The Nature of Magic | Teen Ink

The Nature of Magic

May 11, 2014
By TheSearcher BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
TheSearcher BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A note from the Searcher:

Many people dream about magic, and the attributes it possesses. How it functions, and how it could help our daily lives. The truth is, magic has not entered your world of technology since the beginning of the known universe.

You see, long ago there was one central universe, a place of compacted energies all intertwining around each other in various ways, often conflicting with each other. Often these conflicts resulted in violent explosions that created forms of matter and other unknown substances (often referred to as dark matter in scientific terms). Soon, these substances began grouping together in a tight ball, squeezing into a dense sphere of matter. This is where the theory of the Big Bang comes from, as this ball of matter exploded outwards with great force, creating not only what we see today as the known universe, but also many other universes that revolve around different forms of "technology."

This is where the nature of magic steps in. In several of the universes, what you may refer to as magic became the bases of their world. These universes are often made up of the substances from the Big Bang that are unstable and can easily be converted from matter to energy and vice versa. The people in these places have learned to control said matter and reshape it into whatever they choose, as long as they have the skill and the will power to do so. It can make for incredible discoveries and magic people often develop advanced skills more quickly than technology people can. This however has a limit and discoveries often cap off after a while, slowing progress. Technology continues at a steady, linear rate.

Also magic may appear as something that would be incredibly powerful and useful, however it has some negative aspects. In your universe, you slowly acquire knowledge and therefore the leaders of the world are not simply the strongest, but also must be smart. In a magic based world, whoever is the strongest, who can weld the most energy at once, becomes the ruler. This generates many issues and some worlds have died off completely due to eternal struggle. There are other major problems as well. With all this power, it is easy to make a mistake and corrupt entire areas, making them unlivable. A similar effect can be seen in technology worlds, however it happens much more slowly as areas industrialize. It is important to protect all life we can, as observed from the mistakes of magic.

Now there is of course a single kind of energy no one has yet to tap but myself. This is a kind of inter-dimensional form of energy that can be harnessed and used to cross between the borders of the many universes that now dot our "ultraverse." But when humans learn to use this energy, may the forms of magic and the forms of technology be used in unison, creating a perfect world of peace and harmony. A world of advancement, but also a world where no one goes hungry or becomes sick and dies. Only when the two are combined can the common troubles of society be fixed.

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