The Beginning | Teen Ink

The Beginning

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

"Whosoever comes in possession of this, get help. Tell the High Ten or the Galactic Police to send help to Section Beta in the Alpha Quadrant. Tell them this is a message from Team One. Warn them as fast as you can I don't know how much we can hold on."

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I thought to myself.

I stared at the hologram which had destroyed the land I was assigned to farm in its crash landing. I groaned inwardly. The Supervisor would surely throw me out of the Orphanage know. I had failed to turn in a sufficient amount of crop last Reaping Day, and if he saw this, he definitely would not be happy. The Supervisor hates me because I am a halfling (half-Nirulean and half-Screeran), and would do anything to get me kicked out of the Orphanage. I thought about telling him about the hologram, but he would just think that I made it myself to get out of trouble. A big commotion aroused me from my thoughts. I turned and saw the Supervisor striding straight toward me with the Orphanage guards. He had obviously seen the huge crater behind me because his face was a deep green. He was part of a race called the Virs who had green skin and orange hair. I know, not the greatest of color schemes. He marched straight up to my face. "What in the name of the good Ten is this!" he roared unnecessarily. He unfortunately hadn't bothered to brush his teeth. "It was like this when I found it." I said without looking him in his eyes. He took this as a sign of fear which, as always, helped my case. "Oho, so you just found it like that huh?" he sneered. I nodded. "What's that in your hand?" I looked down at the hologram disk in my hand and hesitated. Would it be a good idea to give it to him? I didn't have a chance to come up with an answer because he snatched it out of my hand. The hologram played and when the man (the speaker was human) said Team One, he paled. "Wh-Where did you get this?" He whispered breathlessly. "I found it in the crater." I said. He turned to look at me and instead of the skepticism I had expected to see in his eyes, I saw fear. "Come with me." he said, but before we could get ten paces, we heard the sound of an air craft coming our way. It landed in the field next to us. A woman with a long scar going down the side of her face in a Galactic Police Uniform came out and walked toward us. She saw the hologram in the Supervisor's hand asked for it. She listened to the whole thing without changing her expression. When it was done she turned to the Supervisor and said "Who found this?" The Supervisor was still in a bit of shock, so all he could do was point at me with his mouth hanging open. She nodded then said to him and the crowd that had formed "You are to forget everything you have seen here today, do you understand?" Everyone nodded. She then turned to me. "Follow me." She then turned and promptly started walking toward the air ship so fast that I had to jog to keep up with her. "Where are we going?" I inquired. "To the Capitol the High Priestess wants to see you." She replied without looking at me. I thought about what she had just said. "Why would the Priestess want to see me?" I asked. "Because she thinks that you may be a Key. It wasn't a coincidence that this hologram landed where you would find it." The Key? I had heard stories about these people. They were an elite group of people who for some reason, the High Ten thought were very valuable. They were always found by some sign. I guess the Priestess thought this counted as a sign. How could I be a Key? Me, who can't even walk across the field without tripping over my own feet. "What's going to happen to me?" I wondered aloud. She stopped walking so abruptly that I shot right past her. She finally looked me in the eyes and said "Honestly, I'm not sure, but what I am sure of is that your life will never be the same again." I stood there for a while wondering what she meant, then turned and entered the air ship with her.

The author's comments:
I don't really have anything I want people to get from this, I just wrote it because I enjoy science fiction.

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