Creatures of the Night | Teen Ink

Creatures of the Night

May 4, 2013
By anthony par BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
anthony par BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the middle of the night in the beginning of October. The leaves had just begun falling from the trees, so you could hear someone walking from a mile away. That night, I was in my room sleeping. It was unseasonably warm for that time of year, and I figured it would be one of the last nights I would be able to sleep with the windows open. I decided to take advantage of the weather and opened them as wide as they would go. I didn't realize it then, but my plan for a calm night were not going to go as I had hoped.

As I was sleeping, I began dreaming that I was being chased. I didn't know who or what was chasing me, and all I knew was that I was scared. This went on for a while until I hid under a pile of leaves. I heard whatever was following me crunch and crackle the leaves as they moved closer and closer towards me. I was trembling terribly, scared out of my mind. All of the sudden, all of the leaves blew off me. At that moment, I woke with a start. I was breathing heavy and fast and my heart was pounding at a rapid pace. I tried to tell myself it was just a dream, but I just couldn't seem to shake the awful feeling that I had during my dream. In the back of my head, I was still hearing the crunch of leaves I heard in my dream. It kept getting louder and louder in my head until I came to a sudden realization. The sound wasn't coming from inside my head. It was outside my window.

I jumped up out of bed, not knowing what to do. I thought it could have just been an animal, but after my dream, I wasn't so sure. I didn't want to go look outside; I was much too scared. In the end though, I built up the courage to go look outside. I took a deep breath and pulled my window’s shade to the side. At first, I couldn't see anything, but as my eyes adjusted, I started to make out a massive figure. Right before I could make out it was, it moved around the corner of my house. All I could make out was a long tail slithering around the corner.

Right as the tail disappeared, I heard a small popping noise. I didn't think anything of it and ran to my other window so I could see the side of the house the creature disappeared to. But when I looked out the window, there was nothing there. I didn't see anything and the leaves had stopped rustling. Hoping that the creature had disappeared, I laid back down in my bed. I slowed my breath back down to normal and started to try to go back to sleep. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a rustling noise. This time, It wasn't coming from outside though. It was coming from downstairs.

Startled out of sleep again, I got out of bed. Right away I thought of calling the police, but then I remembered that unfortunately, I left my phone downstairs, where the creature was. Now that that option was out, I started looking for some type of weapon in my room. I looked around and all I could find was my old baseball bat. Not knowing how well this would protect me, I opened up my bedroom door and slowly made my way down the stairs. I got down to my living room, and heard something rustling around in my kitchen. I heard cans falling, so I figured it must be in my pantry. I pranced into my kitchen with a yell and flicked on the light. When the lights turned on, the creature scurried away faster than anything I have ever seen. Before I realized what was happening, a bag was slipped over my head and I was knocked out.

I woke up delirious. I didn't know how long it had been and didn't know where I was. I was sitting on a chair in a dimly lit room with a door right across from me. I was tied by my hands and feet to the chair. I tried to get out, but I realized my attempts were futile. Not long after I woke up, the knob on the door started turning. My heart beating fast, I waited for whatever was on the other side of the door to come through. The door opened, and the most hideous creature I have ever seen slithered in.

The creature was almost eight feet tall. The best way I could describe its body was snakelike. But it wasn't technically a snake. It had the snake tail and the snake head, but instead of just being a tube-like body, it had two long arms protruding from its chest. If that wasn't bad enough, the arms were at least three feet long with tiny little mouths on the end. When it walked in, I started to scream from the sight. It made an inaudible yell and pointed one of its arms at me. From its tiny mouth, it shot out a viscous substance that shut my mouth like duct tape. The best way to describe it was like syrup. As the creature stood there, luck seemed to turn in my favor.

All of a sudden, one of the legs on my chair broke. The creature started to make a loud retching noise, which I assumed to be a laugh. What he didn't realize though was that I had a sharp piece of the wooden chair in my hand. The creature started pacing in front of me, and while I was down, I cut the binds on my hands. He then turned back to the door, probably going to get me something new to sit on. When he turned around, I cut the binding on my feet and jumped after the creature. I jumped on to its back with the sharp piece of wood still in my hand. I tackled him into the next room, which turned out to be a long passage way, and ended up slicing off one of his long arms.

The creature gave an enraged roar and I quickly grabbed its arm. I picked it up and pointed the arm at the creature. I squeezed the arm and shot the syrup like substance at the creature. I caught one of its feet, and it stuck to the ground. The creature couldn't pull free so I continued on to shoot its next leg. Now with the creature stuck, I threw down the arm and ran down the passage way, looking for a way out.

I seemed to be running forever, and there was absolutely no change in scenery in the passage. It was just a straight and plain hallway. Eventually though, I came upon a hole in the ground. I slowly walked towards the whole and peered over the edge. To my surprise, it seemed to be some sort of chute. With no other way to go, I held my breath and jumped down the chute.

Right when I jumped in, the chute began to curve. It started to turn into more of a slide. I slid down the chute for a good five minutes until eventually, I saw a light at the end of the slide. With no other options, I prepared myself for whatever was on the other side of the light.

As soon as I hit the light, I jolted out of bed, panting. What had happened? I was just in that chute, how did I get in my bed? That’s when I realized. It must have all been some terrible nightmare. Extremely relieved, I got out of bed to go get a glass of water. I climbed down the stairs, trying to steady my breath. I got the kitchen and poured myself an ice cold glass of water. I drank the water quickly, put the glass in the sink, and headed back upstairs. Thinking everything was normal, I got back into my bed and dozed off back to sleep. But, there was something downstairs that I didn't notice when I got my glass of water.

A few cans of soup that had mysteriously fallen out of my pantry onto the kitchen floor.

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