Room 105 | Teen Ink

Room 105

May 5, 2014
By Brock Reese BRONZE, Hartford, South Dakota
Brock Reese BRONZE, Hartford, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One year! That’s all its been sense the Incurable Disease took its first life in China. It’s still unknown which exact city this all started in, just that in was in China. At first no one paid much attention to the mysterious killer. Not until hundreds started dying, then it was to late. By then every one had it. The scientist knew that people where getting sick from the smog in the cities. The smog was so thick that no-one in that part of the world had any hope of survival, especially since once you got the illness you only had two days to live. Cities where wiped off the face of the Earth so fast that people started calling it the Night Strain because whole cities seemed to die off over night. It happened so quickly that the rest of the world almost didn’t notice it.

The Middle East and the Americans where only warned about the pandemic because a few lucky people where immune to the to the spreading disease. These few people where the only way that the rest of the world was informed of the coming apocalypse. The horrible news of what had occurred triggered mass confusion and riots. People didn’t know what to do and they where afraid. They gathered in the streets to brake into stores and government buildings. Every one was trying to collect enough food and weapons for themselves and their families. Some people knew that the disease came from city smog. Those that did desperately fled to the country side, which caused huge traffic jams and multi-car pile ups. Nobody knew what was going on. Then the Incurable Disease came to Europe

It covered Europe like a blanket. The wind soon became everybody’s worst enemy. If a city to the east of another city became infected, people in the unaffected city started to pray that the wind blew from the west to keep the smog away from them. Some cities lasted longer then others due to how the natural shape of the land stopped the wind from blowing the infected clouds of smog toward them. Eventually every city and town was infected, and unless something in a person’s genetics made them immune, the people didn’t have long to survive.

At the time the Incurable Disease (then called the Night Strain) went global, I was studding medicine at the University of Chicago. News started to spread that North and South America where going to be infected soon spread through the campus like wildfire. Students where dropping out and leaving to be with their families or to get away from the Chicago smog. Some just spent all of their money on beer and just drank the days away. I stayed and continued my studies. I was hoping that I could help find a cure somehow. Most of the students had left the collage, and those who where left continued on in their studies. They where ether convinced that they could help the cause or convinced that the disease wasn’t true. Thats when people started disappearing.

Every one thought the people where just leaving. They wouldn’t say they where leaving, they just left in the night. No-one really cared (we all thought they had changed their minds about helping) until some of the really devoted students started to leaved. After one of the professors and the group of students that she had been working with left without a warning, people started to get suspicious. Some students thought they where getting taken. I didn’t know what to believe. That is, until someone visited me in the dark of the night.

I was fast a sleep when a tall man shook me awake. At first I thought it was my roommate, John, but then I remembered that he had left a month ago to be with his family in North Dakota. I got really scared when I realized that I didn’t recognize the man in front of me. He looked like a government official. He had short hair, military style, and a black suit. Like from Men in Black, except without the glasses. I couldn’t see much of his face.

“Are you Tom Windle?” he demanded.

I didn’t know if I should answer truthfully. “Why? Who wants to know? And what the hell are you doing in my room?!” I demanded right back.

“Your government wants to know. You are being given the honor to help some of the best scientist in America discover a cure to this damned apocalypse. Now, if you are Tom Windle, please follow me. You wont need any of your stuff. Everything is already packed.” I looked around my room and I discovered that he was telling the truth. Everything was gone. I thought I was dreaming, but as I got up I stubbed my toe, hard, on a wooden box next to my bed. “For your bedding.” Said the man as he walked out of my barren room.

The rest of the night went by in a blur. I remember being told to move quietly. I also remember getting into a black car and getting a hood put on me immediately as I sat down. I was allowed to ask questions during the ride. I found out that this is what had happened to the other students and that teacher. When I asked why everything had to be a secret, I got no answer. I was also told lots of things that I am, to this day, not allowed to share.

Soon enough we arrived at our mystery destination. The hood over my head was taken off and I saw that we where in front of a huge white building made of stone. I was hurried inside and set to work sorting medical tools into a bin. I was told that I was to finish sorting and then report to the front door for my new dorm.

After getting my first job done, I wondered the huge building looking for the front door. I found it after what felt like an hour. My body felt so tired and I had no way of telling the time because there was no windows or clocks that I could see. I was given a room card, like one you get at a hotel, and a room number. Room 105. The lady behind the desk said that my stuff was already there.

I arrived at my room to find a huge place full of lab equipment. The room had metal sides and one window. I saw that the window was very think. As I stepped into room 105, a voice started talking through a load speaker and a huge metal door began to close behind me.

“Hello Tom Windle. This is your knew home.” Spoke the robotic voice. “You are now a prisoner of the government. (what is it talking about?) You are ordered to use the supplies around you to develop a cure for the worlds new threat. You will have all of the subjects you need to test your developments on as you need. Thank you.”

Its been four years and I still have not found a cure. Every day the load speaker talks to me, asking me my about my progress. The only think that still drives me is my desire to be free, even though I am unsure what I will do if I do become free. I don’t even know if there is anything left outside my little cell, but I have to try. I am getting a new shipment of subjects to work on any minute now, so I need to go. If I ever find a cure, I will record it in this journal, although I have begin to truly believe this disease is an Incurable Disease.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my class.

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