mysterious, but so kind.  No one understands her, or at least no one tries to.  Today something unusual happened, during class her phone started ringing.  When she picked up the phone, I could see that her hands were trembling, she wore a worried look on her face.  It was like she was about to burst into tears,but just when I thought that she was just about to cry, she darted towards the door, and I know this is stupid but I started to follow her.  I followed her into a hallway that opened into a large meadow.  The meadow was never there before.  There were birds flying gracefully above us, flowers were all around me creating a faint, sweet smell.  Trees were green and lush, bees were buzzing carrying honey to their hives.  It was beautiful here.  Maybe it was magical, but just before I could think of what I should do next, I blacked out and when I woke up, I found myself lying in bed.  My parents said that the teacher sent me home because I blacked out from a fever.  I didn't believe them because I felt completely fine.  My parents told me over and over again to go to sleep but I just can’t stop thinking about that girl.  I cant wait till tomorrow so that I can ask her but to think again, I'm not sure if I could bring myself to ask.  She might do something to me since she could be magical, or the whole thing might just be my imagination and she will think that I’m crazy.

The next day at school, she stared at me the whole time in class.  It was scary, it felt like I was alone in the class with only her.  The bell rang and all I can think of is to get away from her as far as possible.  To my surprise, she came to me.  She said we needed to talk privately, should I believe her?  I don't understand.   She dragged me into the hallway, and ok, I have to admit, I was freaking out.  I was so scared that I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my head.  She raised a hand and positioned her fingers so that it looked like some sort of symbol, then we appeared in the same meadow as yesterday.  I heard a loud bellowing sound, as I looked up, I saw a dragon.  It was golden with a diamond saddle.  The girl told me to climb on the dragon with her. She offered me her hand and at that moment, I knew that she wasn't trying to hurt me, she was trying to show me something.  Something amazing was going to happen, I can feel it pulsing through my blood, but just as we were starting to take flight, I heard a gunshot, and the next thing I knew, we were plunging towards the ground. I knew the dragon was shot.  Blood was pouring from its shoulder as it sunk to its knees and collapsed.  Someone was trying to kill us.  I knew we were in danger.  The girl stared at me in terror  with her eyes wide opened, I could see the tears build up and roll down her cheeks.  I knew what it’s like to lose someone so I don’t blame her. “We have to go.  There’s not much time, they will find us.”  We ran as fast as we could, trying to find the way we came in, it felt like a maze.  “This way” I said pointing towards my house.  She nodded and followed me.  I knocked on my door until my knuckles turned red, it burned but I needed to get in.  When my mom opened the door, I stood there panting like a dog.  It must have been embarrassing but I was too tired to care. We both ran up to my room and slammed the door shut.  The rooms of my walls were painted green, it was so shade of grass and trees.  I had pictures of nature all over the place.  It felt like I was in the meadow again.  “I know how to stop this.” the girl said.  I jumped, I was lost looking at the walls that I forgot she was in my room, right next to me.  “How?” I asked surprised to hear her voice so confident.  “I need to say my real name.” she said.  “My name has a power to defeat evil but it will only work once, after that...i’m forbidden to use it or i’ll get cursed.  I've been waiting for this day.  I must say it.”  I was speechless, I just nodded.  “Fawn of the Stars” she finally said as tears were spilling from her eyes.  I didn't know what to say.  Even if I did, it wouldn't change anything.  A powerful wind swept us off our feet,  then everything was still and I knew that we were safe again.  After that, I promised to keep it a secret and we were best friends ever since.  Always laughing together, we were inseparable. 

One day, she came to me at school and gave me a gift wrapped perfectly in paper.  “Open it at home.” she said.  I didn't know what to say so I just smiled back.  At home, I opened the gift and inside there was a painting, one just like the meadow.  It was perfectly detailed with the flowers, trees, and even the dragon.  I hung it up on the wall so that I will always be able to see it.  It matched with the rich green paint on my wall.  “This is what home should feel like.” I said to myself. I smiled at it, I was happy in a way I cannot explain, it felt like something exciting was waiting to come out.  I will never forget that special moment, it’s a memory i’ll never forget.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mr.Gr said...
on Nov. 6 2014 at 11:35 pm
Mr.Gr, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 78 comments
This is full of small details that, when added together, make the story come alive.