The Lost Chronicles Chapter 1: Loss (Lena's P.O.V) | Teen Ink

The Lost Chronicles Chapter 1: Loss (Lena's P.O.V)

November 11, 2013
By Duskboom BRONZE, Iberia, Missouri
Duskboom BRONZE, Iberia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I reject your reality and substitute my own! :)
-Adam Savage from 'Mythbusters'

"Help me-oh my god, HELP ME!" Who's that screaming Lena thought, stumbling through an abandoned alleyway. "Help me, please!!" Recoiling in horror, the young girl realized who was screaming-She was. Gripping her throat in terror, she broke through the shadows and into a street cloaked in ash and smoke. "H-hello? Is anyone-OOMF!" What was that?! Wriggling on her stomach, Lena turned to see what she tripped over-and screamed. A body, stripped bare and covered in blood, was staring lifelessly into her eyes. She forced herself to look away, to keep moving foreward. "Help me...Please, please help me..." She whimpered. The tight feeling in her gut told her something ws wrong. Where was everyone? Who was that she tripped over? Lke waterfall, the questiones tumbled one after into her head.Hearing a sudden 'crack!', she whipped her head in the direction of the sound. "Hello? Is..Is anyone there?"The noises stopped abruptly. This is bad, Lena thought. This is very bad. Breaking into a run, she barreled down the once bustling street. "Hey-Stop! I can help you!!" A boy? She kept running, pumping her skinny legs as fast as they would allow. Her heart puonding in her ears, she eventually slowed to a jog, than a walk and finally stopped. Was he still coming?Listening intently, she gasped for air and heard...nothing. Nothing but sweet, still silence. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm down. "Okay...Oka-WHOA!!!" She'd stepped foreward and her foot hit air. Tumbling head over heels, she fell down a previously hidden flight of stairs, and eventually stopped rolling. The last thing she saw was a figure clamber down the stairs above her. Than everything went black.

(Okay, this is my first story, so please tel me what you think! More on the way!! :D)

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