The Adventures of mr bologna | Teen Ink

The Adventures of mr bologna

April 17, 2014
By SWAN_MAN BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
SWAN_MAN BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The adventures of Mr. Bologna all starts off in a mystical town of Bolognaland. Were Mr. Bologna is the town hero he has all the superpowers superman has but he’s cooler and his archnemisist is the evil Dr. Broccoli.

How did Mr. Bologna get his powers you may ask well one day he was out for a walk past the industrial bologna plant that happens to sell uranium out the back and he found a bologna sandwich siting on a box so he ate it and kept walking but what he didn’t know was that the sandwich he ate was a worker that handles uranium and had touched that sandwich with his hands so it was contaminated so the fatal mix of bologna and uranium gave him super powers and when he activates them he turns in to an life size piece of bologna.

One day Mr. Bologna had a weird feeling while on his way to work(which is at the bank) when he got to work he just started doing his work and all of a sudden he heard the door slam and someone yell everyone get on the ground. Who was that man u may ask it was his archnemist evil Dr.Broccoli so Mr. bologna peered over his desk to see him robbing the bank so he crawled under his desk very quietly and in his drawer pulls out his costume and transformed in to super bologna and went to save the day while Mr. Broccoli was demanding for money from the next teller Mr. Bologna is using his superpowers to be invisible he sneaks up behind on of Mr. Broccolis companions and breaks his neck when Mr. Broccoli heard him hit the floor he ran over to check on him when he realized that he was dead he turned to the nearest person and started demanding to know who did this be for any one could respond he shot the nearest woman in the head and went back to robbing the bank and when he went back Mr. Bologna went and grabbed Mr. Broccolis last companion and dragged him to the vault and tied him up when Mr. Bologna came back he went back to normal and walked in to the room his and Mr. Broccolis eyes meet Mr. Broccoli started to run at him and he got there he was meet with Mr. Bolognas right hook and they started to fight they were exchanging hand s left right left right finally Mr. Broccoli feel down but when he went to stand up he hit Mr. Bologna with a very hard right hook and knocked Mr. bologna out Mr. Broccoli went behind the counter and grabbed the security officer and punched him and grabbed his gun walked over to mr bologna and put the gun up to take aim at Mr. Bologna and put his finger on the trigger and Banggggg!!!. Mr. Broccoli went down there was and officer standing in the door way and his gun was pointed at Mr. Broccoli while the huge fight was happening one of the till attendants crawled under her desk and hit the emergency police button letting them no to come to the bank when Mr. Bologna came to he was wondering what happen and did Mr. Broccoli get away the officer said no they brought him out of here in a body bag. Mr. Bologna went home to his family, his wife was happy to see him home safe and sound.

The author's comments:
its awsome

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