Guardian | Teen Ink


December 16, 2013
By Sean Mooney BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Sean Mooney BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a time in the world where people were friendly and shared information for the benefit of society. Almost everyone had jobs and the world was a prosperous place. Now a days everything is patented and people will do anything to make a quick buck many are jobless and it was nearly impossible to get a job. It was happening on land and under water. This is a tale about two guys trying to make a living. One was a worm who dreamed about becoming an inventor then maybe down the line a politician. The other was a shark who was about to get fired. He like the worm dreamed big and wanted to work for the government of the ocean. They had no idea about each other but soon they would and it would change history.

“But Larry, I need this Job!” Joseph the shark begged. “I’m sorry Joseph but no one wants to eat sushi, I mean after all most of us are fish.” Replied Larry the sea turtle. “Matt Damon the Sea bass has bought out are company and will be using it for garbage disposal.” “But that guy has a monopoly on everything why doesn’t anybody stop him?” questioned Joseph. “You know he works for the government he is untouchable now get out!” So Joseph left the store and started walking around he figured he would go to town square and see the capitol building as he walked back to the stinky soaked cardboard box that was his home. Little did he know that as he passed by the capital, inside the senate was getting very angry about the future of their home. “The problem is that a sea bass does not scare anybody at all. The fact is Matt you just aren’t cutting it our enemies in the Atlantic have giant squids and huge lobsters deep in their trenches and what do we have to save us a bunch of sea bass. I’m afraid that if you don’t come up with some idea we're going to have to replace you.” Said the president of the Pacific Ocean. “But that’s not fair, I’ve been here forever and this is how you treat me. I want to be in charge I want to rule the ocean but you keep stopping me!” whined Matt Damon. “No buts now go spy on someone I don’t care just please get out, man you’re so annoying.” And with that Matt Damon the Sea Bass ran away crying through the rain. But he would have no clue what he was about to stumble upon.

“Who’s there!” yelled William Dody; Worm Inventor. “Oh I’m sorry I was just passing by when I happened to notice some of your inventions.” Replied Joseph. “Yah well one of my inventions is gone someone just robbed me. They took one of my worst inventions ever I mean this one was dumb it was called the Gertrude project. Basically it was a duck that did nothing at all once assembled. This thing was a piece of crap. So whoever has it must be really dumb.” “But hey would you like to try my latest innovation?” William asked. “I guess what is it?” questioned Joseph. “It is a laser that mounts on your head. You would be the world’s top predator with this thing on! You’d be unstoppable.” Exclaimed William. “Alright let’s try it!” And with that Joseph sealed his fate forever.

“Holy cow this is a piece of crap!” Laughed the president. “No it’s not this is a great invention it has so many uses it can’t pick one.” Whined Matt Damon about the Gertrude project. “All it is, is a duck that just sits there. Matt why don’t show me something good right now or your fired.” Stated the president. “Fine follow me then.” Matt Damon cried as he walked away. “Oh great he’s crying again.” A senator sighed.

Matt Damon brought the senate to a warehouse in the middle of the industrial district. He entered his passcode which opened the panel to the door handle and lock. He turned the key and opened the door. In the middle of the large room there was a large mound covered by a tarp. Matt mounted a crane and removed the tarp. The eyes of the senate grew big, but then shrank. “Um Matt, what is this?” one of senators asked. “This is my new army of robot sea bass. They are designed to replace the army and the police. Is this good enough president!” Matt stated. “I guess it will do… for now.

It was all lining up for Joseph he had the determination, the technology, and a friend to back him. All he needed now was to prove himself to the senate. After he got the laser implanted he trained and trained until he was ready to go to the senate. Matt Damon the sea bass had destroyed Williams career and had blown up the alleyway where Joseph had lived. Joseph had recruited hundreds of sharks and had given each a laser mounted to their heads. Meanwhile Matt Damon’s patrols of sea bass searched and searched for him but none of them did find him. Joseph enjoyed the silence before he entered the state room but it did not last that long. He thrashed through the wall Were Matt Damon was torturing the audience with his whining, aimed his laser, and fired. He hit Matts fin and he tried to crawl to cover. All across town though, laser beams lit up the streets as sharks fired at unsuspecting bass. One by one they all fell and as the news caught this Matt Damon went into shock. How easily his empire had crumbled and it was instantaneous to. Instead of facing Joseph like a man he swam and hid just as Joseph fired the killing blow to Matt Damon the sea bass, the Senate roared in applause as the sea bass finally got what he deserved. “What’s your name kid?” the president asked. “Joseph sir. Joseph the shark.” He replied. “Well Joseph as your first act as a government official what are you and your sharks gonna do about these dead sea bass?” “I think I have just the idea.” Said Joseph.

The Pacific Ocean was a new place patrolled by sharks with lasers on their heads. No other ocean could compete with it. Joseph gave Larry the Sea turtle the dead bass and Larry made them into those fish you mount on your wall that sing songs. Land and ocean had finally come out of the rut they had dug and hope filled the air again.

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This article has 1 comment.

Damian said...
on Jan. 4 2014 at 11:02 pm
Interesting story.......... I've always wondered where laser sharks come from, and this story explains it perfectly. I've also wondered where the singing fish in your basement came from, now I know. This is a very educational story! Funny story, reminds me of peanut butter and jellyfish (a song, google it). *ninja vanish*