World at War | Teen Ink

World at War

May 19, 2014
By kmiec10 BRONZE, South Elgin, Illinois
kmiec10 BRONZE, South Elgin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

World at War


For the longest time the planet earth has been a place of peace. The number of wars has gotten smaller, and countries have made alliances, and the countries within those alliances have made an oath never to fight each other again. But now those oaths have broken and war has broken out. Each country fighting for themselves and best friends from other countries fight against each other. There will be a lot of bloodshed in the third world war.

Chicago, Illinois 2020

“What in the world is our government thinking?!” Said Jason, as him and his buddy Jasper were running for their lives through downtown Chicago. “Good question considering that four years ago the whole nation was at absolute peace with the whole earth.” Jasper said to the scared, but angered Jason. “Well if I were President of the U.S.A this right now wouldn’t be happening! And of all people the Germans have to be attacking us, they have to most inflowentional dictator of all time.” “Wait a minute have an idea.” Said Jasper as he came to a complete stop. “What is it?” “Why don’t we go to the Lamborghini dealer shop, it is only like a block away.” “That is an ok idea, but my idea was to go to the military base grab some liquid and food, also grab one of their military jeeps .but your idea sounds way more exciting.

After a blocks run Jason and Jasper finally made it to the Lamborghini shop. “ There are so many to choose, which one do we choose?” Said Jasper with surprise. “That one, the Lamborghini Reventon. It is the fastest and most expensive Lamborghini there is. And it only comes in black so it is easy to choose from.” “Ok then lets go.” As the boys left the city there was little traffic and also along the highways there were road signs saying in secret military war language “secret war hide out.” “Hay, why is there very little traffic.” Said Jason with shock “ I don’t know maybe… O my word.” Said Jasper with his big eyes starring at a sign. “Look there it is a sign that says secret war hide out.” “I have two questions, why would there be a sign that says secret war hide out, and second if we do go we probably will get kicked out because we are way to young.” Said Jason. “Well I have a smart remark to your questions. First the sign is in secret military code, and second they wont kick us out because they would probably know me, because they know my dad.” “How?” Said Jason with a questioning tone. “My dad is in the mil…” Said Jasper after he relishedd he already said too much. “Wait a minute, your dad is in the military, when on earth were you planning to tell me that, I’m your best friend.” Yelling Jason with disbelief. “I was waiting for the right moment.” “The right moment, the right moment I’m your best friend how do you expect me to be your best friend if you don’t tell me everything about you and your family, don’t you trust? Were you ever going to tell me this secret?” Ask Jason. “No” “Fine if you wont trust me then why should I trust you and be your best friend. I know I’m being mean but Jasper we have been best friends for for as long as could remember. Now this conversation is put on hold, because we are here at Secret War Hide Out.

“I don’t get why there is even a Secret War Hide Out Base, couldn’t those German solders read that fine print?” Asked Jason. “Well that fine print is not German secret code, it is American secret code and the only way they will fined us is if there is a trader around here. And by the looks of these vehicles, there are probably no trader with in sight.” As jasper and Jason walk in to base a German spy comes out beside the building and seeks into his walkie-talkie saying “it is for sure the rebel base.” “How do you know?” Asked the commanding general. “The son of our captive just walked by and he gave away all their secrets.” “Good work stay there and get more info, I’m sending some reinforcements for you.” “Thanks sir.”
At the German base in the center of all Chicago the General of the Germans and his whole army of troops stood and waited for information from Scott Jaspers dad. “Now I’m only going to ask once for you General Scott to tell your rebels to turn their selves in or your son Jasper is going to feel the wrath of the Germans.” “First I don’t n=know what you are talking about my son is no were in sight he long gone in his stolen Lamborghini.” “Are you sure about that, take a look at this?” “No German is within 100 yards of this place and no one will ever know nor hear of this place unless you are part of or related to a military person.” “Son what have you gotten into.” Cried Scott. “See what is going on your rebels are not even trying, they are hiding for dear life. Now just tell them to turn themselves in and we won’t get physical, but we will if we have to.” Said the General. “I will never tell them to turn themselves in, they are doing what is right.” “Ok then I didn’t want to do this, but you leave me no chose.”
As the General was calling his spy to tell them to use force, Scott found a way to cut himself loose and freed himself.And in a split second he made a run for it. He made his way to the vehicles
Drive to the Secret War Hide Out. He got in one of the Germans Jeeps and took off towards the Secret War Base. “Sir the captive got away.” “Good everything is going as planned.”
Chapter 3: THE PLAN
The Outskirts of Chicago

Scott was on the highway to the Secret War Hide Out and with no one within sight he was feeling pretty good on making it to the Secret War Hide Out. “I can’t wait to see my son again.” Said Scott.

Back at the Secret War Hideout Jasper and Jason entered the base. “Dad, dad where are you I to talk to you.” Said Jasper worried that he was talking to no one. “Jasper is that you, I had a feeling you were going to be coming.” Said one of General Scott’s high officials. “Hey Peter, have you seen my dad.” “No he never came we all thought he was with you and the rest of your family.” Said Peter with concern. “No I thought he was here with you guys.” Said Jasper with sadness. “No Jasper I’m right here. And I’m finishing this battle once and for all. The Germans are on their way here and on my way here I came up with a plan to take them down.” Said General Scott. “Dad, dad I knew you would make it.” “I knew I would too. But our only concern is to find the way to take them done. And I have the perfect plan, but we have to execute it perfectly. Now I need you guys Jasper and Jason to take your Lamborghini and spy on them to see where they are at. Once you now where they are at come back as fast as possible. Now go. For the rest of you once my son and Jason back we are going to are going to attack full force. But if I now my son he will find the surprise I put in the Lamborghini.”

Chapter 4: THE END

“Isn’t kind of cool that your dad gave us the job to finish the Germans off.” Said Jason with excitement. “No my dad’s orders were to find them and report back where they were.” Said Jasper in his serious tone. “Then why did he give us these bombs.” “What?” said the confused Jasper? “Your dad gave us bombs to finish them off. So let’s kick some German butts.

The two boys finally found the German army and within seconds the Germans found them. But the Germans were too late and all the bombs that the two boys throw went off and the Germans were defeated and the One day of Chicago will go down as one of the worst battles of fought in History.

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