Love,time | Teen Ink


March 26, 2014
By Alice Smith BRONZE, Southampton, Other
Alice Smith BRONZE, Southampton, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into the cave and a blinding white light penetrated the darkness. I walked further forward, eager to reach the pulsating jar in the distance. It was enthralling. Before I could stop my actions, I surged forward, my heart like a magnet. I reached out and opened it.
A surge of power engulfed me, swallowing my mind and soul. It was like a net capturing me, but at the same time freeing and invigorating.
I shoved my hand into the jar, sinking my fingers into the icy liquid. It conquered me - taking over my mind with flashing images. Each one was different, a snapshot of someone else's story. First, a man cruelly separated from his lover; then, taking his place was a sobbing family, shedding final tears over a gravestone.
As I pulled out my hand, stringy tendrils followed, setting hard as they met the cool air. I moved: shocked. Despite my absence, it kept moving, like a dragon in majesty and power. It settled before me, unmoving. As it stood, I stared in awe. the large statue had an overpowering air if grace and elegance, setting itself apart from everything I had every previously known. The flesh in my fingers pulled towards it, unrelenting and wild. I stroked down the cool metallic arms of it, gliding my fingers across its back, its head. Calmly, but quickly, I felt myself stop,a outer force pulling me away with power. my whole body tingled and shook from being separated, but my heart sped up and my eyes pounded.
I jerked my eyes away from it's harsh beauty, glancing down at the silver watch around my wrist. More silver strands emerged from it's face, settling like chains across my arms. As if following that lead, the rest of the statue began to move, swaying and branching out almost gracefully. It move wider and wider, bigger than I had ever seen, and more. It slid elegantly around the cold stone walls, running over all the cracks and dents s if they were nothing. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see as they head of this beast curved towards me.
Before i could reopen them an entire feeling of calm took over me, filling my soul. I was frozen to the spot. As my confusion and fear started to get the better of me, and turned my head slightly, to see a large marble stone erupt from the solid floor beside me. I could make out some words etched into it, in the same wiry silver as my captor. I squinted over, and read them:

My plaything, now trapped. Love, Time.

My eyelids glued together, my mind closed and my heart shut off.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 20 2014 at 11:23 am
wow i wonder where you got the idea for this

on Apr. 20 2014 at 9:28 am
Amazing. I wonder where you wrote this