search for the crown | Teen Ink

search for the crown

January 16, 2014
By Alexandra Lopez BRONZE, El Cajon, California
Alexandra Lopez BRONZE, El Cajon, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago there was a princess named saphira who was soon to take the throne and become the queen of kilishka. She was so pleased and was training and preparing for her queen duties. Nothing was standing in her way except her cousin’s husband’s brother, oh how he wanted that crown so badly. His name was Junius he had a fairly long face and was a tall, fat man who reeked of camel dung. Every time Saphira was do something Junius would try and do something to sabotage her but luckily none of his plans were successful. Months had passed before he gave up, it was the night before he crowning when the crown had gone missing! Everyone was terribly frightened and didn't know what to do, they all knew that it was Junius who had stolen it. So the king gathered all his noble men and sent them out on a hunt for the crown and Junius. The men had been out for 3 days and still no sign of either of them, finally on the fourth day they picked up a track of Junius but they were about two days behind him. All the men fell behind except for the kings noblest, Kiko, he was on a mission and would never give up on his king. So now just Kiko was on his own but sure enough he caught up to Junius who had been hiding out in an old pyramid that never got finished. Junius took Kiko on a great hunt though the whole pyramid, it was a maze and a very difficult one for that case, but after running around in circles Kiko finally found the crown. He captured Junius and set off back home. All the people back at home began to worry and think that they were never going to find Junius and that the crown was gone forever. Nights and days had past and still no sign of them, then one morning as the sun was beginning to rise the princess was out on her balcony weeping when she saw something in the distance. She couldn't seem to figure out what I was but once they got closer she realized it was Kiko and Junius. She was so excited she jumped with joy then ran to wake her parents along with everyone else, everyone was ecstatic and by the time Kiko got to the village everyone was standing around cheering him on. So later that day the crown was returned to its rightful owner and they were able to crown the princess queen. Saphira was so grateful for what Kiko did for her that she declared him saltine and he forever had the kingdoms protection and many riches, as for Junius his hands were chopped off for stealing, was beat several times and was banished from the village and may never come back.

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