Lesson Learned | Teen Ink

Lesson Learned

January 13, 2014
By Maria1996 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Maria1996 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am addicted to my phone. I would rather be home than having fun skating or spending time with my friends. My mom has always told me that there are more things out there in the world than to be locked all day in my room. My parents have always told me that is really bad to be in my phone all day, but I never listened. They always tell me to get out of my room for 5 minutes at least to get air or something but I also don’t listen. Like why should I go out there I know that all they do is going to start screaming at me. But I deserve to be screamed at or else I will never learn. My parents are the ones that I have to listen to; they want the best for me.

I don’t want them to think that giving me a phone was a bad idea, because I am always on it. They have always told me that we have never have family time because either I don’t want to do anything or always on my phone. Even when my sister comes visit us every once in a while we don’t even get together as a family and it’s sad because she is not here very often. She always have told me that all she wanted to do is hanged out with me without using my hone once when I am with her, but I have always tried to do it and leave phone for a while at home but I just can’t , I will never make my sister happy because of my phone. I will never make my parents proud because there’s not one day where I don’t use my phone at all, and it is not normal.

Later I started to go blind. I was worried and scared because I am young. As a young person all I have to do is celebrate because when i start getting older I start having fun because then I will start having babies or get married. I didn’t want to tell my parents because I knew they would take my phone away because they have told me that my phone was bad for my eyes. So I decided to wait and see how I wake up the next day, I decided to wait because I thought maybe my eyes were really tired. But I also never in my life I would wake up like this because I just woke up from a nap how can I get tired really fast. I walked to the kitchen and I couldn’t see, I got hurt so many times because I didn’t know where I was going. I was making a lot of noise but my parents knew that it was me and they wouldn’t get up to check because they are tired and they want some rest since they only have two days off. But good thing I woke up early so my parents didn’t catch me blind because they always wake up late since It was the weekend and they don’t work on weekends.

I woke up the next day, and I opened my eyes but I couldn’t see anything. Now I got the point where I had to tell my parents. I was so scared that I was going to get my butt whopped. I was also scared that I was going to trip somewhere because I had to go find my parents. My siblings were gone at the time I woke up or else they would call my parents over my room. Knowing that I can’t see was very hard to accept because there were so many things out there in life that I could have been doing. Like for example, I can’t go out have fun now with friends because I can’t see anymore. Also I will not be the same person I was before. My parents knew that a phone for me wasn’t a good idea but they felt bad because I am 17 years old and that I don’t socialize with friends was weird. But I have a curfew for my phone I have to leave it at the kitchen charging by 10pm or else I wouldn’t sleep all night.

I told my parents and the first thing they told me was “give me your phone.” Good thing they didn’t give me a butt whopping but they screamed at me. I was sad and frustrated; I couldn’t believe that I didn’t listen to my parents in the first place. I started living the life blind at age 17, I was pretty young. Now I don’t know what I would do without my phone because I was so addicted to it. I feel like something is missing. That’s what I get for not listening at my parents at the first place and now I’m stuck with no phone. But I also can get out of my room and at least sit in the living room and be with my parents.

I have to deal with my parents now that my mom doesn’t work anymore. I think I ruined my parent’s life which is sad. I don’t get stuff like before because now that my mom doesn’t work anymore we barely can pay the bills. It’s time for my sister to start working because my mom can’t pay for her college stuff because she doesn’t work anymore. I think I ruined my sister’s life also, now she has to struggle. I couldn’t work because I couldn’t see. I couldn’t study on my own because I couldn’t see. Theirs was so much stuff out to do that you need your eyes for.

I have learned a lesson. Now I want to go back to my parents and tell them that I should have listened, but it’s too late now. It’s late because I am blind and there’s nothing that my parents can do about it and that’s what I get for not listening. I should of because if I am mature enough I should know what I am doing. I set my parents an example of what to not do. Hope they will trust me once again.

5 years later I still had no phone; my mom quit her job to take care of me. I got really tired I just wanted to see once again. So I went to the doctor and they told me that this lady wanted to give me her eyes. I had no words to say how thankful I am. I started crying of tears of joy, I was a happy girl even thought I don’t like surgeries, but the pain was worth it. So the next day I had the surgery I was happy but not scared. The good thing is that I can finally see again and that I will never ignore my parents once again because everything they have said to me it for the good. Now both my parents work once again, they don’t have to worry about me anymore and after my sister is done struggling. She can now get help from my mom. I hope people see me as a normal person now.

The author's comments:
Something about my piece is that i got my phone taken away because i got blind.

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