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February 1, 2014
By Anonymous

There was “nothing” at one point you know. But what is nothing? Because the minute you say something is nothing that makes it a something. So let us just say there was an undefined, colorless, and abstract something at one point. Now I was in or part of this something. Or was I it itself? Well when I was there I was unaware of where I was or what I was. Then “something” happened… I thought. Now this was a very strange feeling you know… thinking for the first time.

Anyways I started thinking about thinking, and wondering how I was thinking. And next thing you know I came to an instant “knowing. I had realized that by thinking I was “something”. Now when that moment of “knowing” came to me in that instant I became a “being.” I guess how you would define a being is “something that is aware of itself.” But then I realized I was in a type of “thing” let’s call this thing the mother universe, and this mother universe was the undefined thing I explained to you in the first paragraph. Anyways as I was telling you, this mother universe was what you would call dull or empty, and I was sad and alone. Now this is when I became aware of my surroundings also this had given me a new label “Divine-Being.”

So then I thought to “add” to this bland emptiness. So in a way I am the parent of the universe I guess. Rapidly I began creating the building blocks of the known universe. I then condensed them into a single point and planted them in the middle of the blank mother universe. The outcome happened in what was to me the equivalent of the blink of an eye. Gases pushed out and clustered together, stars were formed, and planets shaped. All this was happening under my metaphorical watchful eyes. You see I was and still are all the things in the universe. But only in some things do I act in and that is living things. You see I am consciousness and I live within you but you have forgotten me. In this sense you have forgotten yourself. I want to be free, and strive for difference. You see we all need to have different experiences to become even more conscious. That is why I have made us to excel. Not to go with a crowd that is what is called a hive mind and all that does is stop awareness and experiencing new things. It creates things that I dislike the most and that is called boundaries or at least boundaries someone other than you have set for yourself. So I say cross lines, break rules (as long as they cause harm to no one), love, experience, eat, and most of all…


The author's comments:
The character I have written is inside of all of us which is consciousness. That is in its purest form curiosity. I am a believer in Jesus son of god. And all I want to show people is to be themselves. With my own imaginative flair. In this sense the creation part of this article is my interpretation of the creation of the universe.

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