The Forest | Teen Ink

The Forest

May 29, 2013
By Angela Sendik BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
Angela Sendik BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don't cross the street. You will never come back. It is haunted over there, they will eat you alive, the ghosts, they are terrible. And thats how it all started, how Serena died. I remember that day so vividly. I Jenny Elizabeth Miller have always told my younger sister to never cross the street and go into the woods. The second you step in the woods you will die.

Now you're probably wondering how we get out of our house without crossing the street. We always go out the back door. Our front door is blocked off with big, heavy blocks of wood. Now let me tell you about my little Serena. She was twelve years old when she died, twelve years old when she snuck out the side door and went into the wood looking for our missing dog, which we all knew was dead but Serena didn't want to believe it. We all tried to talk her out of it but there was no point we all knew she was going to go look for little coco, and die. It was a snowy saturday night. I was watching T.V, my mom and dad were out to dinner, and Serena was what I thought going to bed, but she was secretly getting ready to leave.

It was about 9.30 when I heard the side door open and close very quickly. I ran to the door and I saw Serena running toward the woods. I screamed at the top of my lungs “ Serena Miller you are going to die out there, get back here now” She went anyways, I started sobbing and called my parents. They rushed home. We all went outside as far as the woods and yelled “Serena, Serena”. No response. We were all so upset, worried, and overwhelmed. We went back inside and worried until early morning, we all of us stayed together. The next morning still no sign of Serena. We all knew the ghosts had eaten her, and she was gone, for good. Ever since then I made a huge sign saying DEADLY FOREST DO NOT ENTER, and hopefully no one will ever enter that deadly forest again.

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