Montrous Human | Teen Ink

Montrous Human

April 10, 2014
By DJgotsquallies BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
DJgotsquallies BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
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I’m a 17 year old named Greg Zulouski. I’m a white scrawny boy with blue eyes and messy hair. I don’t have a lot of things because my mom doesn’t work. So I have to try my best and ask neighbors if they need anything done for money. School isn’t so great for me. I have enemies, a lot of enemies. No one in this school likes me and I have no idea why. I get bullied. I get shoved and punched every day that I am there. I just want to leave and never come back. One day I will get my revenge. No one will be able to stop me.
One day I went back to school. I haven’t been to school in a week. I got tired of the kids messing with me. So I decided to leave school for a while. When I finally came back it was like a treat to all the bullies there. They couldn’t wait to torture me. This time it got out of hand. They hit me the hardest they ever had. There were more people there than it used to be. It was about 10 more people there. It hurt so bad I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran, I ran to a cave that was nearby. I never seen it before but I didn’t care where I want. As long as I got away from all of the kids that was there.
I walked into the cave limping and very hurt. This was the most pain I’ve ever been in. As I walked in, I heard noises. Noises that was weird and unusual. I couldn’t explain the noise. It was like a high pitched sound but sounded kind of like a Hyena. I wouldn’t have thought there would be a Hyena in this kind of town. Even though there was a weird noise, I still didn’t care. I kept going more and more into the cave. Then there was a shadow, a small shadow. There were different path ways you could take in this cave, but I seen the shadow and got a little scared. If something were to jump out at me I wouldn’t be able to run because of the beating I have gotten from the other kids. Then there was something dripping on me. I couldn’t see that well because it was dark but it was enough light to know that it was green and slimy. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. Limping, I made it out. I limped home and went into my room.
I hated the kids at the school so much. I didn’t want to think about them. So I went to sleep. In my sleep I dreamed about one of the kids names James getting killed. He was one of the kids that bullied me. James was like the leader of them. He was the first one to ever bother me in the school. In the dream I saw him running from someone with a knife. The thing was, the person he was running from wasn’t me. It was a boy who didn’t look much older than me. He also had blue eyes and messy hair but he was taller and a little bit more muscular. I loved the way James looked. So scared and frightened. It made it seem like he knew how I felt. It made me feel so good.
I finally woke up. My dream made me feel so good but then I had to remember a dream and reality are two different things. I didn’t want to go to school. I stayed home. When I got out of my bed, I went into the living room and started to watch TV. Whenever I wake up I watch the news. Today when I got on I saw that someone died. It said that there was a 17 year old boy who was stabbed to death. His name was James Farely. It was the kid who went to my school. On the outside it might have seemed like I was sad but in the inside I felt happy. Although he died, there was a coincidence. In my dream he was there running from a boy with a knife. I didn’t know how it happened, but I did know that there was one less person there who would bother me.
When I got back to school people were still bothering me. At least there was one person less who was there to bother me. I was still bruised from what happened before James was killed. It was healing, but I still had pain. Once I got in school, all people were talking about was James Farely dying. I was happy he was gone. Once less person to worry about and one less bruise to have.
On my way home I met a kid that I had a feeling I seen before. I’m not sure where I seen him, but I remember his body image. I asked him if he’s ever seen me and he told me that he helps me with my problems. I didn’t know what he meant when he said that he was helping me with my problems but I had a feeling it wasn’t good.
I got home and went into my room. I was tired, I had a long day. I didn’t have anything to do so I decided to go to sleep early. When I went to sleep, I had another dream. This dream was almost the same as the one I had before. The only thing different was that it was a different person. This person was another person who also bullied and tortured me. It was Jack Williams. He was best friends with James Farely. The same person who was going after James was the same person who was chasing Jack. This time I was worried. The families of these people were going to be devastated. I hoped that when I woke up nothing had happened to Jack.
When I woke up I went straight to the TV. The news was on and it said that there was another killing. Praying, I hoped it wasn’t Jack. A few minutes later the name of the person who was killed came upon the screen. It was Jack, Jack Williams. I had to find the boy I seen the day before so I could tell him to stop. For some reason, I had a feeling that I was the one controlling the boy killing people.
On my way to school I looked for the boy I seen yesterday. He was nowhere to be found. Today no one messed with me. I wasn’t bullied I wasn’t tortured I wasn’t even looked at. Everyone was sad because Jack was gone. I couldn’t wait until school was over. I had to find the boy that was in my dream.
At the end of school I went to the exact same place I was at as the day I first seen him. Fortunately, he was there. I went up to him and told him that he was in my dream. He told me that he was the one helping me with my problems. I wasn’t sure what problems he was talking about then I figured it out. The people who were bullying me were the people who were dying. That was the problem he was talking about. I didn’t want this anymore. I wanted to end this and end it fast. I thought about everything that could make it stop. I was a monster. I was making someone killing people that should still be alive.
Then, I finally thought of something. The night it started to happen I was at a cave. I ran to the cave to try to figure out how I could stop this. The cave was right in front of me. I was scared because I didn’t know what could happen. What if it got worse? What if this didn’t help me at all? Walking inside the cave I heard the same thing I heard last time. I ran to the spot I was before and started to look around. The goo started falling again. Noises were coming from the back. I started to walk slowly down there until I could hear the noise even more. It was a person there. It tall muscular dude sitting down facing the opposite direction I came in. I walked by him scared and shaking and said, “ Excuse me sir, I have been having problems with my dreams which are coming true and have been wanting to know if you could help me get rid of them.” He told me I had to forgive the people who were bullying me. It would be hard for me to do that, but I wanted to end this.
The kids who bullied me would usually go to the park and sit at the benches for a little while after school. I ran to the park and started to look for them. I saw all the kids sitting at the benches. I ran over to them and started to shake. They all looked at me as if it was something really wrong with me being over there with them. I looked at them all and said, “I know none of you guys like me. You might have reasons you don’t like me, but I am sorry for whatever I have done and I want to say that I forgive each and every one of you. I am sorry for your friends.”
After what I said, I walked home thinking about what happened. I hoped it worked. I hoped no one else would die. I sat there thinking, scared about what if it didn’t work. It was hard for me to sleep because all of the stuff that was on my mind. Still thinking about what could happen, I doze off. The dream was coming and I was scared of the outcome. My dream was dark. It was someone on the bed sleep. As it got closer to the person sleeping on the bed, I recognized the person who was sleeping. The person who was sleeping on the bed was me.

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