Celestia: Dreams Awoken | Teen Ink

Celestia: Dreams Awoken

May 29, 2014
By Knowledgio BRONZE, Coronado, California
Knowledgio BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.

Lightning slashed the skies above him, the roar of the thunder shaking within his body. As the trees rustled and whipped around him, the rain became like small bullets on the sand, pelting the sand so rapidly it appeared to be boiling. With every second, it seemed that the raging ocean in front of him was devouring all the light in the world, darker and more violent as the time passed. The last he remembered, he was at the beach with his friends, where did they all go, it was sunny, where did this storm come from? The lighting above him struck down into the ocean, granting light and revealing something. Beneath the sea where these hazy things, dark, pure black wisps, flying around under the black waters. As they swam, the darkness expanded and the ocean grew dark once more, the light given from the sky gone in a few seconds. A second bolt of lightning came from the sky now, falling about a foot in front of him. The light was blinding, shining for a few seconds, then dissipating, only to reveal the blue skies above him, the southern California sand beneath him, and the comforting breeze around him as his eyes opened.

“Did you have a nice nap Peter,” Alice called over to me tauntingly from under her umbrella. Alice was always fun to hang around, the first was her British accent, and the second was that she was the only one who understood his situation.

“Another dark dream. I mean, it just sucks that I can’t have some sort of normal sleep anymore, I only want to fall asleep and remember nothing when I wake up,” Peter complained to Alice, the grogginess still present in his voice.

“Where was it this time,” Alice said, a small amount of fear in her voice.

“Right here, down by the water,” Peter said, calm and relaxed as ever.

“Does it not worry you that all your dreams are getting closer and closer to where we are? What if they find us,” Alice asked him, the urgency now very present in her tone.

“You mustn’t worry Ali, we will blend like we always have, just like Seattle. They can’t find us, we are too normal here. Average grades, average social status, everything about us is too normal to find us,” Peter said trying to comfort Alice, usually she was the voice of reason. “I mean, it’s Coronado and we both look like surfers, I’m tan, your pale, we are both about five and a half feet tall, tone, your long brown hair, my short brown hair, both of us always on the beach. We are the quintessential California residence here, there is nothing to worry about Ali.”

“I don’t like that name, and I don’t like that you have become the reasonable one either,” She said in a very resistant tone. Then she laughed, they both did. They moment had taken them, and they enjoyed it. Not carrying about what they were running from. Not caring about who they were running from. Not even caring about why they were running. Just that here, they were safe and happy, and that when the grey clouds appeared out of nowhere, they knew being happy was over. In a few seconds, the sky went from bright blue to a stormy cluster of rain and thunder.

Alice had already packed everything into her purse, the bottomless enchantment extremely helpful. Then as the storm picked up, another boom of thunder erupted, and with it a voice, “Come on out my dear mages. I have missed you since you left me in Seattle.”

“Peter we need to go...NOW,” Alice screamed to him, the storm growing louder and louder around her. With one more boom of thunder, a bolt of lightning shot down into the water, sparks and steam erupting from the surface. As Alice looked closer though, she could see a black shape emerging, almost like a giant piece of black lint.

“Alice, no you need to run, go find Jasper and get out of here,” Peter screamed out, not even looking back to Alice, his eyes concentrated on the thing forming from the waters. As it grew, a shape took form, a pure black knight, at least a story and a half tall, was walking out of the ocean and onto to beach. Wide shoulders and a body larger than the Hulk, the monster coated in a full suit of armor so dark it seemed to absorb light around it. The only reason Peter could even see it was the glowing red eyes penetrating through the helmet, the gaze following him.
Rareinorise. In an instant, a lance had flown through the air and landed right in the middle of the chest of the dark knight, his body being flung back into the sea.

“Well now look, don’t go thinking that just because you’re the guy you get to go and handle everything yourself. Peter, let’s be real here, it’s time to use our magic, because we need to stop running from her,” Alice said, already preparing her next spell.

“Pendorichem,” Alice said, a runic circle appearing in her hands. From it, a long silver sword appeared, glowing with an intense light until it burst into flames. The rain simply disappeared around the blade, the flames so intense steam arose from the ground beneath her. Alice was not touched by the flames though, that was her magic, weaponry magic. She was able to conjure up any weapons in her arsenal, an actual forge in the magic realm that she worked at. With every weapon she summons, she also gains new armor, which allows her to control the abilities of the weapon she uses. Thus when she summoned Pendorichem, the blade of glistening flames, she adorned a new armor, full paladins armor the color of pure crimson.

“No better way to beat a dark knight than with a fiery warrior right,” she told Peter, before she dashed at the monster at unbelievable speeds. The knight had just pulled the lance out of his chest, no wounds noticeable to the dark being, when Alice appeared above him, her sword slashing down. With lighting fast reflexes, the beast had held up his blade and blocked her stroke. Now staring off, the beastly fighters collided, slashing and blocking every swing of each other’s sword. Peter would rather be in space without a helmet that be in the middle of those two.

“Well fine, if that’s how it’s going to be,” Peter exclaimed, “Lorishyura, help me in this battle.” As he called forth the name, a runic circle appeared on the ground in front of him and from it a frog like humanoid appeared, wearing a ninja outfit. His body was that of a human, but everything was just slightly off, like his overly large eyes, his huge orange cheeks, and his webbed hands and feet.

“As you wish, my summoner,” Lorishyura calmly whispered before he leaped into the wake where Alice and the beast where fighting. He landed, in the waves, a small distance off from where the fighting was happening, and as he did, he threw up his arms at the monster, and the water below him began to rise up and shoot out at the dark knight, forming into small blade of water, slicing and stabbing the beast as Alice distracted it. That was Peter’s magic, summoning magic. In the magic realm, there are creatures born there, their bodies being made of pure magic. He is able to create contracts with them and call on them by opening portals to their world with runic circles, as long as he knows their real names. Lorishyura, or the froggen blade, was one of many that Peter had contracted with. Here, while it was raining, he could excel the most, being a humanoid, but also a frog like creature able to control the water around him and create blades from it.

“Well it was fun kids, but I am quite tired of this, let’s get going back to Seattle now,” the voice rattled off again from the sky. Then, the loudest roar of thunder Peter had ever heard erupted from the clouds above and a flash of lightning struck down on the ground, the shock wave so powerful, it blew back Alice and him onto the sandy dunes. Lorishyura dissipated into the water and Alice’s weaponry vanished in flame, leaving them both defenseless. Alice was knocked out, and Peter could feel his body growing weak. The last thing he saw, was the knight picking them both up and heading back towards the ocean, the point where the lightning had struck being a pure black spot now. As they approached the shadowy waves, he could feel them sinking into it, falling into the darkness with their capture. As his body touched the water, his body instantly fainted, the black waters over taking his mind with darkness.

As light began to come back into his eyes again, he did not wake up on the beach this time, but instead, in a cell, with a card on the drawer next to him reading Welcome Back Home to Seattle Peter.

The author's comments:
The first Chapter to an idea I had for a novel

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