A Strange Land | Teen Ink

A Strange Land

April 16, 2013
By Megan Schlenner BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
Megan Schlenner BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May 20th, 2012: I’m in social studies class, and I don’t know what is going through my head. I just know that it is going to be so fun. I look through the window of the classroom and see the gazing sun, with its hot rays scorching the earth. After a few short moments of looking through the shimmering window glass, I’m no longer in social studies.

When I open up my eyes, I’m in a street - a very narrow street; and it is very dark. I look around, trying to figure out what this strange place is. I look down the road, to the left and the right of me. There is nothing - plain old nothing - nothing, but me and the long narrow road.

Suddenly, I hear something, like the breathing of an old man who is trying to get up the stairs. Then I hear a loud thud, like a cinder block hitting a wooden floor. My heart starts pounding rapidly, and my palms begin to sweat. I look up, and I can see a small light. It is so small, maybe a dot of about half a centimeter. It grabs me and whisks me to a new wonderful place.

The new place is beautiful, with glittering flowers and shining rocks. I’m in a field, with a little tiny house in the middle. I’m far from the house, but close enough that I can see it. There is a deer grazing off in the distance. I’m still rather frightened as to where I am, but I have a warm fuzzy feeling in my belly, telling me that everything is okay.

I run towards the house, but I soon realize that I don’t have to run; I’m floating. As I approach the house, I land on the ground again. “Welp, that was weird,” I think to myself.

I’m now about two feet away from the small house. It’s a very small house actually, but ever so beautiful. The house is filled with every color of the rainbow: reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, and purples. I just want to see who lives there.

I am now knocking on the little red door, and a little old man comes out of the house. He is about 4’2 and at least 125 pounds, a very plump old man.

“Welcome Megan, to the wonderful land of Shoobaloo!” he says.

I look at him with great wonder before responding. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are you? How did I get here? And where exactly am I? I replied to the little old man.

“Well, Megan, I am Herbet Wortenshire. I am here to guide you through the ‘world of you’.”

I enter the house, following the old mans little footsteps. Inside the house it is huge. Each room is beautiful. The stairs are so sparkly, with every step I take, I feel more and more like a princess in this enchanting place. I look around the house, and keep on wondering.

I find a room, with a bunch of pink things, I love pink. The room has a huge bed with fluffy pink pillows. I throw myself onto the bed and sink into the sheets, as if it is going to eat me. The bed is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever felt, so warm and cozy. I can smell an amazing smell, like lilacs on a summer day. I rise from the comfortable bed, and something catches my eye. A small pink glowing sparkle just flowing through the air. I then heard a small giggle like someone is whispering in my ear. Plop something fell on the bed. I look at it with great amusement. It’s a fairy.

“Oh you startled me.” I whisper to the little fairy on the bed.

“I’m sorry ma’am I did not mean to. May I ask you what in the world you are?” replied the fairy, with a confused look on her face.

“Well I’m a human, you see I was in history class and all of a sudden I ended up here, wherever here may be.” I said.

“Do you want to go back to history class?” asked the little fairy, who is now kart wheeling across the bed.

“Well, I probably should, but I like it here a lot.” I said.

Within that the fairy, is pulling me down the stairs and outside to the fields. The fairy is beautiful with her wings fluttering in the summer sun. She is showing me a beautiful flower, and I see the deer is still eating away in the field. I love it here, but I must go back to history class.

“Excuse me, but I have to go back now.” I said to the fairy.

“Okay, maybe we’ll see you again soon Megan.” coming from a bunch of voices in my head.

Poof, I’m back in history once again...

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