The forgotten worlds | Teen Ink

The forgotten worlds

May 13, 2013
By starwors1 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
starwors1 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was the smell of the grass, and there was the rumbling of the river. I began to open my eyes, light filled them and my body shot up. I quickly looked around. A quick spin and I was dizzy, soon my head was swimming not only with questions but with pain. I felt like I had just fallen off of a building and then smacked my head right on the cement. I sat there as still as I could be until the pain subsided.

Where am I?
That was the million dollar question. Looking at my surroundings I seemed to have been in a forest. The question still remained, yet another question filled my head: How did I get here? There was a rustling in a bush. I quickly got to my feet and began to walk away from the bush. Not knowing where I am inside of a forest as it was getting night time with a bush rustling. All of those things combined and I knew that going straight for that bush was bad news. So now what was I supposed to do? I don’t even know where I am. By this time it was dusk and the sun was going down. I had to get to water or make a fire or a combination of both of them simultaneously. Right like I can do all of that at the same time, I am not superman.
“Hello!” as I yelled this out me could hear something off in the distant. What was it I began to travel in the direction of the faint noise? After what felt like a month of walking I came to a river.
Must have been the river I was hearing when I woke up. I looked into the river, crystal clear; I could see the bottom filled with rocks. All of a sudden there was a deep low growl. I froze, slowly I lifted my head. What I thought was a wolf at first turned out to be something that I have never seen in my life. This creature was like a wolf but bigger, it had six legs and looked just like a wolf with one major difference: the claws. The claws were razor sharp enough to slice me up into a ham sandwich with just one swipe.
Once I saw the claws I didn’t stick around to see if the thing was friendly. I ran like a mad man dashing around trees and underneath broken down logs that covered the path. Slowing down I listened to my surroundings. There was a steady pattern of feet hitting the ground. Blood drained from my face and I turned pale. The creatures were tracking me. The adrenaline pumped through my veins. I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of the sounds of beating feet. The sound grew greater. I wouldn’t be able to get away from these creatures. Finally I came across a gigantic boulder. There was no time to keep going I had to get up this boulder. I began to scale the boulder when I saw the nasty beasts, I climbed faster. Snarling began and I finally made it to the top. I sat down for a moment to catch my breath. Then my greatest fear grew, I looked into the sky. What I saw was the most shocking thing; there were multiple planets in the sky, clearly visible. The hair on my arm stood up. Then I saw it a gigantic planet that was twenty times greater than all of the planets.
“Where the heck am I?” I yelled this out.
“Would you like to know where you are?” an anonymous voice said.
I quickly turned around trying to locate the voice. Then I saw the being staring at me with two red eyes that glowed in the dark.
“If you would like to know where you are follow me.” The man sternly told me.
He began to leave and I looked back and heard the cries of the mutated wolves. Then I turned and followed in the direction of the man

The author's comments:
With all of the books that i'm reading and all of the fantasy that has happened with the books is what inspired me to write this piece. I hope people will see that there is a world of imagination that can be opened.

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