The Messenger | Teen Ink

The Messenger

February 6, 2014
By Marissa27 BRONZE, Newton Falls, Ohio
Marissa27 BRONZE, Newton Falls, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And for that one moment while the music plays. You know who you are and everything you wish to be."

Taking quick sharp breaths; Japedo, a timid new messenger, walked through the Field of Lumious as quickly as possible. Holding the package tightly to his chest, he remained silent because one false sound and the Vaultminers would realize he was on their land, and they would call the Mighty Hood faster than he could flee. Not wanting to be taken to his eternity in the weakest part of the journey, Japedo reached the edge of the field in record time. Collecting his breath he hesitated to proceed because he was now at Phobiotic Forest. He knew that many great worriers went in and some never came out, but if they did they suffered a fate worse than death, their souls were destroyed. But it was his duty as a messenger to deliver the package so he buried all his fears and pressed forward.

As he stepped into the forest his body became extremely hot. Turning around a blue force shield came up and separated Phobiotic forest from Lumious Field. Unless Japedo wanted to get burned alive, there was no turning back, the only way out was on the other side of the forest. Clutching the package Japedo moved deeper in. The further he went in the darker and nosier it became. Ear piercing Screeches, chilling howls, and ominous shadows filled the forest. It took Japedo everything he had to remain calm. But after some time he felt as if he should be reaching the end of the forest. But with no end in sight he began to panic. Suddenly the forest began to spin, faster and faster, until it stopped with a CRACK!

Japedo was face to face with a Wildatroll. Without warning he began, “My dear son you were almost through until you showed even the slightest sign of fear. For now you have fed the forest, which will bring out all your tears. There will be tasks both big and small that you will need to ultimately beat, so dig down deep and rule this mighty beast, because if you don’t the Mighty Hood will happily deliver your fate, which usually ends with him dragging you down to the uncanning burning gates.” The Wildatroll gave a dark laugh and left with another loud CRACK!

Japedo was paralyzed with fear. He needed a game plan and he needed one fast. Deciding to just stay on track, Japedo forced his legs to move forward. Walking slowly and steady Japedo kept his eyes open for the first task the forest would throw at him. Just as he was beginning to relax he felt a sharp pain in his back, then another, and another. Without warning he dropped to the ground flat on his stomach. Carefully he reached and felt his back. Slowly he pulled something small out of it, prickers shot out by the Venus Thorn-Thrower. The venom from the prickers began to tighten his back and slow his speed. But he knew he was lucky. If the Venus Thorn-Thrower would have it the back of his neck, the Mighty Hood would have come and collected. Pulling his cloake tightly around his neck, Japedo decided to crawl, staying out of the Venus-Thorn Thrower’s range. After seventy-five yards, he caught his breath and took a gamble. Standing up as quickly as possible, Japedo turned around to face the Venus thorn-thrower. Seeing that it was preparing for another round, Japedo quickly scanned the ground and spotted what he needed; a silious log. This causes anything it comes in contact with to bounce off it with miraculous power. Just has the Venus Thorn-Thrower shot out another round, Japedo held up the silious log, the thorns bounced off and shot straight back at the Venus Thorn-Thrower. Getting stung with its own venom it dropped down and wilted to nothing.

Japedo was relieved he escaped the Thorn-Thrower and that he lengthened his time before the Mighty Hood could come and collect, but it had its price. The venom from the thorns was slowly shutting down his body. Trudging along he was getting discouraged very fast. Only when he heard the stream, did Japedo perk up slightly. Pure stream water reversed the effects of Venus prickers. Stumbling, Japedo made a detour to the stream. As he grew nearer the stream glistened and welcomed Japedo’s parched mouth. Cupping his hands he stuck them into the stream. The cold water sent chills through his hands. But when he took the drink his mouth blistered and he spit it out instantly. Moving down the stream he tried another cup, which again chilled his hands but blistered his mouth. Frustrated Japedo stepped back from the stream. He stared longingly at the water he knew he was never going to get. When he was about to leave the water currents picked up and formed a dark smile.

Dehydrated and shutting down, Japedo new the forest had won that battle so he got back on course and kept moving forward. Growing weaker as time went on, his senses and reflexes weakened. Just when he thought all hope was lost, the forest began to grow brighter. Japedo’s spirits rose. He had made it. He had beaten the forest. Gaining adrenaline, Japedo began to run to get out as fast as he could. But as he drew nearer he soon realized it was not the light from the sun, but several hundred balls of fire, held in the hands of the infamous Firehead-soulsucking- vineswingers, more commonly known as wild gingers. If he was one on one he knew the task would be easy, grab a silious log and hit them with their own fire, causing them to combust. But he realized the odds were very much against him. His body was shutting down and the wild gingers outnumbered him one hundred to one, Japedo had a vital decision to make. He could either surrender and go willingly or go down with a grueling fight. Either way he would be the prey of the Mighty Hood tonight.

Because it was his duty to deliver the package through high or hell water, Japedo charged. Using everything he had, Japedo dug up his fear. Turning his fear into adrenaline he ran to the middle, which dragged the wild gingers in circling around him. Once they were all relatively close he stood still and waited for them to hit him. Laughing evilly the wild Gingers grabbed their biggest fireballs and wound up for their throws. They had this one in the bag, another soul was to be collected and destroyed. As Japedo waited for his death, he was struck with realization. He had already outsmarted the forest. He was no longer a timid messenger full of fear. He showed strength and accepted his fate. There was nothing the forest could feed off anymore. Making one last attempt to escape a fate worth then death he slammed to the ground as the wild gingers threw their fireballs. This caused every fireball to hit a wild ginger on the opposite side of the circle. Then all at once there was a huge explosion. The wild gingers were gone.
Japedo didn’t relax or loosen up. He walked through the ashes of the wild gingers. This time he really did see the light. Not a fake flame or a glistening stream, it was the light of the sun, shining brightly down on dreamer’s field. Just as he was about to step out of the forest it began to spin once again, until it stopped with a loud CRACK! The Wildatroll was back. “Japedo you dug deep and cut off the forests supply of fear and even as your body was shutting down you stayed strong and didn’t shed any tears. You stayed true to your duty to deliver the package. No matter what the forest put in your sight, you kept your senses and put up a fight. You didn’t want to let the receiver of the package down, and for that my sir you deserve the crown. You defeated the beasts that ruled this forest for so long, and the Mighty Hood didn’t need to sing it collector’s song. So your reward my sir is to leave as you please and the force shield will no longer go up after you as you pass through the trees. For all who go through after will no longer fear because of a once timid young messenger which is you my dear. Others have passed, but did not do it like you; they cheated their way out and found a hole through. But you my fine sir, you saved the forest and all of its creatures are singing a chorus. The forest shall rid of its current name now and I myself must take a bow. I declare the forest is named after you, for in my opinion that is the most honorable thing to do.” This time the Wildatroll didn’t pass but bowed and let Japedo walk freely out. Taking one look back at the forest he no longer felt fear. He felt an unfamiliar sensation; conviction. Conviction in himself because he beat his fears and gained strength to be the best that he could.

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