With Eyes with Rubies | Teen Ink

With Eyes with Rubies

May 31, 2013
By tipsyGnostalgic BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
tipsyGnostalgic BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Swiggity swag, what's in the bag?

I stared at the pass through glassy eyes. My shoulder slumped, my smile wilted, and my hands were shaking, causing the paper to slightly rattle. I sniffled as my feet took me to the Dean’s office in slow, steady steps until it became a shuffle. I averted my gaze from every passing person, my eyes glued to the ground in shame. My shadow cloaked the door, I knocked. He opened the door, letting me through. Sitting down, I zip my mouth shut and clasp my hands together tightly into my lap. My lips become a thin line as I look at him.
“Take your sunglasses off,” he ordered.
“Sir, I can’t. My eyes—“I protested.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Take them off. You’ll be fine for ten minutes.”
I slid them off reluctantly to reveal red eyes.
“Now, I can see how you’re feeling.”
My eyes burned in the bright light. Why didn’t I wear my contacts today?
“So,” he begins. “I tried to call your mother today.”
“Because I had a question about your attendance.”
I worry my lip but show no other outward emotion.
“She was mumbling to herself quite a lot, and what little I could make out, she said you were gone. She kept repeating it over and over again. What does that mean?”
“I was at the grocery store,” I lied, the words escaping my lips before I could hold them in.
Lying was easy for me at this point. He surveys me until he eventually clears his throat and nods.
My heart nearly collapses in relief. It stutters in my chest before beating carefully again.
“I’m alive! I’m breathing!” I hum under my breath as I leave.
I narrowly escape being caught. I hope I can hide it next time. I slip on my sunglasses, which veiled my flaming eyes, and leave.

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