Disconnected Savior | Teen Ink

Disconnected Savior

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

I woke up to an ominous cry in the house. I was confused, but mostly unprepared to see what I had to see. I ran downstairs hoping to see what was going on, and just then for the first time I saw my brother crying his eyes out like Niagra Falls spills water. Next to him was a piece of paper and all I saw on it before it was swept away was “Your son is drafted into the war”, but I did not understand the meaning so I ran right up to him.
I asked “big brother lets go play”
He stood up, and told me “I am sorry, but I have to go somewhere” Just then in a quiet sad voice he told me one thing that would never leave me “Carry out my legacy, and protect mom” he took out a red pocket knife with a dragon design along the side of it and clicked a button which released the blade.
He said two words while putting the knife in my hands “Don’t Die”.
In a childish squeaky voice I solemnly reminded him “let’s play when you get back”.
While crying a gust of wind blasted the door open, and he walked outside into the cold windy night and responded with “yeah,... lets”. I never saw him again.

ten years later I woke up with my mother screaming, “happy birthday make a wish”. I was greeted with a cake that said, ‘Sweet 16 Richard’ in a chocolate flavored frosting, the one that my brother used to eat. I still remember him even after ten years. I looked to the left and on top of my dresser was the knife with the dragon pattern. I stood up, and grabbed it.
“Mom I’m going to go outside I’ll see you tonight” I said happily, while walking out the door.
I walked up to an old swing that was rusted into the Earth, and had moss covered from top to bottom. I smiled and sat down next to it remembering the way my brother used to push it. Back and forth the swing went, but that was when I used to smile with happiness and scream with joy, but now I feel like I’m at the bottom of the deepest hole with no escape and no one to rescue me. I am alone, and have nothing to help me feel like a real person with real feelings. I am scared that the world won’t accept someone like me and that I have no way of coming back to society without being accompanied by someone strong and important like my brother. As I sat on the swing set I began to cry and wish that I had something. After I lost my brother, I didn’t know what to do and so I never moved on. I felt like I was weak and had no way of being stronger without him. He was my life, he was my only friend, he was the one who sat by my side when I was sick and without him I felt scared, sad, and alone. I began to ball my eyes out “WHY,WHY,WHY did you have to leave I can’t live without you, Reginald.. I’m scared to move on without you.. I CAN’T ” I yelled to the skies wishing that my brother would be right by my side if I just opened my eyes, but nothing but the wind was there. In a softer voice I repeated, “I can’t live without you why did you leave me, I’m scared without you”.
Later that night my mother and I sat at the table and kept telling me “make a wish its a happy day”. I clenched my fist as those words repeated over and over “Make a wish its a happy day”.
I thought to myself “ what’s so happy about today your alone in this world where’s your family now” I was weak, scared, alone I wanted someone to direct me to the answer of why I still live after my brother had left, but instead I screamed at the top of my longues hoping that the wish would come true “I WISH FOR MY BROTHER TO COME HOME” I cried reluctantly as my mom tried to calm me down. Quietly I exclaimed “why why did this happen to me”. Just then I got a letter through the mail slot in our door. I read it and saw one thing that stood out. “Join the army to fight the everlasting war with the Morters”. I thought to myself “my brothers out there and I could find him”, but the other part of me thought “what’s the use you will still be alone, and you can’t repair that damage that he did, you will still be scared and even more so when fighting the Morters so why bother with the army”. I clenched the letter and remembered those words that my brother told me “Don’t Die”. I grabbed the pocketknife and the letter and bursted through the doors saying “Mom I’m bringing him back, no matter what”
She smiled at me and all she could say was “good luck”.
There I was standing right in front of the army headquarters with a thousand thoughts running through my head, but only one thing was set on my mind, and that was to find my brother and stop being scared of the world. I walked inside, and with all the courage I had I screamed at the front desk “I am Richard Leopold and I am here to join the army to find my brother, and fight for planet earth”.

Two days later, March 18th 2088, I was accepted into the army, and felt ready to find my brother and drag him back home where we could play and laugh again. All this courage I built up was all because of the drive I had to find my brother, but it all faded away as I walked on board the S.S. Gaia, right then I realized I would be fighting to protect Earth, and I had to put my life on the line to fight. I was scared even after all that courage I built up to join, but I kept remembering, “Don’t die” and that somewhere out there my brother knows I wouldn’t die. I stepped on board the ship determined to find my brother, and yell at him for not coming back. I had fire in my eyes and determination that could not be stopped, but right then I saw what my life was going to become. The hell that was the S.S. Gaia. Men running in circles being screamed at to do one-hundred laps, and people lifting one-hundred, one-hundred thirty, one-hundred sixty pound weights. I was stunned at what my life was going to look like, and just then My shirt was picked up. The man I saw was huge. He was as tall as the empire state building, and as strong as an elephant. He was at least two meters tall, and he seemed to be able to take on an army of savage bears.
He laughed out loud and exclaimed in a joking voice “HAHAHA Fresh meat for the wolves”. I tried to run, but all he did was pick me up and place me in a room full of other people. A man in a grey beret yelled in a booming voice “All who are here are determined to fight for the world, and I know most of you are scared but if you want to pee your pants and run away during the voyage there are escape pods right there, and I am not stopping any of you, but if you decide to stay and fight. THEN FIGHT WITH one-hundred and ten percent of your strength to take down the Morters”.
I was ready and said to myself “I am ready to fight, I’m not scared, and I’m finally ready to be part of something greater while hoping to find my brother”. Just then a cold breeze of wind touched my shoulder, and all I could feel was the touch of death as a man with scars all over him, and eyes that looked like they were going to pierce my soul stood over me.
He smiled and exclaimed “young man I hope your ready for what’s ahead because no one will give you any love or sympathy”. He walked away in a slanted strut almost like he was limping.

“20 laps around the gym lets go men lets go” The general said loudly. All I heard in the background was “faster, faster” from the general. I wanted to give up and stop running, I wanted the warm touch of my mother and the smile of my father, but I knew I couldn’t face any of them. I couldn’t give up; though I was scared of everything, and everyone I kept remembering that I had to find him and the only way I could continue to have a happy life is if I saw my brother's face and brought him back home.
Just then a boy around my age approached me. He had hair that shot straight up, eyes that were soft and kind, and a body that was a little bit skinny but at the same time looked like he worked out a lot “Ha,Ha,Ha tough run wasn’t it” he asked in a happy voice.
I replied with a soft “yeah”.
“haha don’t be so scared kid, the names Nick its a pleasure to meet you” he exclaimed jokingly.
I walked to the cafeteria with nick hoping to get a bite to eat. I sat down and began to scarf down my food.“Woah settle down kid, so any way why did you join the army?” he asked happily.
I replied with a straight forward up tight voice after swallowing my food “To save my brother”.
He replied in a joking manner “woah okay a tough guy over here ha well I only joined to save my planet nothing more, nothing less”. Then he got all quiet and asked “ do you think we're going to die? I mean i’m scared out of my mind and I want to live, but man I wonder if I’ll just end up like a lot of other soldiers... dead”.
I exclaimed “well I can’t answer the question of life or death, but all I know is that I know my brother is out there protecting me” I pulled out the pocket knife and looked at it “somewhere he knows I won’t die, and thats why he entrusted me with this”.
he replied “hahaha, man you’ve got some real courage you know”
I thought to myself “what courage”
“I just wish I had some confirmation of how my life will turn out ya’ know” he got quieter “I don’t want to die so promise me that we both won’t die.. together we will survive for are own reasons me to fight for our planet and you to find your brother” he extended his hand while saying “ its a promise right?”
I shook his hand with a firm grip. for the first time ever I didn’t feel alone, I felt strong and that I was not the only person in the world. The last time I felt this happy was when I still had my brother, but still I said to myself “my goal is to find my brother”.
though I replied “yeah its a promise Nick”
He exclaimed “yeah let’s survive and find that brother of yours oh I forgot to ask what’s your name?”
“oh haha the names richard pleased to meet you” I said in a joking manner. I felt like I made a real friend. For the first time ever I felt like a real human and not disconnected from society I felt happy.

10 days later I woke up to go eat breakfast, but just then Nick stopped me in the hall and told me something that we had been waiting for “hey two days more and we land on the planet to fight, are you ready”.
I replied like a warrior “Of course” I felt different I didn’t feel alone or disconnected for once I felt like my back was secured, and that Nick, and I would end this war together and that I was able to fight anyone with the power of him and I. “are you ready Nick?” I said confidently
He smiled and replied “well you know me I’m scared to death, but we’ve got each other sooo yeah I’m ready to kill those Morters”.
I thought to myself “yeah we’ve got each other, I’m not alone, I have a friend, I can survive I can do it”
“hey do you want any food from the cafeteria, I’m gonna go get some food” Nick said.
I replied happily “yeah can you get me like a muffin”, and just like that he left. I walked to the bathroom, but just then I felt that touch again. I felt the touch of death, and instantly I became scared. Just then I saw that man again. He had scars that were engraved into his body, his shoulders were as broad as Nick’s and mine combined, his body looked like it had gone through a body building machine, and his eyes still felt like they were piercing my soul making me weaker, and weaker.
“why are you still here, you seem like you would just quit after orientation why stay?” He asked
“Weell I.I.I I want to find my brother and no ones going to stop me” I replied while looking at his dead cold eyes
“You signed up for this?” He said looking like he questioned my presence here.
“Yyeess I did, and no ones gonna make me quit” I exclaimed.
“HAHAHA, well young man you intrigue me. A man of your fitness wouldn’t have crossed my eye in the army. Well I wish you luck that you won’t die out there. I hope you live, but please tell me why fight?”
“I want to find my brother and bring him back home” I replied confidently.
“HAHA I like your confidence, but still risking your life to find your brother. Don’t you have anyone else in your life other than this man. You're risking your life just to save a brother why? just go play with your other friends and not even come here to figh-” he said while I cut him off abruptly
“Shut Up I don’t have anyone but him, and I don’t care who you are why are you questioning my authority to join the army. I’ll risk my life for him and drag him home with my bare hands you got that. Why are you here anyway?” I shouted with a passion of courage and hope.
“Ha the only reason I’m here is because this where they put prisoners. I like you, but how could you fight just to save someone. Why go through the trouble” He replied boldly.
“because... I believe that somewhere I could bring him back so I could be happy again” I exclaimed
“tsk.. I’ll see you on the battlefield young man. The names Azen I hope you don’t die for some stupid reason I’ll be looking forward to fighting with you” He said angrily as he limped away.
I remembered how scared I was of him, but now I feel like he’s just a weak man here because he was forced to. He has no passion and all he has is just an empty corpse forced to fight. For a second I felt sorry for him, but at the same time I pitied him for not having a drive to fight. Just then Nick arrived with a muffin in hand. I took it from him and vigorously exclaimed “we're not going to die Nick were going to survive this war”. I trained vigorously on the last two days on the ship to prepare to fight to prove to Azen that I'm not weak, and to find my brother.

I grabbed my helmet, vest, and gun. I stood in my position like a statue as we landed onto the planet. I watched as many of the soldiers were shivering in their uniforms and sweating bullets they could probably use to fight. I saw Azen and whispered to him “I will survive and find my brother”
He replied “tsk I hope you don’t die, but you should just run home, this is no place for believers only warriors you got that young man. I wish I had the choice to fight but I'll fight because I have to”
The man in the grey beret came onto the stage and boldly roared “MEN FIGHT ON!” The doors to the planet opened and with Nick beside me I felt safe, and with Azen beside me I felt like I wanted to prove that determination is what soldiers are. A gust of wind slammed my face as the air from the planet blasted into the ship. All of the soldiers screamed “LET’S GO”, and all I could do was jump out of the ship with the pocket knife my brother gave me, and remember his words “don’t die”.

The planet’s surface was a tan color, the atmosphere was filled with humid air, and stalagmites rocketed into the skies. Lastly bug like creatures that stood on two legs with sharp claws, jagged teeth, and flapping wings. I wasn’t scared and I wanted to survive and find my brother with Nick. So I went into battle mode and rampaged through all the Morters killing every single one that stood in my path. “Die, Die” I screamed aloud as I rampaged through to an eerie castle out in the distance. Along with Nick beside me, we ran into a castle which was presumably the base where the mother of the Morters resided. I thought to myself “this is it, if my brother never returned home this is where he would be.” Chandeliers hung from a tall ceiling, stairs that led up and down, and wooden signs that were written in a different dialect. I stood there afraid, scared, but I had to see for myself if my brother was really here. This was the nest of the morders, and the prison for humans.
“are you scared young man do you wish to turn back” Azen said
“No as long as I’m alive and Nick is by my side I won’t die” I said confidently
“Tsk well lets see if motivation is the way of a warrior” Azen said

Nick, Azen, and I climbed a stairwell that led to a room at the top of the castle, with human heads, and signs that were in a different language lining the side of the room, there we saw something. The three of us were there, and alive right in front of the leader of the Morters. Then I froze as if a bulldozer couldn’t even push me. “What was this feeling I saw when I saw its face. Was it fear… no this was more than fear. I felt a like I was rooted into the ground because of shock. Frozen, My eyes felt cold and my limbs were numb. I couldn’t move… That face… why. Who was I fighting, the king of the Morers no. This wasn’t him. It couldn’t be him” My hands were sweating bullets, and my arms, and legs were unable to move, then like a sudden gust of wind, two words out that mans mouth pushed me to the ground as I shook in complete agony and fear.
“Hello brother” It said smiling and laughing at me “How’s it been I see you haven’t died yet”
“B.B.b.b.rooothher iiss that yyyouu” I stuttered uncontrollably
“Don’t be scared I’m your big brother we can play again right?” It said.
The same face, the same eyes, the same voice. That voice was the same as it was 10 years ago. The same voice that told me “never give up”, and “don’t die”. The same voice that nursed me back to health, and now the same voice that controlled my enemies. I wanted to find my brother, but not like this. Why can’t I move, why can’t I fight, I’ve found my brother mission complete right?
“Hey Richard what’s wrong, get up” Nick said while shaking as the thing got closer and closer.
“Yes Richard why don’t you get up along with giving me a nice hug I am your brother” It said.
I couldn’t move I couldn’t do anything, but sit there scared of the reality. I have no purpose to kill this thing. The reason I wanted to fight was because of my brother. Now I have no purpose why should I kill this thing I’ve completed my mission right? I don’t want to kill my brother.
“Young man I know your pain I wouldn’t admit this before until now because I was jealous of you and your ambitions, but now I see the reality of your goals” Azen said reluctantly “Do you even know why I was sent to prison? My damn father was a corrupt power hungry man just like this man in front of us. I killed my father to protect mankind, and I was punished to prison for doing so. If I let my father live he would have destroyed the world we live in today. All humans fight for different reasons, but it doesn’t matter which reason you fight for.. just fight to protect not to kill. I fight in this war really because I used to have a reason to fight. And now because of you I fight not because I have to, but for the same reason I killed my father” he began to cry, and out loud he screamed “BECAUSE I WANT TO PROTECT”
Just then I felt free, my legs became loose, and my arms were able to move freely. Why do I really fight. I thought back to the first person I met. I looked to the left of me and saw Nicks scared face, and remembered those words “Promise me we will survive”. I stood up and took out the pocket knife. Remembering my real brothers words “Protect mom, and carry out my legacy”. To protect is why I fight.
“Ohh so my brother is going to fight me hahaha don’t make me laugh, how’s mother anyway, did you protect her like I asked. Actually I don’t care now with the power of the Morters I’m unstoppable” It said. It took out a sword, and at the same time I lunged forward with the same pocket knife he gave me. I extended the blade long enough so I could impale him right in the chest. I screamed out loud “we will survive, my friends, and I. I don’t need you anymore to survive! will protect my friends, and family!” I impaled him right in the heart. Blood ran down his heart and into my hands just like the tears I shed when my brother left
“I’m impressed brother i’m glad to see you happy, I’m going to die, but just remember if you were faster you could have saved more people” it said as it began to fall.
I turned around and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I fought for my brother, and killed him in the end, but now, now I fight to protect. I screamed into the sealing “WHY DID YOU DO THIS, HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND, WHY DO I FIGHT TO PROTECT IF I COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT YOU!” “NIICK!” I screamed. His body, impaled by the sword, laid on the ground. I ran over to him dropping the knife with blood stained on my hands. “Why why did you have to die please we can survive you were my only friend” I said
“Heh I’m not scared anymore Richard don’t be sad I did my job I was always scared, but I didn’t expect someone so cool like me to die that would be lame. Richard I saved my planet, but didn’t keep the promise I made to you so I’m sorry. You must survive Richard fight to protect and protect earth. It was a pleasure to meet someone like yo—u” He muttered, and then just like a block of ice he fell to the ground.
I began to cry holding him in my arms, and whispered in his ear “I will fight on and protect earth for you. I promise Nick” I closed his eyes. I saw the face that smiled at me on the S.S. Gaia. “Azen lets go” I said.
“we aren’t burying him?” he asked me.
“No we will honor this soldier by fighting on for planet earth” I smiled and whispered to myself “rest in peace brother, Nick, and Richard Leopold the man that I leave behind here today”.

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